View Full Version : Review of Stampede Wrestling on December 8

Dangerous Incorporated
12-10-2006, 06:16 AM
Review of Stampede Wrestling on December 8

Michael Avery/Dusty Adonis:
(Avery wins via DQ after Adonis is caught with brass knucles used on Avery)
This is one of the hottest feuds going right now. Both men play to the crowd so much and are very entertaining in the ring. With both of those facts taken into consideration this made for a great match. Good way to start off the night, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this feud goes. By the way, has anyone else noticed how over Avery has been over the last couple of weeks? in the words of Farooq "DAMN!"

"Hahatma Dandhi" vs T-Bone:
(Dandhi wins via pin-count)
I don't really have too much to say about this one. I've only seen T-bone maybe twice, and Dandy I think was just thrown into this one as a filler. Regardless, Dandy seemed to have a lot of heat with the crowd.

Nattie Neidhart vs Nikki Matthews:
(Nattie wins after Nikki taps out to the Sharpshooter)
This was a good one. It was the typical out-of-town heel vs the home-town face. (unless your viewing the match through the eyes of someone dubbed "The most hated fan in SW". From my perspective anyway, I think the crowd was just as in to this match as we were any other. Good match overall.

T.J Wilson Vs Evan Adams:
(T.J. wins via pincount)
This match was a 5 star classic in my opinion. If this truly was TJ's last match in Stampede, what a good way to go out! Both these guys looked like they were working their *** off and the match had some awesome spots. Great finish, overall very solid match.

Brandon Van Danielson vs Chuckythe BoyWonder:
(Brandon wins Young Lions Cup after interference by Ravenous Randy)
Great build to a great feud. Great matches every time they step foot in the ring together. No wonder Chucky is the most over guy in the promotion right now. Nothing else really needs to be said. Both these kids are stars.

Apocalypse/Juggernaut vs Ravenous Randy/Chris Steele:
(Hardcore gore match: Apocalypse and Juggernaut win. Afterwards, Apocalypse attacks Juggernaut and puts him through a table)
That match ruled! (*clap*clap**Clap clap clap*) Honestly, what An AWESOME match. Brutal, bloody, violent = everything you want in a good hardcore match. This was WAY better than I expected it to be (with the commission being so hard-*** about everything).

All matches will be available on StampedeWrestlingTV.com in the coming weeks.