View Full Version : A Day At The Park.

02-26-2006, 02:57 AM
Jord's Story:

Every sunday my dad plays football for the local team. Unfortunately the Home pitch is near to a graveyard. Anyway we went inside the cafe, my sister and I, and were enjoying some coffee. Now the cafe had a view of the park next to the graveyard. My sister asked me to go to the park with her so I replied ok.

When we got there I went on some swings. Now this is the part when I first got a bit freaked out. The swing that I went on had no graffiti. As you know, most swings have graffiti tags of names and love declarations etc.... So I went to swing and I kept swinging while watching my sister. I swung and saw the top of what I thought was the graveyard keeper. I swung backwards and forwards again. This time the "graveyard keeper" was looking at me. Then all of a sudden I fell of the swing. I managed to get of with only a cracked head.

Then I told my sister what happened and she said that the graveyard had been abandoned when the keeper was killed by a boy who, while on a swing, kicked him backwards onto the metal bars.

Now I never go to football with my dad....

02-26-2006, 01:51 PM
Now thats scary