View Full Version : The Baby

03-10-2006, 03:26 AM
The Baby
by dmason@netcentral.co.uk

One night me and my friend sat up telling eachother ghost stories. My dad has told me of many things that had happened to him and I told Emma (my friend) all of these. Emma's cousins Tom and Louise kept on knocking on the door and just being really irritating. Emma's Grandad had just died the week before and she decided to tell me a story which he had told her when she was younger. Her grandad was about 5 years old when his mother died giving birth to his brother. The baby survived and went home to their house where the family took care of it. After about a week of the baby coming home, Emma's grandad was standing at the bottom of the stairs when he saw his mum at the top of the staircase. He shouted `mummy' but she just seemed to hover there before looking down to him and saying `it's okay sweetheart, I've just come for the baby'. The baby died the same day. After Emma told me that story, we got talking about other things when we saw a torch light shining onto the wall. Emma shouted `Louise! I'm gonna come after you in a minute!'. The light then disappeared but we never heard any footsteps. Emma looked out of the window and her Aunty's car had gone so it couldn't have been her cousin. Her dad was outside in the garage and her mum was sat downstairs watching TV!
credit shadowlands

Mr Mando
03-11-2006, 02:18 PM