View Full Version : Worst Storyline of the Year?

12-24-2006, 05:56 PM
Well there has been some bad ones let me summarize:

ECW: The New Breed Unleashed

Honestly this is my pick this has been so bad and disapointing I can't even articulate how bad it is. Really god! The thing is with something like ECW you can't just use the name like that it means something, it denotes that good wrestling matches and hardcore matches are fought and except for the some of the main events and some CM Punk matches it's been really bad. This crappyness cultimated in one of the worst PPV's in years. December to Dismember was horrifically bad. Really the only bright spot to the whole experiment was the Zombie and Macho Libre.

McMahonism vs Christianity

Well where do I start with this one? Vince vs God. Just unbelievable! Now I'm not religious but this even got to me. It was just creepy and took JR's comments way too far. It made me really uneasy and the only way I could deal with the angle was thinking The King of Kings (HHH) or JBL (wrestling god) was going to be his tag partner. Trully this was beyond stupid and I have to say it was worse than the JR fired segments. The promos weren't funny at all. Although it brought back DX. Which brings me too....

DX 2006

Meh this to me was a horrible idea as it was HBK and HHH were almost unbeatable alone together they were like combining Superman with God just squash after squash after squash! The segements again were not funny nor interesting. Exluding DX dressing as Vince and Shane but it got stupid fast. The cock jokes got old fast as well as the fat male stripper. It was funny for a couple of weeks but dragged and dragged and dragged! Till it became nauseum. The Feud between The McMahons and DX felt never ending and on the way they just squashed every team in they're way, they almost destroyed all the careers of the Spirit Squad and made a team who could have at least given some sort of fight like a joke (Cade and Murdoch). This team has done nothing but kill ratings! Only with Rated RKO vs DX has it been any way interestling.

Eddie Guerrero Exploitation Saga

Last year Eddie died and everyone was really sad. I couldn't believe one of my favorite wrestlers had just died. However what did WWE do with this milk it for all it was worth. It's no secret that Eddie was going to get a run with the title with the injuries that Batista had. However he died and that became impossible and it just made Batistas injuries even worse. It started great with a phenominal tribute show However they put so much plans with Eddie, So they needed surrogate for him which was Rey Mysterio. Now let me say it here that no one likes Rey more than me but this was sick!

Rey was only champion due to Eddie's death and since he was almost a brother to him it was the perfect fit. However this did nothing for the Guerrero's or Rey's legacy. With Mysterio winning the rumble it led to a sick act Orton setting fire to Eddie's lowrider! God! Than it got worse by WWE just basically saying to the fans that Rey is just here because of Eddie's death and basically running Eddie's name in the mud by every one even HHH.

This eventually led to a lackluster Triple Threat Match with Angel/Orton/Mysterio wher Rey won but again led to a horrific title reign, where Eddie every week looked so weak and Chavo coming in and demeaning Rey and Benoit for not being Guerrero's. Yeah nice WWE turning one of the greatest wrestler the WWE ever had and turn it into a mark of sham for years! Thanks!

The only bright spot is this might have made Chavo a star but I really didn't want him to get it this way.

These are my top four picks post on any other horrible storylines you can think of for this year.

12-24-2006, 10:38 PM
i voted for other as i think the kane storyline about may 19th was just crap. they used it for about a month, then as soon as the fake kane got injured they dropped the whole storyline and acted like nothing happened

12-24-2006, 11:06 PM
The Eddie angles get my votes. I stopped watching smackdown because of all of the stuff using eddies name.It accomplished nothing positive, all it did was ruin Rey Mysterios title run and make the fans turn on him. It also did not make Chavo a star. He is dependent on his manager to get him heat and he is in a midcard feud where he has just lost 4 straight matches to the same guy in the last two months.

12-26-2006, 08:19 PM
i wish i could pick them all because they were all the worst

12-26-2006, 09:46 PM
The McMahhon Vs HBK and God Was Just Plain Stupid And Retarded... Everything Else Sounds good Except the ECW New Breed Unleashed Because ECW is just horrible to Watch and have the worst Matches and Storylines Ever. They get All these new Superstars from Smackdown and They Become Jobbers.
Putting God In a match Just makes Vincent and Shane a Lucifer that just Totally Discriminates the Religion of Christianity. HBK Lost right? Ya. That proves that God Wasnt there. Which is not Acceptable.

12-26-2006, 09:49 PM
The Kane vs Imposter Kane storyline.

12-26-2006, 10:36 PM
I vote for Vince vs. God...although I must say that all of these were horrible!
Especially the expliotation of Eddie, which is just the WWE and Vince at it's finest...but anyway, if I had to add one, I would say that any storyline involving the retardted nephew of Eric Bischoff, Eugene, would be up there for me...I think that as a wrestler, he could've been great, but with that gimmick, he's one of the worst not just of this year, but of ALL TIME!!!

12-27-2006, 07:19 PM
how could Vince vs God be worst then the expliotation of Eddie. Come on people Eddie's name was dragged though the mud so much I stop watching smackdown like will322. But Vince vs God made HBK look bad for going along with it like Eddie's storyline made Chavo, Vickie, Rey and Orton look bad for going along with it. Eddie would be so sad if he knew his family,friends and Vince did this to him.

12-27-2006, 10:54 PM
how could Vince vs God be worst then the expliotation of Eddie. Come on people Eddie's name was dragged though the mud so much I stop watching smackdown like will322. But Vince vs God made HBK look bad for going along with it like Eddie's storyline made Chavo, Vickie, Rey and Orton look bad for going along with it. Eddie would be so sad if he knew his family,friends and Vince did this to him.

Well if Eddie's name was dragged through the mud, it was by his family...

12-29-2006, 05:11 PM
my vote gets the eddie storyline.....R.I.P EDDIE!

12-30-2006, 11:47 AM
They are all really bad, and it was hard to pick, but when you get down to it, the way they continue to carrie on and on and on and on about Eddie and using his death as nothing more than a gimmick. Eddie liked to entertain, he loved his job, this storyline is not the slightest bit entertaining, and is really a spit in the face of the guy who gave his all in the ring everytime he went out there.

12-30-2006, 07:26 PM
ECW: A New Breed Unleashed
Well bringing back a company we all knew was nothing in Wwe style of wrestling was a very bad choice by vince and his staff. ECW started as nothing and now has become a simple powerplant and 3rd wheel for both wrestling shows. Vince could care less about it and it really does which is sad. I hope he puts a end to it becuase he is wasting his money and wasting are time. I'd say this is the worst storyline and investment deal of 06 for Wwe.

McMahon vs God
I actually laughed my ass off each week when I watched this. Vince was making a real ass of himself counting his family. It wasn't bad sense all he was doing was being desperate for ratings so you can't hand him over this but in the future he could make better storylines then this and has shown he can.

DX 2006
There is not much to comment on this beside no way in hell is this a bad storyline and second this was a awsome stroyline and I'm glad Wwe brought in back one last time for us.

The Eddie Exploitation Saga
This is when I lost much respect for Wwe, there was no need for them to even put this in a stroyline. This stroyline showed how Vince and his creative suck and having nothing left in there system. R.I.P Eddie.

12-30-2006, 09:03 PM
My vote goes to the Eddie storylines too, they were disgusting.

X-treme Moonsault
01-02-2007, 04:48 PM
All of them were pretty bad (apart from maybe DX that at least still had some entertainment value), but I voted for the Eddie Death exploitation, I mean for crying out loud, thats just the worst thing you can do, the man died, he gave his life to the company, and instead of letting him rest in peace, they use his memory to try and get ratings, and to make bullshit storylines, about how all his old friends and family turn on each other, thats just stupid, sad, and its morally wrong!

01-02-2007, 06:11 PM
Mcmahon vs God simply cause that made absolutley no sense and had no payoff. At least the Eddie one explained where Rey went to the casual fans.

Matthew James
01-02-2007, 06:51 PM
The Eddie Exploitation made me sick.

01-02-2007, 07:07 PM
Im going with the Vince Vs God thing, pure crap. What was he thinking.

King Rizon
01-02-2007, 07:20 PM
ECW is possibly the worse. Eddie comes in second & DX is a very close third.

dam i dont remember a fake kane this past year. howd they pull that off considering he doesnt wear a mask

01-02-2007, 08:12 PM
Id have to say Kane vs. kane I mean what was that?