View Full Version : WWE Looking To Sign Models, Heat On Cole, WWE Scouting

Dangerous Incorporated
01-01-2007, 12:30 AM
WWE Looking To Sign Models, Heat On Cole, WWE Scouting

Regarding the story on WWE hiring a bunch of bikini models, John Laurinaitis and the company want to sign and bring up as many as 20 new women for roles on television over the next three months. This has led to them trying to teach the men and women newcomers in Louisville where most (but not all) of the new women live and work, about wrestling history. Mike Bucci (Simon Dean), who is running the program, gave them a list of names to learn.

Another issue Michael Cole has is that he hired his own writing team to script wrestling angles and write articles for WWE.com. However, Cold hired "nice kids straight out of college, with limited wrestling knowledge at best." They have been getting a negative reaction due to their lack of product knowledge, not to mention that they don't seem to understand as to how to talk to the wrestlers. Anyways, all of this doesn't seem to sit well with one Stephanie McMahon.

WWE has hired someone to scout professional and college athletes across the country (and world) for potential developmental deals. Jim Ross was among several people who had pushed for years for McMahon to get more proactive in finding stand out athletes nearing the end of their run in various sports and recruit them to be trained by WWE.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Pro Wrestling Torch

Getting people finishing college etc is good but an obvious idea. And Steph if your gonna fireanyone, fire Cole please???

01-01-2007, 01:23 AM
Why does WWE need more women. The ones they have now serve no purpose. Its Steph who is killing WWE. She doesnt like anything that isnt done her way. Its actually rather sad because WWE is almost dead as it is now.

01-01-2007, 01:42 AM
i hate the fact that 20 bikini models are going to be signed. vince should be hiring women based on their wrestling ability not just their looks. the way things are going, it wouldn't surprise me if the women's title becomes defunct in a couple of years time just like the european and hardcore titles as there wouldn't be any decent wrestlers due to all the wwe divas being eye-candy

01-01-2007, 02:39 AM
I do not like this one bit. I've seen Wwe hold those diva searches and usually all those girls who participate getting signed in the end but then never get used. Wwe is always signing divas but never using 'em. Signing all these models wouldn't help and would be pointless.

Cole being fired, ew, I hate Wwe. Cole is like JR and King, he's been there to long and watching Smackdown without him would not be good.

01-01-2007, 08:53 AM
I know the WWE is going for more T & A because Vince doesn't feel that the 2 woman (Victoria & Mickie) who can actually wrestle are as marketable as Trish & Lita were... But WHY THE HELL do they need to hire 20 bikini models? They have enough useless Divas as it is!

01-01-2007, 01:32 PM
Sometimes the McMahon's make stupid decisions as the one with the models.