View Full Version : Smackdown House Results - 4th Nov 2006 (Flint, Michigan)

11-07-2006, 02:39 AM
Smackdown House Results - 4th Nov 2006
Location: Flint, Michigan

Credit: Wrestleview
Michael Williams sent in the following report:

My wife and I attended the Smackdown LIVE show in Flint last night.

First, a couple comments, then the results.

1. Flint is bad, but not that bad. I wish people would give Flint a chance before they write us off. Times are tough in this area, primarily thanks to the automotive industry. The people here are hard-working, but when their jobs are going to Mexico, what do you do?

2. I noticed that since my last report in April (the Smackdown show out of Saginaw, MI) when I complained that the WWE matches are never as advertised, the WWE stopped posting matches on their live events site. Interesting.

3. A word on the camera phones. They had the "camera phone" police out in force. They were all over anyone who tried to snap a camera photo.

4. Yes, I have my Wrestlemania tickets. I opened my mailbox Friday, and there they were! WHOO HOO! I ordered from the Pre-sale form given out to fans at the Smackdown Taping in Detroit a couple months ago.


Saturday, November 4th Smackdown Live from Flint, Michigan's Perani Arena

The show begins with Tony Chimmel. He asks that we please rise for the Star Spangled Banner. I told my wife that since we NEVER do this, it must be Sylvan.

As the Anthem nears the end, it is interrupted by Sylvan's entrance music. This leads us into:

1. Sylvan vs. Vito

The wrestlers genuinely had fun with this match, as did the crowd. Both were caught with smiles on their faces as Vito went through his dress antics.

WINNER: Vito with his "under the dress" submission hold.

2. Teddy Long came out and promised Flint a show to remember. He chose a boy from the audience to call the tag team title match later in the night.

FATAL 4 WAY: Helms (c), Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Funaki

Helms abstained to begin the match as the other three competitors traded blows. Helms entered the ring only when his title was at risk of being lost by pinfall. The match was entertained, the crowd was into it with lots of spots. Helms gets the win by pinning Wang after many near falls.


4. Mr. Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy

Fans like Mr. Kennedy for all of his mic work. Fortunately, Kennedy also knows how to tick the fans off to stay heel. He taunted the crowd relentlessly, and the outspoken one spit a mouth full of bottled water all over a fan.

Once Matt Hardy came out, he taunted Matt Hardy's entrance moves. Kennedy wins a fairly even, hard-fought match-up by holding onto the ropes as the ref counts to three.

WINNER: MR. KENNEDY by pinfall.

Kendrik and London vs. KC JAMES and IDOL STEVENS

Kendrik and London are fantastic to watch! A fun match with all the spots and high-flying flips, flops, and falls.
No divas though.


6. "Evil" Tatanka vs. Bobby Lashley

Tatanka came out sporting black/white facepaint. He dominated Lashley most of the match with many wear-down holds. Boring holds. Lashley wins with the spear off the ropes.


Intermission: Tony Chimmel announced a random winner of Wrestlemania 23 tickets from the crowd. They shot t-shirts into the crowd.

7. United States Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero

No Vicki Guerrero, but Chavo did fine without her. All the "signature moves" you'd expect, including both wrestlers executing the "three amigos". Started slow as both wrestlers sized each other up and used some ring psychology, but was definitely a great match. The match ends with Benoit applying the cross face.

WINNER: Chris Benoit

8. MVP vs. KANE

MVP played to his "chicken" persona. Kane dominates the match. MVP "hurts his knee". The referees attend to him, helping him out of the ring as Kane sits perched on the opposite turnbuckle. Once Kane realizes that MVP is going to get away again, Kane stomps over the MVP. Once MVP sees this, his "hurt knee" miraculously heals, and both men disappear backstage. Nothing was ever announced, Chimmel just shrugged it off and then on to the main event.

WINNER: NO CONTEST/ Double count-out?

9. FINLAY vs. Batista

Finlay stalls, taunting almost every Flint fan in the arena. He feigns going after the crowd, but security restrains him. Batista finally gets a hold of him and the match is on. Finlay tries every trick in the book, including pulling the turnbuckle off to distract the ref and out comes Finlay's "Little Bastard" to get a low blow on Batista.

"Little Bastard" appears again later, as does William Regal. All three, however, are not enough to tame the Animal, and Bastista is able to pin Finlay.


The Good: The matches overall were entertaining and continued current WWE storylines. The only match my wife got bored with was Lashley vs. Tatanka. She went up to the concession stands.

The Bad: Missing Undertaker, and King "Booka". With Rey already out, the roster seemed lacking. Plus, I know Flint has a bad rep, but most of the fans do have manners.

The Ugly: No Boogeyman. What scares the Boogeyman? I guess Flint. He must have been hiding behind the Divas, wherever they were.

Final Thoughts: Thanks, WWE, for returning to Flint. My father took me to the events back there in the 80's and 90's. Keep up the good work!

P.S. Vince, you need to put Brutus Beefcake into the Hall of Fame. He became "The Barber" 20 years ago right here in Michigan!