View Full Version : Amy Zidian Speaks Out, Coachman On TV

Dangerous Incorporated
01-07-2007, 10:47 PM
Amy Zidian Speaks Out, Coachman On TV

The recently released Amy Zidian finally broke her silence and posted the following blog on her MySpace page (myspace.com/amymariezidian). The page is legit, but set to private:

Hi everyone, as we know I've been released from WWE. I still plan to train and do my best. With everything in life hard work pays off and nothing comes easy. I am a true believer in following your dreams. If they don't come true you can always know you tried. DO NOT LIVE WITH REGRET. I can live with the fact I'd always get back up and fall on my face as oppose to walking away. Believe in yourselves and your dreams.

Jonathan Coachman has a talk show on CSTV.com called "One2One", which airs tonight at 9 p.m. Former running back Eddie George will be on the show.

Source: PWInsider

Well I didnt expect Amy to say, "Im blonde and dont know anything about the wrestling buisness or even who Stephanie McMaon is and I deserved to be fired til grow a brain!"