View Full Version : Tazz Disputes Internet Reports, Brad Armstrong, Ariel

Dangerous Incorporated
12-23-2006, 01:04 AM
Tazz Disputes Internet Reports, Brad Armstrong, Ariel

In the latest edition of "Shootin' with Tazz", Tazz gets really fired up and blasts the internet. Tazz found out about the internet report that said that his contract was going to expire soon and that he wanted a raise. Tazz laughs at the report because he claimed that he hasn't asked for anything because WWE hasn't even approached him about an extension yet. He also compares himself to JBL because a similar thing happened to him a few months ago when his contract was expiring. Just like JBL, he blasts the internet, not to mention the person(s) who leaked information regarding his contract. Click here (http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/webshows/shootinwithtazz/3770698/1222shootinrev?section=%2Fshows%2Fecw%2F)to listen to Tazz's latest audio commentary. Also note, PWInsider.com is reporting that Tazz's WWE contract expires in March.

The official ECW website has a story on Brad Armstrong. Midway through Tuesday's ECW show, Armstrong joined Joey Styles and Tazz at the announce table to provide insight on the match between Matt Striker and Balls Mahoney. Judging by the tone of the article, it looks like he'll be a regular fixture on ECW broadcasts. Click here for the article. (http://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw/news/armstrongdebut)

The cards of Ariel tell a very bleak tale for Rob Van Dam. Click here for Ariel's latest tarot card reading. (http://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw/extremists/ariel/arielcards/1221tarot)

Source: ECW.com

Why does ECW need 3 commentators? Not like theres that much to call. ECW only goes for like 45mins.

12-23-2006, 03:59 PM
i reckon the third commentator is there in case tazz does leave as they will have a replacement lined up

12-23-2006, 09:39 PM
Dang Tazz was pissed in that whole thing but it would also suck if he left because taht other guy does seem like a replacement.

12-24-2006, 12:41 AM
I dont think tazz will leave...He is to good at what he does..