View Full Version : WWE Diva Ashley's 3 Year Extensio

03-23-2006, 11:31 PM
WWE.com has posted an interview with WWE Diva Ashley, who just signed a three year contract extension.

The Article
Ashley receives three-year contract extension
March 22, 2006

Ashley recently suffered a spiral fracture to her leg and has been stuck in a cast ever since. She was even attacked by Mickie James this past Monday on RAW. But Ashley’s luck took a turn for the better when she received the news that she would be offered a three-year contract extension. WWE.com caught up with Ashley to get her thoughts on her contract extension, the Divas Magazine, her relationship with Matt Hardy and much more.

WWE.com: How does it feel to have a new 3-year deal?
Ashley: I was so excited. I was really pumped, and it was a great feeling. I was pulled aside, and John Laurinaitis told me that he wanted to offer me a 3-year contract extension and I was just really excited. I was hoping it would happen, but I didn’t expect it this soon. I had no idea it was coming, and when he asked I was just glad to know I’d be part of the company for three more years. And hopefully this will just keep happening.

WWE.com: Do you feel getting this contract will officially change people’s perceptions from being a Divas Search Winner to a full-fledged Diva?
Ashley: The Diva Search is something I’ll hold in my heart forever because it put me where I am. But I want to one day go past the point of being a Diva Search winner and establish myself as a part of the women’s division as a wrestler. Hopefully one day I can take it to the top. I’ll train as hard as I can. Obviously the injury I have is a bit of setback, but I want to take this as far as it can go and be a part of the company as long as I possibly can.

WWE.com: Now that you have such a long deal, do you feel is there less pressure on you?
Ashley: I’m going to obviously keep working hard. Once this injury is up I’ll be training harder than ever. You have to keep working hard because you never know what can happen.

WWE.com: How has the rehab been going?
Ashley: I just had another X-ray a couple of weeks ago, and they said everything is healing properly and I’m right on schedule. My cast should be off in a few weeks and then I start to rehab my leg, and hopefully I’ll be in the ring as soon as possible.

Ashley receives three-year contract extension
By Ed Williams III
March 22, 2006

Ashley recently suffered a spiral fracture to her leg and has been stuck in a cast ever since. She was even attacked by Mickie James this past Monday on RAW. But Ashley’s luck took a turn for the better when she received the news that she would be offered a three-year contract extension. WWE.com caught up with Ashley to get her thoughts on her contract extension, the Divas Magazine, her relationship with Matt Hardy and much more.

WWE.com: How does it feel to have a new 3-year deal?
Ashley: I was so excited. I was really pumped, and it was a great feeling. I was pulled aside, and John Laurinaitis told me that he wanted to offer me a 3-year contract extension and I was just really excited. I was hoping it would happen, but I didn’t expect it this soon. I had no idea it was coming, and when he asked I was just glad to know I’d be part of the company for three more years. And hopefully this will just keep happening.

WWE.com: Do you feel getting this contract will officially change people’s perceptions from being a Divas Search Winner to a full-fledged Diva?
Ashley: The Diva Search is something I’ll hold in my heart forever because it put me where I am. But I want to one day go past the point of being a Diva Search winner and establish myself as a part of the women’s division as a wrestler. Hopefully one day I can take it to the top. I’ll train as hard as I can. Obviously the injury I have is a bit of setback, but I want to take this as far as it can go and be a part of the company as long as I possibly can.

WWE.com: Now that you have such a long deal, do you feel is there less pressure on you?
Ashley: I’m going to obviously keep working hard. Once this injury is up I’ll be training harder than ever. You have to keep working hard because you never know what can happen.

WWE.com: How has the rehab been going?
Ashley: I just had another X-ray a couple of weeks ago, and they said everything is healing properly and I’m right on schedule. My cast should be off in a few weeks and then I start to rehab my leg, and hopefully I’ll be in the ring as soon as possible.

WWE.com: How much longer until the fans can see you compete?
Ashley: Once I get my cast off, the rehabilitation is supposed to take 4-6 weeks. But I’m going to do intensive rehab, so I’m hoping it won’t take as long.

WWE.com: What goals are you setting for yourself upon your return?
Ashley: When I do come back, I just want my training to progress. I hope one day I’ll have another opportunity at the Women’s Championship and become the Champion one day. I think everyone’s goal should be to take it to the top, and that’s something I definitely want to achieve.

WWE.com: What have you been doing in your time off?
Ashley: I’ve just been spending a lot of time with my family and friends, and that’s pretty much it.

WWE.com: Speaking of spending time with friends, the Internet is always buzzing about your relationship with Matt Hardy. It was thought that since you two have been on different brands things cooled off. Do you care to comment on the status of your relationship?
Ashley: Matt and I are still very close and we probably will be for many years to come. I think it all depends on what happens in the future. As of recently, we’ve been able to spend a lot of time together because of my injury. I think that always helps a relationship. And who knows? Maybe in the future we will be on the same brand. You never know with WWE. I won’t completely count it out. We just have to wait and see what happens.

WWE.com: You competed with Kristal, who like Matt is also on SmackDown, in the Diva Search Competition. How do you think she’s faring over on SmackDown?
Ashley: I think she’s doing a good job. It seems like her training is coming along really well. Out of all of the girls during the Diva Search Contest, Kristal was probably the one I was closest too. Her and Elisabeth were the two girls I kept in touch with after the contest. They were definitely the coolest chicks in the competition. Kristal is down to earth and funny and still a good friend of mine.

WWE.com: Knowing what goes into making it in WWE, do you think Kristal has what it takes to become a successful Diva?
Ashley: I saw her last match against Jillian and it seemed like it went really well. I think she’ll continue to do well, and I’m very proud of her.

WWE.com: You and Kristal were both in the latest Divas Magazine. How do you think your portion of the Divas Magazine turned out?
Ashley: I loved it. That shoot was a lot of fun. I was in Times Square, and on top of a bus, and there were so many people around. In the Divas video you can see how much fun it was. I’m really happy with how it came out, and all of the girls looked really good. I even got to break out my skateboard on the Divas video. It was definitely a fun photo shoot.

WWE.com: You’re also going to be in another magazine, Femme Fatale. In fact, you’ll be on the cover. What are your thoughts on that shoot?
Ashley: I just saw the cover, literally like five minutes ago. I’m so stoked. I love the other work I’ve done with things like Maxim, Flex and the Divas Magazine, but I really think the Femme Fatale Magazine captured “me”. My brother just came home from Florida today and I showed him the picture, and he said, “That’s you.” So, it’s cool. I’m glad there’s another pictorial that shows the real me.

WWE.com: Do you have any other comments for your fans that can’t wait to see you back in the ring?
Ashley: I’ll be back soon. I’m mentally ready to go. I’ll be doing some intensive training as soon as I can. I just want to thank everyone who’s been there supporting me and keeping in touch while I’ve been off TV. I really appreciate it.
