View Full Version : Denise Richards lashes out at paparazzi

11-10-2006, 04:05 AM
Denise Richards lashes out at paparazzi


Actress Denise Richards threw a photographer's laptop over a hotel balcony in a fit of rage hitting two elderly women in the head, according to reports.

Richards, filming her new movie Blond and Blonder in Vancouver, reportedly saw a member of the paparazzi in her hotel and ran over to confront the photographer, reports The International Herald Tribune.

During the altercation, Richards threw the photographer's laptop from the hotel's balcony where it inadvertently hit two women who had been sitting in the downstairs lobby.

The elderly women sitting in the hotel's lobby sustained minor injuries and were treated by paramedics at the scene.

The film's producers says Richards was defending the cast from media who had been harassing people on set.

"While trying to stop the paparazzi, Denise Richards was involved in an altercation. To protect her safety she instinctively knocked the paparazzo's laptops off a ledge. Royal Canadian Mounted Police were called to the scene as a precaution and the case was soon closed. No charges were filed against Ms. Richards.," says producer Dean Bornstein.

Richards has been hounded by the media and their aggressive behaviour is to blame, the star's publicist says.

Based on the actions of the paparazzi they are lucky their laptops were the only things that were thrown off the ledge," said Richards' publicist Nicole Perez.


Black Widow
11-10-2006, 10:13 AM
During the altercation, Richards threw the photographer's laptop from the hotel's balcony where it inadvertently hit two women who had been sitting in the downstairs lobby. - :lmao:

at least she got a little fight in her

11-10-2006, 02:47 PM
Great rad kellie thanks :D. She's my fav actress way to strike back D lol.
oh did I mention Pam Anderson is in that movie also :D.

11-12-2006, 09:46 AM
Wonder if the women the laptop landed on will press charges though?? :hmm: