View Full Version : 29 Dec Heat Recap - Greatest Rivalries of 2006

Dangerous Incorporated
12-30-2006, 01:16 AM
http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/6425/2525098786fu3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
29 Dec Heat Recap - Greatest Rivalries of 2006

This edition of Heat features the top 4 rivalries of 2006.

First Segemt:

Starting off is an on-going rivalry that's really all about one thing : the Intercontinental title. Ever since his return to the WWE, Jeff Hardy and Johnny Nitro have found few similarities between each other. This begun number 4 rivalry of 2006.

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro - Ladder Match
November 20, 2006

This match had been a first for Johnny Nitro, and a classic for Hardy. The highlights of this match were shown. Included: Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb onto a ladder, Nitro shoving the ladder into Hardy's stomach. The pop of the match was definitely Hardy's powerbomb on Nitro off of the ladder. Jeff Hardy retained his title after trapping Nitro underneath the ladder.
Winner: Jeff Hardy

A promo for John Cena v. Kevin Federline is played.

-=end of segment=-

Second Segment:

#3: Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley

These two men had nothing but hatred for one another, and it was shown to an extreme extent at SummerSlam 2006 in a devastating "I Quit" match.

This match was so bloody, it was shown in black and white. These two bodies, bleeding everywhere, were thrown around like rag dolls, but neither of them would give up. Even after trainers had declared the match over and Foley down for the count, the match still continued.
Melina had made her way down to the ring and threw the towel for Mick, quitting for him. That still didn't stop Flair, until he went to swing at Melina, did Mick Foley quit.
Winner: Ric Flair

A promo for New Year's Revolution is played.

-=end of segment=-

Third Segment:

#2; John Cena vs. Edge

This rivalry had started at NYR '06, when Edge cashed in his Money in the Bank. The two would continue to battle it out until October. Within those long 10 months, John Cena and Edge put each other through hell. One of the most hellacious bout to date, was their Steel Cage Match on October 2nd.

This match showed sheer will to win in both of these men. They amazed all in doing things that no one excepted them do. Everything looked to be going in Edge's favour, with Lita handing him a chair and Cade and Murdoch coming out to help him win. What Edge seemed to forget, was DX were still in the building. After Sweet Chin Music caused Murdoch to slam the cage door into Edge's head, Cena got the FU and the victory.
Winner: John Cena

A promo for Hulk Hogan's Ultimate Anthology is played.

Final Segment:

#1: Degeneration-X vs. the McMahons

This rivalry had the last half of the year full of everyone laughing at the McMahons. From getting crap dumped on them, to having the crap kicked out of them, the jokes were always on Vince and Shane.

Since the Coach "banned" Todd Grisham from showing any footage on Heat that saw DX humiliating the McMahons, Grisham decided to show some "Cock Talk." Triple H had conducted a via satellite interview with the very cock on the "Vince Likes Cock" shirt. They had discussed Vince and their relationship. Very hilarious.

After the footage was shown, Grisham was promoting New Year's Revolution and asking the WWE fans to send him emails about his new look (shorter hair, goatee). Seconds before closing the show, Grisham reminded everyone that K-fed is coming to Raw this Monday night

Source: Gereck

Yay...K-Fed! :rolleyes: