View Full Version : RAW Results - 27th Nov 2006

11-29-2006, 08:20 AM
WWE RAW Results (11/27): Flair Beat, Hardyz, More

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results
Airdate: Monday, November 27th, 2006
Location: The Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, PA
Results by PowerWrestling.com

WWE RAW Opener:

Ric Flair is already in the ring and he has something to say. He says that he probably should not be out here tonight. Despite the fact that he was victorious last night at Survivor Series, he got the hell beat out of him by a bunch of male cheerleaders. We go to footage from Ric Flair winning the match and the subsequent attack by the Spirit Squad. We return to Flair and he says that because of that, he sent word to the Spirit Squad that he wanted this to end tonight. He told them that he wanted all of them to compete against him because he has partners with him. Flair is interrupted by the Spirit Squad’s music and they come out. The Spirit Squad has a cheer for Flair and they call him the ‘Nature Toy’. They tell Flair to retire and get out of the game. They come to the ring. As the Spirit Squad surround Flair, Degeneration X come out and the Spirit Squad leave the ring. Shawn bows down in the center of the ring and Hunter shakes Flair’s hand. Shawn gives Hunter the mic and Hunter asks the crowd if they are ready. Hunter says that he is not ready because he is sick of kicking the Spirit Squad’s ass. The crowd is also sick of it. Hunter says that this will be the last time that you see the Spirit Squad, but before he can tell people to suck it the Spirit Squad attack Flair and Degeneration X from behind.

Handicap Match
Referee: Chad Patton
Ric Flair and D-Generation X vs. The Spirit Squad

The start:

Shawn hits Mikey with the mic before tagging in Hunter. Hunter punches Mikey. Hunter with an Irish whip and a running clothesline that sends Mikey to the mat. Flair tags in and he chops and punches Mikey. Flair with an Irish whip and back body drop followed by a chop. Michaels is tagged in and he chops Mikey before slamming Mikey’s head into the turnbuckle. Flair tags back in and he chops Mikey followed by a shoulder tackle. Mikey with a drop kick to Flair and then all five work over Flair in the corner.

Mid-match notes:

Michaels and Hunter come over to break things up. All five members of the Spirit Squad are sent outside and then Michaels with a somersault pescado onto all five members. Michaels, Flair, and Hunter strut as we go to commercial. We are back and Johnny has Michaels in a side head lock, but Michaels with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Nicky is tagged in and he distracts the referee to allow the Spirit Squad to work over Michaels. Mikey tags in and he hits a drop kick and knee drop to Michaels for a series of near falls. Mikey slams Michaels and then he tags in Kenny who flips Mikey onto Michaels before getting a two count.

Kenny with a series of short arm clotheslines to Michaels. Michaels fights out of the Spirit Squad’s corner, but that is not enough to get Michaels free. Mitch tags in and suplexes Michaels but he can only get a two count. Kenny tags back in and he gets a two count. Kenny slams Michaels and then he tags in Mikey who gets on Kenny’s shoulders and they try for a splash onto Michaels from the second turnbuckle, but Shawn moves out of the way. Kenny misses an elbow and Hunter is tagged in. Hunter takes care of the members of the Spirit Squad.

The Finish:

Hunter with a face breaker to Nicky followed by a clothesline that sends Nicky over the top rope to the floor. Hunter with a spinebuster to Mikey and Flair sets up for the figure four, but Mitch and Johnny come in. Michaels with a super kick to Nicky and Hunter with a Pedigree to Mitch. Flair, Shawn, and Hunter with figure four leg locks to Kenny, Mikey, and Johnny at the same time while the all tap out.

Winners - Ric Flair and D-Generation X

The Aftermath:

After the match, all three men do the crotch chop.

The Hardy Boyz:

We go to footage of Matt and Jeff Hardy when they were younger and some of the promos they cut as children as well as some footage from matches on a trampoline.

During the break:

We are back with footage from the commercial break when Triple H brought the GameHammer into the ring.


We go to live action where the Spirit Squad has been put into a storage trunk and closed by Shawn and Hunter. They put a sticker on it that says Destination OVW, Louisville, Kentucky. Hunter wonders why they are using the specific delivery system. Shawn says that they need to get there by Christmas. The delivery man wonders if they want it insured and Hunter says that it isn’t worth a crap. Hunter refuses to sign because he wants to ‘stay off the grid’. Shawn signs it as ‘Mr. McMahon. Shawn gets broken up and says that it is the end of an era.

December to Dismember:

Jim Ross talks about the Extreme Elimination Chamber match this Sunday on December To Dismember, featuring Sabu, Test, Rob Van Dam, Big Show, Bobby Lashley, and CM Punk. Jim Ross talks about the challenge made by the Hardy Boys for the pay per view. Johnny Nitro has a response to the challenge. Melina says that they have a surprise for them and they show us Joey Mercury. Joey says that the ‘it team’ is here. Melina tells Team Xtreme it is on and for one night, MNM is back.

Number One Contender Battle Royal
Referee: Jack Doan
Melina vs. Maria vs. Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle

Before the next match, Mickie James comes out to join Lawler and Ross at the announce position. The first two participants in the Battle Royal are Melina and Candice Michelle and we go to commercial. We are back and Torrie Wilson comes to the ring with ‘Little Billy’. Victoria and Maria are also in the ring.

The start:

Torrie and Candice go after Victoria while Melina has Maria up for a slam. Victoria with a clothesline to Torrie and Candice followed by a knee to Candice. Victoria sends Torrie into the turnbuckle. Melina chokes Maria and then Melina slaps Torrie while Victoria holds her. Melina charges at Torrie, but Victoria clotheslines Melina and then Victoria eliminates Melina. Candice slipped out and we've got hot pics below. Victoria with an Irish whip and then Victoria sends Maria to the apron. Victoria sends Torrie into Maria, but Maria stays on the apron.

The Finish:

Victoria eliminates Torrie. Victoria clotheslines Maria and Maria falls off the apron to the floor. Candice with elbows to Victoria’s midsection. Candice with a fireman’s carry and then she sends Victoria to the apron. Candice with forearms, but Victoria stays on the apron. Victoria with a kick to Candice’s face and Victoria returns to the ring. Victoria throws Candice out of the ring to eliminate her.

Winner - Victoria

The Aftermath:

After the match, Victoria gets in Mickie’s face and then she picks up Candice and rolls Candice back into the ring. Victoria gets Candice up in the Widow’s Peak and hits it on Candice. Mickie says that Victoria is crazy. Victoria goes to the back.

The Hardy Boyz:

We go to the debut of the Hardys in 1998 when they faced Kaientai on Heat. We go to commercial.

Referee: Michael Chioda
Eugene vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

The start:

Before the match, Duggan yells at Eugene while the referee tries to separate them. Eugene offers his hand to Duggan, but he slaps Duggan instead before hiding in the ropes. Duggan punches Eugene and then sends Eugene into the turnbuckles. Duggan with a hip toss and slam. Duggan slaps Eugene in the face followed by a back body drop.

The Finish:

Duggan starts a ‘USA' chant and then he connects with a forearm in the corner. Duggan sets up for the running tackle, but Eugene gets out of the ring to avoid Duggan. Duggan pulls Eugene back into the ring, but Eugene drops Duggan on the top rope. Eugene slams Duggan’s head into the ring post. Eugene with a swinging neck breaker for the three count.

Winner - Eugene

The Aftermath:

After the match, Eugene gets the mic and he tells the fans not to make fun of him. He does not want the fans laughing at him. He says that he is special. Eugene leaves the ring and he goes to the back, screaming up the Rawest ramp in Sports Entertainment.


Degeneration X are in the back and Dusty Rhodes and Arn Anderson stop them. Dusty says that it was cool that they showed Ric Flair some respect. Shawn says that they have a big party for Flair. He says that the big surprise is a karaoke machine. He says that it will be awesome as they walk away. Hunter comes back and he has two words for Dusty and Arn. ‘Booze’ and ‘broads’. Ron Simmons comes by and gives us a “DAMN’ as we go to commercial.

This Week in Wrestling History:

We are back with a This Week in Wrestling History Moment: The Marriage between Stephanie McMahon and Andrew ‘Test’ Martin in 1999. Little would we know that it would be interrupted by Triple H, who got ‘married’ the night before in Las Vegas?

In the arena:

It is time for the Cutting Edge as Edge comes out to the ring. Edge says that before he introduces his guest, he wants to congratulate Degeneration X for beating the Spirit Squad for the millionth time. He says that it is a profile in courage, DX Styles. It pales in comparison to the number of times that he beat down the Hardys. He says that it will happen again with his partner Randy Orton by his side. He will dedicate tonight’s victory to the greatest women’s champion of all time, Lita. Edge says that Lita is not his special guest, so he will introduce that guest. Edge wants his special guest to come out, but nobody comes out. Edge complains about the lack of professionalism since his guest did not come out. Edge says that the fans do not deserve this show. Randy Orton tells Edge that is not necessary because he thinks he has his guest with him. Orton wants Edge to come back to confirm that it is his guest. Edge goes to the back and he confirms that is his guest. Edge and Orton pull out a bloody Ric Flair. Edge wonders if this is the part where DX comes out to make the save, but DX will not do it because all they think about is themselves. Orton calls them a bunch of bullies. Edge and Orton beg for DX to come out to help Flair. Edge says that DX does not care about Flair or their fans. Edge suggests that they send a message to DX. Edge gets two chairs and walks over to Flair and Edge connects with a one man conchairto. Edge tells Orton to hit Flair with the chair and Orton connects with his own one man conchairto. Orton wants to know where DX is and then they walk to the back while Flair is bleeding onto the chair. We go to commercial.

Referee: Jack Doan
Jerry Lawler vs. Chris Masters

The start:

Masters gets Lawler up and slams him, but Masters misses an elbow. Masters with a knee to Lawler followed by a series of Irish whips. Masters with a kick to Lawler followed by a bear hug. Lawler bites Masters’s nose to get out of the hold. Lawler follows that with a drop kick and a fist drop from the second turnbuckle. Lawler connects with two more.

Mid-match notes:

Masters backs Lawler into the corner and then he kicks Lawler in the corner. Masters punches Lawler followed by a back breaker. Masters with a series of boots to Lawler’s head followed by a boot to Lawler’s midsection. Masters with a suplex to Lawler and then he goes to the second turnbuckle, but he misses a fist drop. Lawler with a series of jabs to Masters followed by a roundhouse that sends Masters to the mat. Masters with a rake of the eyes to get the momentum back.

The Finish:

Masters chokes Lawler in the ropes. Masters puts Lawler in the Master Lock but Carlito’s music plays and he comes out. Masters lets go of the Master Lock as he talks to Carlito at ringside. Carlito spits apple in Masters’s eyes and that allows Lawler to get a rollup for the three count.

Winner - Jerry Lawler

The Hardy Boyz:

We are back with another Hardy Boyz Moment with their ladder match from No Mercy in 1999 against Edge and Christian.

In the arena:

We see some members of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the front row.

In the arena:

Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada come to the ring and Armando has something to say. He says that last night at the Survivor Series there were a number of winners and losers, but only one man was unstoppable. We see footage of Umaga hitting everyone with the television monitor as he was disqualified. That man’s name is Umaga. Estrada says that he is unstoppable and he has destroyed everyone in his path. No one has been able to present him with a challenge. The time has come for Umaga to become the WWE Champion. Estrada tells John Cena that he is being put on notice. As of right now, the Samoan Bulldozer officially challenges him for the WWE Title. John Cena comes out to the ring and he gets in Umaga’s face. Cena has a mic and he says that as for Umaga’s challenge, he accepts. Estrada tries to hold Umaga back and he says that it will happen when he says so and it will not be tonight. Umaga leaves the ring but he stays on the apron. We go to commercial.

Cryme Tyme:

We are back and Jim Ross talks about the ‘unfortunate incident’ that has been aired lately and they warn the fans about some inappropriate language. Jim Ross says that it is not for all family members. We see a parody of the Michael Richards ‘Laugh Factory’ incident. The comedian is surrounded by Cryme Tyme and the comedian says that it was just a routine. They stop the comedian from leaving and Shad hits him with a big boot to the applause of the audience. Cryme Tyme do a Jerry Seinfeld imitation for a joke about the Bloods and Crips. Shad takes the comedian’s wallet before leaving.


We go to the back where Matt and Jeff are getting ready and Edge stops by. Edge wants to know if they saw the beatdown they did to Flair. Edge wonders if that reminded him of the way that he would beat them up in the past. Edge says that he is a two time World Champion and a twelve time tag team champion. Edge says that Matt is still the most overrated piece of crap. He tells Jeff that Matt is an albatross. Jeff says that they are going to win the titles tonight. Randy Orton joins in and Matt stops by to even the odds. We go to commercial.

World Tag Team Title Match:

Randy Orton & Edge vs The Hardy Boys. As Edge goes for the Spear on Matt Hardy as they cut to a commercial break. Edge nails Jeff Hardy with a tag belt for a DQ finish.

11-29-2006, 12:21 PM
Wasn't an exciting RAW but this could be one of the last RAWs we see Flair on.

11-29-2006, 01:03 PM
Yeah, I agree with you Lion.

I hope Flair feels good again soon so he can come back ASAP.