Dangerous Incorporated
11-21-2006, 05:54 AM

OVW TV show results 11/18:

The show opens with Deuce & Domino in the back, looking very disheveled, squabbling with each other over whose fault it was that Cherry is now with Spears & Runnels.

1st match: El Areo Fuegeo vs. Charles “the hammer” Evans (TV title match)

Evans dominates early as usual with his strong forearms, body slams, and lariats, all the while trying to unmask Fuegeo. It doesn’t take long for Fuegeo to get in two quick enzugiris followed by his cat-like lurch to the top rope and the reverse spinning back kick for a pinning combination, and just like that Fuegeo gets the upset much to the chagrin of the hammer and Kenny Bolin.

Winner and new TV champion: El Areo Fuegeo

After the match El Areo Fuegeo finally removes his mask and to the surprise of no one Seth Skyfire is the man behind the mask. Skyfire holds the TV title up in victory before darting to the back and Charles Evans is absolutely livid.

Before Evans can exact his revenge on Skyfire, however, OVW president and co-owner Danny Davis makes a rare appearance into the ring area to address the crowd in general and Charles Evans in particular. Davis says that because of cry babies like Evans, Beth Phoenix, and Deuce & Domino among others constantly coming to him making demands, and generally disrupting his ability to run the company, he has hired a new troubleshooter to manage the trouble-makers in OVW. The Damaja Danny Basham then emerged through the curtain to loud cheers and applause, and I have to say that it was good to see one of my favorite OVW wrestlers of all time back in the company, and not hidden under a stupid riot helmet. Davis said that he was going to impart his authority to Damaja and that he had the power to make matches, including title shots, and that Davis expected Damaja to lay down the law and keep order in OVW. Damaja’s first order of business was to run Evans out of the ring; he then addressed the crowd, telling them that he would make the matches that they wanted to see.

2nd match: Kofi Kingston & Tommy Suede vs. Los Locos

Deep South Wrestling has finally invaded OVW. Kenny Bolin did a good job playing up the invasion angle, and Kingston hit a couple of nice dropkicks along with a spinning heel kick. Suede then hit a beautiful standing shooting star press, shades of the one and only Amazing Red, and got the pin, making a fairly impressive showing in their OVW debut.

Winner: Kingston & Suede

In the back some more former OVW alumni have made their re-debut as well. La Resistance are demanding a title shot from Spears & Runnels claiming that their being former four time WWE tag team champions more than qualifies them for a shot at the OVW tag team title. The Damaja intervenes saying that La Resistance will get a match against Spears & Runnels tonight, but it will be a non-title match. If La Resistance happens to win than they will get a title shot next week.

Beth Phoenix comes out to have a match against Katie Lea for the women’s title, but when Katie Lea comes out with the belt it is clear that she has customized it with her logos. Beth takes issue with this and begins cutting a promo on her and Serena, but before she can finish Serena comes up from behind and lays Beth out. While Serena is stomping Beth, Katie comes up from behind and lays out Serena. Katie then grabs the mike and says that she is tired of Beth and Serena always showing up and fighting during her time, and that it will no longer be the Serena and Beth show, but from now on the Katie Lea show.

In the back more trouble is brewing between Chris Rombola, High Dosage and Bad Company concerning Rombola’s and Mike Kruel’s debacle from last week, when the trouble-shooting Damaja comes to the rescue once again. Damaja says that there will be a six man match tonight between the two teams to settle the score.

Back in the ring a bruised and bandaged Chett the Jett is once again demanding another title shot. Against his better judgment Damaja says that he will allow it and OVW heavyweight champion Jacob Duncan lumbers out to the ring.

3rd match: Jacob Duncan vs. Chett the Jett (Heavyweight title match)

This match is pretty much like the last few matches they’ve had. Chett gets in a bunch of hard fought offense scoring a couple of near falls in the beginning, and then Jacob knocks him out with a big boot or clothes-line. Jacob then gets Chett in the full-nelson and slams him. Jacob mixed it up a little after that with a release German suplex, then went back to stomping Chett and ripping his bandages off. The ref tried to interfere on Chett’s behalf, but Jacob threw the official clear out of the ring then went back to beating the crap out of Chett. Once the ref got back into the ring he promptly DQ’d Duncan and declared an unconscious Chett the winner.

Winner by DQ: Chett the Jett

4th match: Spears & Runnels w/ Cherry vs. La Resistance (non-title match)

Grenier and Conway both looked like they hadn’t missed a beat since the last time I saw them as a team and you could definitely tell that they still had good chemistry. Throughout the match both teams were pretty evenly matched, but toward the end Spears & Runnels started to get the upper hand. Cody Runnels hit Conway with a missile dropkick, but injures his leg in the process. Sylvan Grenier went to the outside and attacked Cherry which quickly drew the ire of Spears. When Spears went to help Cherry Grenier pushed her into him, and then ran off and grabbed the Canadian flag that they had brought to the ring. Sylvan then hit Runnels in the head with it while the ref’s back was turned. Rob Conway snuck over and got the pin guaranteeing La Resistance a title shot in the near future.

Winner: La Resistance

5th match: Bad Company vs. High Dosage & Chris Rombola

Rombola was clearly the star of this match, and he clocked in the most time. Osborne, Kraven, and Kruel pretty much just rotated in did a few moves and tagged back out. Mike Bolin hit a nice flying shoulder tackle over the top rope, and “Silverback” Ryan Reeves just laid everyone out with a series of stiff lariats. When Rombola came back in he flew off the top rope knocking out Kraven and Kruel with a high cross body, then hit Kruel with a textbook belly to belly suplex with a release. Rombola then went for the pin, but the ref was occupied by the fighting going on outside the ring. Rombola went to go get the ref, and while he was doing this Kruel pulled some brass knuckles out of his trunks. A clueless Rombola returned and put Kruel in a belly to back suplex, but Kruel hit him with the foreign object and then fell on top of him for the pin.

Winner: Bad Company

When the show came back from commercial there was a table set up in the ring supported by two kegs of beer, several balloons were scattered throughout the ring, and on the table were several cans of beer and a cake. Sosay introduced Jack Bull and as Bull made his drunken sloppy ring entrance Sosay congratulated him on last weeks victory in the drinking contest. Bull then said that in the spirit of celebration he was going to pass out free beer into the audience. He managed to toss a couple of cans out into the crowd before being interrupted by Joey Mercury. Mercury said that he didn’t care about Bull or the fans, and he wasn’t going to watch them make a mockery of his sport. Mercury then ran in and attacked Bull. Bull grabbed the cake and intended to hit Mercury with it, but at the last minute Mercury ducked and Sosay ended up with a face full of cake. Mercury then quickly laid Bull out with a rodeo driver onto a chair, and then proceeded to destroy what was left of Jack Bull’s party as the show went off the air.

Source: PWInsider