View Full Version : New hire, possible transfer, Tag Team splits, futures remain uncertain

Dangerous Incorporated
12-27-2006, 12:15 PM
WWE Talent Update: New hire, possible transfer, Tag Team splits, futures remain uncertain

- WWE has signed Russell Simpson, 32, to a developmental deal. Simpson has been training in OVW, and has wrestled for Hustle in Japan.

- The futures of Paul Heyman’s personal security - Doug Bashman and Derrick Neikrik remain in question. With Heyman gone from the company, their gimmicks have been dropped. A possible Basham brother reunion is possible, but Danny is current out of action with a torn biceps. There is talk of reuniting Neikrik with Mike Knox, who wrestled together in Deep South.

- According to Dave Meltzer, Vince McMahon is totally against keeping the Hardy Boyz together as a tag team, and the decision has also been made not to keep MNM together as a tag team.

- Bryan Alvarez of f4wonline.com is reporting that David Lagana, head writer for ECW, is pushing for Raw superstar Chris Masters to be moved to ECW.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter