View Full Version : Hogan In TNA, Celbrities Advertise RAW, WWE 24/7

Dangerous Incorporated
12-08-2006, 10:31 PM
Hogan In TNA, Celebrities Advetie RAW, WWE 24/7

Well this is today's rumor. On yesterday's Bubba The Love Sponge show, Bubba said he had heard through Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan that Dixie Carter was going to go all out and offer Hogan a job as a booker and wrestler, with Hulkster to work big shows.

All I can add is take this with a grain of salt. It's not like Hogan hasn't used TNA to get a better deal out of WWE in the past!

WWE is working on a "Celebrities like Raw" commercial campaign where they get (somewhat) famous people to endorse Raw. The goal is to make it seem "cool" again.

For those of you who don't want to get angered the way I did last Sunday after shelling out 40 bucks, Curtis Jr. sent a reminder that WWE has been offering recent PPVs are part of WWE 24/7 a few months after they air. This month you can see Unforgiven 2006.

The Hollywood Reporter has a story talking about how well Kane's "See No Evil" movie is doing in DVD release. To read it, click here.[/COLOR] (]Source: PWInsider