View Full Version : Britney Spears Admits She Went 'A Little Too Far'

Dangerous Incorporated
12-08-2006, 11:02 AM
Britney Spears Admits She Went 'A Little Too Far'

fter igniting a media firestorm by flashing her lack of underwear, Britney Spears is finally talking.

"It's been so long since I've been out on the town with friends", the singer says.

"It's also been 2 years since I've even celebrated my birthday. Every move I make at this point has been magnified more than I expected, and I probably did take my new found freedom a little too far. Anyway, thank God for Victoria's Secrets' new underwear line! I look forward to a new year, new music and a new me."

Spears celebrated her 25th birthday on Dec. 2 and has been unleashing her inner wild child since filing for divorce last month from Kevin Federline, her husband of two years.

Her nights out with party girls Paris Hilton and recent antics have drawn disapproval from her fans and other Spears watchers.

Meanwhile, on the divorce front, Spears is seeking custody of both children, with visitation rights for Federline. While Federline is asking for spousal support and sole custody of his sons.

lol Yeah Thank God for Victorias Secret cuz now Ive just plugged them I get free underwear for a year!!

Impact Player
12-10-2006, 02:19 PM
Um thanks dude.

12-10-2006, 04:21 PM
I didn't mind her media attention looked good to me lol.

12-14-2006, 03:23 PM
Poor Brittney..........hope she has to wait for those free panties.
Looking for more shots!

12-17-2006, 11:56 AM
Yeah, she had to wait for panties to be given to her for free cause she can't afford them :rolleyes:

12-22-2006, 12:45 AM
shes dumb hands down

12-28-2006, 07:02 PM
And the winner for the understatement of the year award goes to Brit for this comment. A little too far, she just had a baby not too long ago, she should have settled down after that. Divorce doesn't mean you begin to neglect your parenting duties.