View Full Version : RAW House Results - 29th Oct 2006 (Rockford, Illinois)

10-30-2006, 12:19 PM
RAW House Results - 29th Oct 2006
Location: Rockford, Illinois

Alex sent in the following report @ Wrestleview:

Just got back from the Raw House Show in Rockford, thought I'd hit you guys up with the results.

First off, Howard Finkel was doing the ring announcing. I cant tell you how excited I was to see the Fink...how sad is that?

Cryme Tyme def. Cade & Murdoch in the opening bout. Cryme Tyme looked a little green in the ring, so I'm hoping they get some time to develop as a team before they get an uber push. Trevor Murdoch is truly a sight to behold.

Val Venis def. The Big Deal - Good sized chant of "Who are you" for the Big Deal's entrance. There was also a good "Deal or no deal" shout, followed by a rousing "No Deal" from most of the crowd.

Carlito def. Shelton Benjamin - Good back and forth, Carlito's arm was heavily wrapped. Carlito wins with the back cracker, followed by an apple spot post match.

Super Crazy def. Chris Masters - Mixed reaction for Masters, equal pop up until the point where he cut a promo citing that Crazy should both be "gardening at Master's house on Tuesdays" and "may not even be a legal citizen." Masters dominates for most of the match, but Crazy seals it with a quick rollup.

Highlanders def. Spirit Squad (Nicky and Mikey for anyone that can actually tell) in a non title match - I will preface this report with the fact that myself and my 5 accomplaces were dressed as the Spirit Squad, and popped for them as one would expect. They seemed a little confused as to why they were being popped for until they noticed our obnoxious presence. Ahh, its good to be a fan. Highlanders come out looking like a very solid team, much more impressive than Cryme Tyme earlier in the afternoon. After the match, Kenny throws a fit and ends up attacking Nicky, Mikey, or someone and storms out. Seems like there isn't much time left before Kenny heads out for a singles career, headband and all...

Jeff Hardy def. Nitro to retain the IC title - I'm not sure if it was just me not paying attention, but at some point everyone between the ages of 8 and 14 has absolutely gone insane for Jeff Hardy. Nitro has some of the most remarkable abs in the business. Jeff retains with a swanton bomb for the win.

Mickie James def. Victoria - Both women come out in costume for Halloween, Vicky as a black widow spider, Mickie as...some sort of a furry animal. Some good back and forth, Mickie is very much coming into her own as a strong presence.

Triple H def. Randy Orton- Serious lack of both Michaels and Edge at the event. Trips took some time getting the crowd pumped before the match. Say what you will about the man, he's quite the showman. A few early pedigree attempts with Orton escaping ot jaw jack with a fan at ringside. This of course, prompted H to grab the mic and inform Randy that "it doesn't matter how many times you ask that man to make out with you, no means no!" This of course, lead to a fairly loud "No means No" started by the psuedo-spirit squad and spreading to the rest of the arena. Great match, strong back and forth action, lots of finisher teasers near the end, but Trips takes the win after connecting with the pedigree.

John Cena def. Umaga via DQ to retain the WWE title - I can't believe they're going to try to run a program with Cena and Umaga. Please god tell me this was a one time shot...Mixed reaction to Cena...the "everyone over 12 thinks you suck" mentality surely applied, though I'm forced to wonder how much of the crowd was under 12. I think there were more people depressed because they were forced to chant for Umaga by default. Umaga runs the show for most of the match, typical domination, a couple of nice spots, but overall, fairly weak. Nitro runs in at the end to cause the DQ Trips comes out to make the save for Cena after the bell. Cena poses and celebrates with the fans to end the show.

Overall, the Trips - Orton match overshadowed the eventual main event, but the pops for the afternoon very much go to Trips, Hardy, and tragically Cena.