View Full Version : Nothing Major...

03-15-2006, 12:12 AM
OK, so this is nothing really major, but just pissed me off so much..

Nick (yankeesman77), I put a lot of work into setting up the Marhc Madness tournament Pick'em and stuff so people could use, and you just came out and totally put down all my work. DO you have any respect for the people around you?! or do you just like run your mouth off like you fucking own the place?!

It really pisses me off, and I bet a lot of other people, when they put lots of work into something, and then get shitkicked in the face. Damn it man.

And for everyone reading this, I know your going to say shit like,

"Its only the internet,",

but who cares if it is the internet or not, you still have the right to get respect from people, and its things like this that ruin the whole experience for everyone.

Now go ahead and say some nonesense shit, because I know thats what your all going to do anyways.

03-15-2006, 12:20 AM
Its only the internet

03-15-2006, 12:21 AM
^wow, just wow...

03-15-2006, 12:26 AM
Appels you did put alot into it but it is just the net. im not trying to be harsh but its the same as getting upset when ppl dont win on LOW, or they lose a bet on Vbookie or someone steals points from the bank. Its nothing to get so worked up over, this does NOT run your life unless u let it... and u let Nick of all ppl annoy you over it!

King Venomation - X
03-15-2006, 12:26 AM
^ exactly.

03-15-2006, 12:27 AM
but who cares if it is the internet or not, you still have the right to get respect from people

^did you read that part?!

03-15-2006, 12:28 AM
Brendan I didnt say your shit was the worst shit I've ever seen. nor even put it down all I said was give it a suggestion as it would have been easier if you made it like how ESPN and Yahoo sports are doing it. That way it's easier to select who you want to win. and 2ndly I dont own the place ok Brendan. Sure, I like to give my opinions now and then but I do go around everywhere saying how bad everybody is. I respect your hard work that you put into this and hope it can grow as UOW grows every year. But if you want respect you dont disrespect others. Now cool your jets put this issue behind us and lets watch some great College Baskeball. Lol, now I know why they call it March Madness.

Sunshine Acid
03-15-2006, 12:58 AM
Oh dear...:rolleyes:

Kevin Idol
03-15-2006, 03:27 AM
Everyone saying "It's just the internet", stfu. If you put time into making something, ie. a graphic or uploading a movie, and someone put you down for it, you'd be pissed aswell. It's true.

Oh, and Uconn>All.:agree:

03-15-2006, 06:41 AM
It would have been much easier had you done the March Madness thing through say ESPN.com but it's nice to see you put some work in to keep it here at UOW.

03-15-2006, 08:35 AM
Everyone saying "It's just the internet", stfu. If you put time into making something, ie. a graphic or uploading a movie, and someone put you down for it, you'd be pissed aswell. It's true.

yeah i agree with rocstar on this one apples is a good person and when you get something that youve done and someone takes the piss or puts you done you dont like it do ya like angie if someone said your graphics were shit you'd get pissed of wraithC1A if summon said you cant r/p for shit i low you'd get pissed off and this is exatly how apples feels do just give the guy a break.

03-15-2006, 03:05 PM
Zero... i dont let things on the net get to me... so what someone doesnt like my gfx, its personal style.... so what someone doesnt like the way i talk to others... i do not let them run my personal life so it does not matter. Yeah Brendan made the thread, but then gets hurt that hardly anyone places any bets. Then he let Nick bother him... Nick of all ppl, esp on here. If this was sumthing that was making him money or sumthing he did offline as a business then i say yeah get pissed but you know.. this is how life works... pick n choose your battles. It is the net, and its easy to turn off when it gets to be to much!

04-22-2006, 06:02 AM