View Full Version : Paris Hilton doesn't want to look cheap.

03-14-2006, 02:19 PM
LIFE STYLE EXTRA (UK) - Paris Hilton is getting a tummy tuck.

The hotel heiress has been spotted sneaking into the Modern Institute Of Plastic Surgery in Hollywood.

An insider said: "Everybody knows her at the clinic. It's not her first visit.

"All I'll say is check out the pictures of teenage Paris and see what resemblance she has to today's Paris."

However - despite being snapped going into the clinic - the stunning 'House Of Wax' star has previously ruled out cosmetic surgery.

She said: "I wouldn't have anything done.

"Years ago I asked dad for a boob job and he said it would cheapen my image, and he's right."

"Fake boobs look deformed. All my friends that have them, they look deformed."

Clean living Paris has also vowed never to take drugs - because she doesn't want to lose her looks - and doesn't even drink alcohol.

She revealed: "People think I drink when I'm out but I just have Red Bull. I'll just dance and have fun.

"I see girls out now who have been doing it for so long they look haggard and old."