View Full Version : Pink Calls Beyonce Knowles A Bitch!

11-14-2006, 09:07 AM

Punky pop star Pink has slammed fellow diva Beyonce Knowles for constantly wearing fur.

Beyonce has been targeted by anti-fur campaigners in the past, but nothing seems to have diminished her love of wearing dead animals.

Pink said recently of Beyonce to the New of the World: "(Beyonce) is a bitch! "I only hope she gets bit on the arse by whatever animal she wears.

"Some of the practices are so cruel and as a celebrity you have a responsibility to think about the message you're sending out by wearing fur.

"People will think it's ok or cool, but it's not."

It’s not cool at all, wearing a dead creature…urgh!


YAY! cat fight