View Full Version : Jim Ross Speaks On Return At Saturday Night's Main Event

03-14-2006, 02:18 PM
The following is from WWE.com:

Immediately after the news broke that Jim Ross would be returning at Saturday Night's Main Event this weekend on NBC, WWE.com talked to the legendary announcer to get his feelings on his come back, the Hall of Fame, the state of WWE and more. Below is just a sample of what J.R. had to say. Check back Tuesday morning for the interview in its entirety.

WWE.com: Are there any hard feelings between you and WWE management, most notably Mr. McMahon?

Jim Ross: Well, there’s no doubt who the bull in the woods is. That’s Mr. McMahon. And he’s a very difficult man to like. He gives you a lot of reasons not to like him. But it’s like living in tornado alley here in Oklahoma. You have to respect the dangerous winds that come through and take precautions when they come near you. That’s how I look at my relationship with Mr. McMahon I want to be respectful of his power, and give him plenty of room to operate. But I still plan on coming back and having some fun and leave the past in the past. I feel like it’s a fresh start for me. As for hard feelings, I don’t have any hard feelings any more than a normal guy would on how things materialized and how I left the air. I can’t change what occurred, so all I could do is try to affect the future.

Remember to check back here Tuesday morning for the entire interview. You won't believe some of the other things J.R. had to say about Mr. McMahon.

03-15-2006, 03:39 AM
'And he’s a very difficult man to like. He gives you a lot of reasons not to like him'

^^^ You're not wrong, JR....