View Full Version : Factions in the WWE

Rated X
01-08-2007, 03:58 AM
Should the WWE focus on making a few factions again? Much like they did in the attitude era. I think there are a few factions that they could make that would do rather well. Obviously we have Rated RKO and DX. Rated RKO could add Kenny and DX maybe add Cena. There are so many possibilities of factions. If there was a chance to add more factions and not just the two mentioned here, should they do it? Or should they just stick with what they have?

01-08-2007, 05:59 AM
Kenny can pull off a sting in such a faction as RKO and would probably help him much like Evolution helped both Batista and Orton. But Cena shound never, NEVER, join DX. That would be an insult to DX both past and present. And it would only further the decline of the WWE.

For now factions in the WWE are going to be sparse. There is already too much talent misused and there are no real fits between most of the superstars. I would disband ECW the brand and have that as an "invading" faction similar to the NWO. But of course, that would actually make sense and legitamise the new ECW, so McMahon will not do it.

01-08-2007, 06:33 AM
with HHH injury, prob. all factions go bye-bye.