View Full Version : Heat Results - 19th Mar 2006

03-20-2006, 02:36 AM
Heat Results - 19th Mar 2006
Location: Beaumont, Texas

Quick Results:

- Eugene def. Lance Cade
- Matt Striker def. Chris Valenzuela
- Viscera def. Rob Conway
- Chavo Guerrero def. Tyson Tomko


Todd Grisham and the Coach welcomed us to Heat as we go down to ringside for the opening match.

Lance Cade vs. Eugene
Referee: Mickey Hensen

The start:
The bell rings, and we are off. Eugene plays with Cade, but Cade just gets upset and applies a headlock. Eugene whips Cade and they go off in different directons in the ring until Eugene says "STOP!" Eugene then pokes Cade in the eye as Eugene puts on Cade's enterance attire. Cade seems to laugh over the whole matter until Cade clocks him in the face.

The Finish:
Cade then whips Eugene but Eugene counters and goes for a stunner, but Cade counters and hits a bulldog for the two count. He hits a rock bottom type manuver but still only gets a two count. He goes to the turnbuckle and stomps all over Eugene, choking him with his boot. Cade goes for a neckbreaker, but Eugene counters with a pinning maneuver for the three count!

Winner: Eugene

Matt Striker vs. Chris Valenzuela
Referee: Jack Doan

Striker says that we need to learn a lesson that needs to be taught. Everything he does is for educational purposes. He says can anyone ask him what legendary figure inspired what he is wearing tonight, and he says its Volitare! He then asks to chime that metallic device and we are off!

The match:
Striker starts by stomping Valenzuela in the turnbuckle, then hits a stiff sounding kick to the face of Valens. He gets him up and hits a suplex. He covers him for a two count. Striker then applies a headlock, but Valenzuela gets out of it. Valenzuela counters with a few punches and a kick to the face, but Striker counters with what looks like to be a modified Rocker Dropper for the three count!

Winner: Matt Striker

Rob Conway vs. Viscera
Referee: Michael Chioda

The match:
Conway cheaps shots Viscera to start the match, but Viscera throws him out of the ring. He charges at Conway but Conway dodges and Viscera hits the ring post. Conway gets the advatage and hits some elbows but only gets a two count. Conway hits the ropes and clotheslines Viscera for the two count. Conway goes to the top and hits crossbody but viscera counters and hits a samoan drop. He then hits the Visagra, followed by the Sex Drive for the three count!

Winner: Viscera

Tyson Tomko vs. Chavo Guerrero
Referee: Jack Doan

The start:
Tomko jumps Chavo and kicks stomps him on the turnbuckle. He throws him out of the ring and rams his back across the ring apron. He gets him back in the ring and Chavo gets some offense but Tomko hits a fallaway slam for a two count. He chokes him across the ropes as Chavo is whipped across the ropes and pins him for a two count. He hits a sleeper hold on Chavo, but Chavo does not give up.

The Finish:
Chavo is whipped across the turnbuckles but Chavo hits a dropkick and stars getting the advantage. He hits a crossbody but only gets a two count. Tomko whips Chavo but Chavo counters and goes for the Three Amigos but only gets two amigos as Tomko counters the move. He goes for a powerslam but Chavo counters with a DDT and hits the frog splash for the three count!

Winner: Chavo Guerrero