View Full Version : Pontianak In A Bus.

02-26-2006, 03:13 AM
Trisyia's Story:

This incident happen when I was about 19 of age, that was the very first time I travelled with my cousin Imee & my sis Erin. We were very happy to have this chance to travel together. Imee had her own seat at the very end of the bus and so did Erin. I'm actually not very happy seating infornt of Imee & Erin cause I would prefer to seat behind. Before the journey start the tour guide made us read prayers. After about two hours of journey it's getting bored so we sang songs all the way through even though we get scolding from the elderly. By the time we reach pahang its already 11pm. When the bus stopped we were supposed to eat something but i didn't feel hungry at all so I just bought myself a burger just in case I get hungry later.

I have a very bad habit, in which if I travel at night I would always want to see HANTU. It was like a dream come true for me when Imee said she would like to switch seat with me, I was damn happy. As it was already dark everybody started to fall asleep, me included. But half way through I felt that my stomach is starting to get hungry, so i reach for the burger that I bought earlier and eat it. Half way through I saw lady walking beside my seat, I thought the lady is from the front just walking to check out the bus so I smiled at her,but she just "buat bodoh" when she walked pass me only than I realised I didn't see her coming towards the end of the bus. I only saw her entering the bus, I was a bit confused, she just keep on walking until about three seats then she turned around but I can see through her...

aghhhhhhhhhh. Only then I realised that its not human I'm smiling at a HANTU. I getting afraid by now so I said out loudly "AKU TAK KACAU KAU KAU JGN KACAU AKU" means "I didn't disturd you, you don't disturb me". I recite my prayers finish my food & tried to sleep. After we went back to S'pore I told my cousin about my encounter & you know wat she told me? "Actually, kak I saw the pontianak dangling at the end of the bus before we actually reach pahang." I told my cousins off, "you really gila no wonder you gave your seat to me, you think I'm not afraid is it!?" she laughed at me & said sorry. Anyway it was a nice holiday & to make things complete I really saw a HANTU.

02-26-2006, 01:45 PM
Thats one weirdly odd story Ive ever heard

Mr Mando
02-26-2006, 03:25 PM
Very Strange

02-26-2006, 06:51 PM
whats a hatu

03-13-2006, 05:37 PM
Where (which country) did this story originate from?