View Full Version : *SPOILERS* 1 Jan 07 RAW Report - Miami, FL

Dangerous Incorporated
01-02-2007, 06:05 AM
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/347/newrawlogosr4.gif (http://imageshack.us)
*SPOILERS* 1 Jan 07 RAW Report - Miami, FL

The 1st RAW of 2007 kick off with:

(1) Non-title: WWE Champion John Cena vs. Kevin Federline in a no-DQ match. Federline announces that Coachman has made the match No DQ - he then brings out "his personal trainer & friend" Johnny Nitro. K-Fed puts on a pair of gloves, headgear and puts in a mouthpiece. Nitro puts a chair in the ring for Federline to do a master lock challenge - cena easily breaks it - K-Fed has taken the headgear, gloves and mouthpiece out. Nitro tries to interfear but gets backfliped out the ring - K-Fed low blows Cena - Cena goes to FU Fed but Umaga comes out and attacks him. K-Fed comes back in the ring, puts a cocky cover on Cena and pins him 1-2-3.

backstage; K-Fed, Nitro and extras go into Federline's locker room to celebrate, Maria tries to get an interview but Melina cuts her off, she tells Maria not to call him K-Fed because his name is Kevin Federline. Melina says she will give Federline a gift, Maria asks what it is and Melina responds "Why don't you go in the ring later on tonight and find out, bit*h" and Melina then slaps her.

also backstage; DX are shown plotting for tonight.

backstage again; Coach announces Cena's night is not over, he will have to face Umaga, Estrada, Coach and Nitro in a 4-on-1 handicap match.

(2) 8-Man Tag Team Match: Cryme Tyme & Highlanders vs. World's Greatest Tag Team & Cade and Murdoch. It scrolled across the bottom that it's Jimmy Hart's birthday. Shad pinned Trevor Murdoch for the win.

WrestleMania Recall: WrestleMania 3 - Hogan slams Andre

graphic comes up for Maria vs. Melina.

(3) Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Conway. Conway declares that he's going to start winning this year - if he looses to Hardy, he'll quit RAW. Jeff rolled up Conway for the pin in about 3 seconds!
And now Mr. McMahon has made his way to the ring! He says that 99.9% of prople break their new year's resolutions but he never breaks his - some of his are to stop being so damn nice and to stop people taking advantage of him. He goes on to say that he will not let Conway quit RAW because "Rob Conway.. .. ..you're FIRED!!"

backstage, Kenny says he will kill Ric Flair's career.

great video package is shown of DX and Rated-RKO's rivalry including Edge & Orton taking out Flair - HBK saying how much of an influance Flair was to himself and Hunter and then the two of them taking out DX two weeks a go.

DX are then shown walking to ringside.

DX have made their way to the ring. Looks like they'va released green glow sticks so the fans can make "X." HBK says that himself and Hunter have beaten everyone this company have put in front of them and he is still waiting to face the so called "Future of the WWE." He said the thing all these guys have in common is that they're either no longer here or jerking the curtain someplace. He goes on to say that Orton & Edge took out Flair and beat him within an inch of his life and then took out DX - but the thing is, they may have a "set" but they don't know what to do with them and this sunday DX are going to kick theirs down their throat. HHH then gets on the mic and says that he is disapointed because Orton & Edge decided not to turn up tonight, and that there are two sides to DX - the funny side that the people love and enjoy - and the nasty side, he then welcomes Orton & Edge to the nasty side and says that they have messed with the two most ruthless b*stards in this company. "and if you're not down with that, we've got two words for ya.. .."

(4) Melina vs. Maria. Victoria makes her way to commentary with the clipboard. Victoria notes that on her clipboard there is a new square to be checked with no name. Melina pins Maria. Victoria then enters the ring and looks to be getting ready to attack Melina but instead goes back out the ring - grabs Lilian Garcia and attemps to give her the Widow's Peak, but Mickie James runs to ringside in time and saves her.

awesome video package of Tribute to the Troops from last week.

(5) Tag Team Match: Ric Flair & Carlito w/ Torrie Wilson vs. Kenny Dykstra & Chris Masters. King mentions the soldier that broke the Master Lock - J.R. comments that Coach has stricken it from the records!

commercial break... Rob Conway's profle has been removed from the RAW page.

Kenny pinned Flair after he had his feet all over the ropes. Flair gets on the mic and tells Kenny to get back to the ring - Edge shows up and distracts Flair while Orton sneaks up behind him and gives him the RKO. Then then give him the conchairto and leave through the crowd.

After the break, JR said DX had left the building, explaining why they didn't save Flair from the Rated RKO beat down.

Added to NYR: Chris Masters vs. Carlito and Ric Flair vs. Kenny.

Kevin Federline makes his way to the ring again to put himself over - he says he shocked the world again when he defeated Cena and that he's gonna watch this from ringside.

(6) 4-on-1 handicap match: Jonathan Coachman, Johnny Nitro, Umaga & Armando Alejandro Estrada vs. John Cena. Umaga, Estrada, Nitro and Coach win when Cena gets DQed after he hit Umaga with a steel chair. He then takes out both Nirto and Coach with FU's. Cena grabs K-Fed from ringside - shoves him in the ring and gives him an FU too. Cena and Umaga then stare each other down from the ring and the stage as RAW goes off the air.

01-02-2007, 02:22 PM
i thought raw was good this week. the only part that annoyed me was the cena v k-fed match. this match has had so much hype for the last month and it turned out to be a farce. nothing happened for about 5 minutes, then umaga attacks cena and k-fed pins cena to win. it was absolute bullshit

Matthew James
01-02-2007, 06:37 PM
I absolutely loved K-Fed on the mic, classic stuff.

01-02-2007, 07:12 PM
well accdording to coach's rules umaga should loss his shot because he interfered in a match he was not in. which coach said if they fight each other in a non match then the title match is lost. so his atttack should cost him the title