View Full Version : ECW Results - 31st Oct 2006

11-01-2006, 11:46 PM

ECW Results - 31st Oct 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Joey Styles & Tazz

Quick Results:
- Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Sabu def. Kevin Thorn
- Daivari def. Shannon Moore
- Halloween Costume Contest: Trinity def. Kelly Kelly and Ariel
- The Big Show and Test def. Rob Van Dam and Hardcore Holly

ECW Opener:
We begin this week’s show with highlights from last week’s Rob Van Dam/Big Show ladder match for Van Dam’s chance to get a title match against Big Show. Paul Heyman is in the interview area and he says that it is true. Much to his chagrin, Rob Van Dam won the right to choose the date and place when he faces Big Show for the ECW Title. Van Dam selected the December To Dismember pay per view. Heyman said that the contract did not include the stipulations for the match. That is up to him, and Rob Van Dam and Big Show will be two of the six men in the Extreme Elimination Chamber match.

Extreme Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match
Kevin Thorn vs. Sabu
Referee: Mike Posey

The start:
Sabu dives at Thorn’s legs, but Thorn anticipates it and he has Sabu in a front face lock. Thorn with a shoulder tackle but he misses a diving head butt. Sabu with a leg drop and elbow drop as Thorn goes to the apron. Sabu with a drop kick that sends Thorn head first onto the apron.

Mid-match notes:
Sabu with a slingshot somersault pescado onto Thorn. Sabu rolls Thorn into the ring and he hits a slingshot splash onto Thorn for a two count. Thorn with an Irish whip, but Thorn misses a charge. Sabu tries for a springboard move but Thorn catches him and hits a sit out power spinebuster. Thorn sends Sabu shoulder first into the ring post. Thorn with a series of near falls and then he applies an arm bar and then he goes to a key lock. Thorn tries to slam Sabu, but Sabu gets out of the hold. Thorn with a kick to Sabu, but Sabu hits a springboard leg lariat followed by a springboard clothesline and springboard back elbow for a two count.

The Finish:
Sabu goes up to the second turnbuckle but Thorn hits a clothesline as Sabu comes off the turnbuckle. Sabu hits a springboard tornado DDT after Thorn misses a charge into the corner. Sabu goes to the apron and he hits a slingshot leg drop and then he puts Thorn in the camel clutch and Thorn taps.

Winner: Sabu

Rebecca DiPietro is in the interview area with one of the options for Umaga’s opponent for Cyber Sunday, the Sandman. Sandman says that it looks like the WWE fans have put their vote in and they want to see a fight and they want to see blood. A clown comes into the interview area and leaves. Sandman says that he will be back in a minute as he goes after the clown and canes him. Sandman gets a good laugh and he says that he hates clowns, even if it is Halloween. We go to commercial.

In the arena:
We are back and Joey Styles talks about the Champion of Champions match at
<B><U><CENTER>Referee: Scott Armstrong</U><BR>

Daivari vs. Shannon Moore

The start:
Moore and Khali stand face to chest, but Daivari with a forearm and punch to Moore. Daivari throws Moore down by his mohawk and then he sends Moore into the ring post. Daivari works on Moore’s shoulder and then he gets a two count. Daivari with a wrist lock and then he kicks Moore in the arm.

The Finish:
Moore and Daivari exchange punches but Daivari with the advantage. Moore with a spinning heel kick and then he punches Daivari. Moore with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot from Daivari. Daivari continues to work on Moore’s arm and then he hits a DDT while Moore is in a hammer lock for the three count.

Winner: Daivari

The Aftermath:
After the match, Khali comes in and he picks Moore up and he puts Moore in a vertical choke and then he drops Moore to the mat.

Rebecca DiPietro is in the interview area with Rob Van Dam and she asks Rob about his reaction to the Extreme Elimination Chamber match. Rob says that Paul pulled another trick on him because he earned a shot at the title, but Paul put an obstacle in front of him. Rob says that he has no idea what an Extreme Elimination Chamber match is, but he thinks the he will be good at it. He will walk into the match a challenger, but he will walk out a champion. Bob Holly enters the interview area and Holly talks about the twenty-four stitches and the twelve inch scar on his back because of Van Dam’s extreme style. Tonight, he is the partner and now Holly has Van Dam’s back. We go to commercial.

Halloween Costume Contest
Trinity vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Ariel

It is time for the ECW Diva Halloween Costume Contest. Out first is Kelly. The next participant is Trinity. The final participant is Ariel. All three women are in black robes to hide their costumes. Ring announcer Justin Roberts says that the winner will be based on the fan’s applause. Trinity is the first to reveal her costume and she is wearing yellow caution tape across her breasts. Ariel is the next one to reveal her costume and Ariel is wearing her usual ring attire. Justin asks Ariel why she is not dressed any different than she normally is. Ariel says that it is not a costume; she dresses like this every day. Kelly is the final person to show her costume and Kelly is dressed like CM Punk with the matching tattoos. The winner is Trinity.

Winner: Trinity

The Aftermath:
Mike Knox comes out and he wants to know why Kelly is dressed the way that she is. CM Punk comes out, but Knox with a kick to Punk. Punk goes to the apron and he hits a springboard clothesline. Punk punches Knox and then he connects with knees and Knox is sent over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

Mike Knox is in the back and he wants to know if the fans are enjoying what just happened and everything that is going on with him and CM Punk over the last few weeks. He tells CM Punk that he cannot hide from this fight. He challenges CM Punk to a match for next week.

Rob Van Dam and Hardcore Holly vs. The Big Show and Test

The start:
Holly and Test start things off, but the fans want Van Dam so Holly tags him in. Test punches Van Dam and kicks him in the corner. Test with a back elbow in the corner and Van Dam goes down. Test with an Irish whip but Test charges into an elbow. Van Dam tries for a springboard cross body from the second turnbuckle, but Test catches Van Dam. Test tries for snake eyes, but Van Dam gets out of the hold and Van Dam hits a super kick.

Mid-match notes:
Van Dam and Show have some words and Test tries to take advantage of the distraction, but Van Dam hits a spin kick. Holly tags in and he punches and chops Test. Test with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow from Holly and Holly follows that with a clothesline for a near fall. Holly with a suplex and the he chokes Test in the ropes. Van Dam tags in and he kicks and punches Test followed by a drop kick. Van Dam with a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Van Dam with a knee to Test followed by punches and kicks. Test slams Van Dam’s head into the turnbuckle and then he sends Van Dam into Show’s boot. Test charges at Van Dam but Van Dam low bridges and Test goes to the apron. Van Dam with a series of kicks but Test holds on, but Van Dam with a drop kick that sends Test to the floor. Van Dam charges at Test on the apron, but Test with a forearm and then Test punches Holly. Van Dam hits a running cross body that knocks Test from the apron to the floor and we go to commercial. We are back and Van Dam with a rollup for a two count. Van Dam kicks Test on the corner and follows that with shoulders. Test hits a clothesline and both men are down. Test with back elbows in the corner and then he steps on Van Dam’s head. Test chokes Van Dam with his boot. Test mocks Van Dam before continuing the attack.

Van Dam with the step over heel kick and then he tags in Holly. Show is tagged in and Holly kicks Show in the leg, but Show pushes Holly off and he hits a clothesline. Show continues the attack with a head butt and chop. Show punches Holly in the head and then he chokes Holly in the ropes. Show talks to the referee and Test chokes and punches Holly. Holly with chops to Show and then he comes off the ropes, but Holly is met with a big boot and elbow drop but Show can only get a two count. Show with a head butt to Holly and then he tags Test back in. Test sends Holly into the ring post twice and then he puts Holly in a key lock. Holly punches Test, but Test responds with a back elbow and he tags Show back in. Show with an elbow to Holly’s shoulder. Show slams Holly and then Show goes up to the second turnbuckle but he misses the elbow drop when Holly rolls out of the way. Van Dam is tagged in and he punches Show and then he kicks Show in the leg and hits a drop kick to the knee. Van Dam continues to work on Show’s leg and he takes the big man down. Van Dam knocks Test off the apron before he goes up top and hits a somersault senton on Show followed by rolling thunder. Van Dam covers Show but Test makes the save. All four men are in the ring as Holly punches and kicks Test. Show with snake eyes to Van Dam.

The Finish:
Test clotheslines the referee and Holly hits the Alabama Slam on Test. Show with a big boot to Holly. Van Dam with a springboard side kick to Show. Show pulls Van Dam out of the ring, but Show is sent into the ring post by Van Dam. From out of nowhere, a man in a gorilla costume hits Van Dam in the back with a pipe. Show rolls Van Dam back into the ring and Show with a choke slam for the three count.

Winners: The Big Show and Test

The Aftermath:
After the match, the man in the gorilla suit raises Test and Big Show’s hands. Then the man in the gorilla costume takes off his mask to reveal that it is Paul Heyman. We go to credits.