View Full Version : Norton talks Japan, Arm Wrestling, and tells great nWo Stories

Dangerous Incorporated
12-27-2006, 09:33 PM
Scott Norton talks Japan, Arm Wrestling, and tells great nWo Stories

Since his last appearance, Scott has been promoting shows for his company, Wild West Championship Wrestling and working in Japan. Doc and Scott begin the interview by talking about Jonny Fairplay. Jonny appeared at a show which Scott Norton promoted and says he is a great guy and entertaining. Doc tells a story about when Jonny appeared on ‘Wrestling Weekly’ and Norton concludes by saying that Jonny is fun to be around and is a true wrestling history student. James in the chat room asks about the TNA product. Scott thinks TNA is doing a good job and that he would like to wrestle Samoa Joe as they have similar in-ring styles. Scott then goes onto to say he’d like to wrestle Rhino too and states that TNA have a great thing going there and he would definitely like to wrestle for the promotion.

Scott states he is working for a new promotion in Japan and talks about the promoter, saying he’s a great guy and he was being booked solid. He talks about arm wrestling fans in the crowd. Norton then talks about arm wrestling and that he has lost, but he is a former world champion. He talks about arm wrestling a tiny guy in Japan and the fans were into it. One of the biggest guys he arm wrestled was a four hundred pound Sumo wrestler. Doc asks if there is a secret to winning, and Scott that tendon strength and conditioning of the arms are important in arm wrestling. Norton then goes onto discuss the tournaments he competed in and one competitor who beat people in different weight divisions and Scott states he didn’t take him lightly as people can surprise you with their strength.

Scott Norton talks about power lifting and that a smaller guy he competed against lifted triple his body weight. Doc states that former NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion Danny Hodge had great tendon strength and asks who would win in arm wrestling contest, Norton jokingly replies that he would beat Hodge, because it's his interview and he can say what he wants.

Norton says that he would knock a good shoot fighter out and you can‘t really say you‘ll beat someone in a contest until you‘ve faced them. Another question, what is Scott’s first memory of wrestling. Norton replies the AWA days, he started watching when he was 7/8 years old and tells a story about his grandmother, who loved the AWA so much she was willing to withstand a tornado in her house then to miss the show on TV. Scott Norton says the AWA was a local, home grown show and great all the way through and today he’s still a fan. Scott then mentions the AWA wrestlers he remembered watching.

Norton then talks about a match he had in Japan and he power bombed his opponent while in the sleeper hold and even walked to the back while in the hold. Scott discusses how the moves meant more in the past and the fans believed in what they were seeing. He then goes onto to talk about his style, which he calls ’ground and pound’. Norton talks about Dave ’Fit’ Finlay and is one of the top three wrestlers in his opinion. Chris in the chat room asks about if there was too many members of the New World Order. Scott Norton replies that if you were a member, there wasn’t enough, so he states no. He tells a story about having a few days off and having to be called back as one of the New World Order. Scott then goes onto to state that injuries and guys not working a lot, etc., all played a part with the n.W.o, which is why there were additional members.

Scott tells a funny story about the n.W.o and that they were drinking beers in Hogan’s trailer but the show was still going on and they missed their cue. He then tells another New World Order story, with him, Buff etc. and by the time they got to the curtain, they ran around 400 yards while Hall & Nash were riding up there in a golf cart. Norton states he got down to the ring and talks about being hit by The Giant (Big Show) and that the n.W.o were supposed to be beating down Giant. Scott says he can’t believe the n.W.o is over and he has pictures etc. from Japan and New World Order where he works out. Norton continues that the discusses the n.W.o and how it was very over with the audience.

Doc asks if the New World Order’s dominance led to it’s downfall. Scott replies by talking about being friendly with Eric Bischoff since the AWA days and highlights he is a great guy. Jake in chat asks about the LWO, BWO etc. and Scott states it didn’t matter, but what Eddie Guerrero did with Latino World Order was pretty cool but states that it was not given a chance by the fans because it wasn't an orginal name and was seen as an nWo "ripoff". Scott Norton talks about n.W.o Sting, who was more over in Japan as he was involved in more skits/interviews. He concludes by saying that Gillberg was the best imitation and that he hopes Bill Goldberg laughs about it now. Doc and Scott then discuss Gillberg and his impressions he did, Scott states they watched WWE for the Gillberg character in the locker room and Goldberg turned the TV off and got hot about it. Norton says the character was done so well and Scott said it was the greatest thing and if it was a parody of him, he’d show it at parties and would be something to laugh about it.

StevieRay in chat asks if Scott Norton still has his n.W.o. vest, Scott replies saying he has so many. He tells a story about an electrician who did some work in his home taking some of his n.W.o memorabilia, and how he got revenge and got some back. Doc asks what Scott has up next, Scott responds by saying he’ll be back in Japan on the 27th and is working a show on the 30th and is excited about spending New Years Eve in Japan. Scott says ‘Wrestling Weekly’ is his favorite radio show to appear on and wishes Doc, Les and everyone a Merry Christmas. Norton continues by saying Doc & Les do a wonderful, fun job and Doc wishes Scott Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. He hopes to have Scott back on when he runs his next show. For more on Wild West Championship Wrestling, visit the official Myspace page http://www.myspace.com/wildwestchampwrestling