View Full Version : Violent teen blames WWE

12-12-2006, 01:01 PM
credit: wwe.com

On July 10th, a 19-year-old German teen, Steffen G., consumed 1 bottle of beer, 2 bottles of wine, and 1 bottle of chocolate liqueur then proceeded to murder a homeless man. Steffen G. now blames WWE’s “SmackDown vs. Raw 2006” video game (which is rated “T” for teens) as the reason for his actions. A WWE spokesman stated “Given Steffen G.’s history of violence and alcohol abuse, we believe his claims to be absurd.”

Read the full story in this translated article. (http://repository.wwe.com/news/statement_121106.pdf)

Dark Drakan
12-12-2006, 01:33 PM
Oh My God.... is all i will say to that....

12-12-2006, 08:37 PM
WTF this is the kind shit that gets wrestling in trouble and the viewers pay for it cuz they have to tone it down so people would not sue.