View Full Version : Microsoft delays launch of Vista

03-22-2006, 09:40 AM
Now arriving 2007.
Microsoft plans to delay the consumer launch of its much-anticipated Windows Vista operating system to January 2007.

It had originally aimed to launch Vista - the first major update since Windows XP was introduced five years ago - in the second half of 2006.

Now, a version will be available for corporate customers from November 2006.

Vista will then be rolled out for consumers after the holiday shopping season, said a spokesman for Microsoft - the world's biggest software maker.

But analysts said this could throw some PC manufacturers and retailers into turmoil.

"It's not the optimal situation, to be launching the next-generation version of Windows right after the big holiday sales season," said analyst Joe Wilcox at Jupiter Research.

Efforts to improve security in the new system were largely behind the delay, Microsoft said.

Six versions

Microsoft is planning six versions of the next incarnation of its Windows operating system.

Three versions of the software, called Vista, will be for home users, two will be for businesses and one will be for emerging markets.

Vista, which was known as Longhorn during its long development, is a major re-working of Windows that makes changes, among other things, to the way the operating system looks and how it handles networking and sound.

Microsoft said the six versions were designed to match the demands different users have for its software.

No details have been given about the pricing of the separate versions.

When Vista eventually hits the market it will be the longest gap between releases of Windows systems.


It's a shame that they have put the date for the launch of Vista back,But hopefully they will now get any little problems sorted out before it's launch unlike Windows....