View Full Version : Woman Gets Jail Time For Playing Loud Music

Dangerous Incorporated
12-29-2006, 11:11 AM
Woman Gets Jail Time For Playing Loud Music

A woman in Japan charged with inflicting injury on her neighbor by blasting rock music at her house for more than two years has been given a 20-month prison term.

The 59 year-old woman, Miyoko Kawahara, was sentenced by the Osaka High Court. Kawahara was accused of causing insomnia and headaches to her next-door neighbor by playing loud dance music almost 24 hours a day on a portable stereo she had pointed at her neighbor's house, about 20 feet away.

She was finally arrested after repeated complaints. Apparently, the two women had had a number of disagreements that led up to the incident.

"The defendant ignored calls by local authorities and continuously played music at a high volume for some 29 months", Judge Hiroshi Furukawa said.

Doctors diagnosed the neighbor as having insomnia and headaches they attributed to the noise.

Under Japanese law, those convicted of inflicting injury on another person face up to 10 years in prison so it could have been worse.

Source: TNV

Gee thats a bit steep, 20 months. The lady is 58 ffs. Give her community sevice or something.

12-30-2006, 11:58 AM
What if the 59 year old was hard of hearing? If she was, wouldn't that have been taken into consideration?