View Full Version : *SPOILERS* 9 Jan 07 ECW on Sci Fi Results

Dangerous Incorporated
01-10-2007, 04:52 AM
http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3554/ecwbladepr0nx9.png (http://imageshack.us)
*SPOILERS* 9 Jan 07 ECW on Sci Fi Results

ECW on Sci Fi opened with Joey Styles, Tazz, and Brad Armstrong welcoming everyone to the show.

Hardcore Holly vs. CM Punk

They started off fast with a lot of fast counter wrestling. Punk went for the Anaconda Vice early, but Holly got to the ropes. Punk snapmared Holly, then dropkicked him in the back of the head, getting a two count. Punk charged Holly in the corner but Holly kicked him in the face. Punk came back with a powerslam and went back for the Vice. Punk clotheslined Holly over the top to the floor, then went for a tope suicida. Holly moved and Punk crashed to the floor, getting caught in the ropes on the way down. Tazz noted that Punk's winning streak in ECW was on the line, which probably means Punk's streak is about to end. Wait didn't it end at December to Dismember?

Holly worked over Punk with a side chinlock. Punk fought his way back up but Holly cut him off with a back elbow as Punk rebounded off the ropes. Holly used the ropes to tie up Punk and work him over with clubbing shots across the chest. He choked Punk on the ropes, who was now bleeding from the mouth. Holly went to the center turnbuckle and hit a legdrop for a near fall. Punk came back with a series of knee strikes, then springboarded off the ropes into a high crossbodyblock for another near fall. Holly cut off Punk with a dropkick, scoring a two count. Good, solid match thus far.

Punk came charging for a high knee in the corner but Holly cut him off and clotheslined him across the ropes. He slammed Punk into the cornerpost, then nailed the Alabama Slam for the pinfall. Not how I would have ended Punk's winning streak, but the match was solid.

Your winner, Hardcore Holly!

Backstage, referee Mickie Henson told Test his match was next. Test said that he shouldn't have to wrestle tonight because he should be the one in the ECW World championship. He said that he was better than Bobby Lashley and Rob Van Dam. He said he wasn't going to go out to the ring tonight because he shouldn't have to wrestle. The promo came off way too scripted and flat to be effective in my opinion.

Joey Styles promo'd that Tommy Dreamer vs. The Great Khali would be an Extreme Rules match tonight.

Elijah Burke was in the ring and said that last week, he prophesized that Sylvester Turkay would beat someone and that's exactly what happened. He said that he told Turkay to stay in the back because this week, Burke promised, he was going to knock someone out. He challenged anyone from the building to come to the ring.

Cue Sandman's grand entrance. Burke had a big smile on his face. Sandman, who busted himself up during his entrance, entered the ring and had words center ring with Burke. Burke went to punch him but Sandman used his cane to block it. Burke landed a few lefts but Sandman began caning him. Burke left the ring and told Sandman to put the cane back. Burke finally backed off and left ringside. They began playing Sandman's music. Segment just seemed to end without any real conclusion. A different first chapter for this storyline.

They aired a video feature on The Great Khali. I guess we know who's winning tonight on the road to Wrestlemania.

They aired a New Year's Revolution PPV replay commercial.

Extreme Rules: Great Khali vs. Tommy Dreamer

Daivari was with Khali. Dreamer came out wielding a street sign, but Khali stepped on the sign as Dreamer entered the ring, rending it useless. He began destroying Dreamer with headbutt and clotheslines. Dreamer pulled himself back to his feet using the ropes. Khali forced him back down and choked Dreamer with his boot. He nailed Dreamer with an elbow, then smothered Dreamer's face. Dreamer finally came back with street sign shots but was cut off when Khali punched the sign into Dreamer's face. Khali picked up Dreamer by the throat and slammed him down. He stepped on Dreamer's chest and pinned him. Wow, that Dreamer pushed lasted a whole, um, beats me.

Backstage Rob Van Dam was interviewed. He said that everyone backstage says RVD is too cool to care about anything. He said that wasn't true because he cares about ECW and cares about being the ECW World champion. He said that it capped the ten year journey that started the night he first stepped into an ECW ring (January 1996 to be exact) and he cared about the night in July the belt was taken from him in Philadelphia. He said that tonight, the title goes back home to RVD.

The Wrestlemania Recall was Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow. I wonder if they will mention Bigelow is a former ECW World champion? My guess is no.

They showed replays of Dreamer getting destroyed by Khali. They showed Dreamer fighting back to his feet during commercial. Joey Styles said that no matter what happens to Dreamer the spirit of ECW keeps him going.

Kevin Thorn vs. Shannon Moore

Ariel was dressed like a gothic Catholic school girl. I never saw anyone like her when I attended St. Mel's Elementary in Queens, NY. Thorn cut off Moore as he slid between Thorn's legs and clotheslined him. He clobbered Moore with a series of punches. Thorn slammed Moore backwards off the ropes into the ring. Thorn put Moore on the ropes, stared into Moore's face, then drilled him with an Ace Cutter. They called it the "Dark Kiss."

They showed ECW World champion Bobby Lashley warming up backstage.

They aired a video feature on Kelly Kelly, announcing she would return to ECW next week.

ECW World champion Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Van Dam

Lashley and RVD locked up. Van Dam was shoved into the ropes and shoulderblocked down. Van Dam and Lashley went back and forth with a series of offensive moves and faced off as ECW went to commercial. As they came back, Lashley slammed RVD. They showed clips of some good physical action from during the commercial break. Lashley hit a beel out of the corner. He charged RVD for a tackle but Dreamer dropped down into a drop toehold, sending Lashley into the turnbuckles. Van Dam nailed his split legged moonsault for a two count. Van Dam nailed Lashley with a Ryder Kick off the top rope. he cinched in head scissors on Lashley. Van Dam nailed a thrust kick for another near fall. Lashley pulled RVD into a Torture Race but RVD escaped and hit the windmill reverse kick. RVD nailed Rolling Thunder on Lashley.

Lashley drilled RVD with a belly-to-belly suplex. He charged for a spear but RVD evaded and Lashley landed on the floor. Van Dam dropped Lashley on the table and went for a corkscrew legdrop on the table, but Lashley moved. RVD went down screaming and holding the leg. Lashley tossed RVD back into the ring and went to work. He nearly scored a pin after a backdrop. RVD was drilled with a series of spears in the corner. Lashley hit a snap suplex, then hit a delayed vertical suplex.

Lashley measured RVD and speared him. Lashley prepared for his finisher but was hit from behind with a steel chair by Test. Test ran off the referee then sent RVD out of the ring. Test glared down at the beaten Lashley, then stalked off.

Source: PWInsider

Match was good until the finish. The story was that Test screwed ECW and the fans out of the rematch. They can only do so many matches without a finish before fans give up, so it'll be interesting to see where it goes.

King Placebo
01-10-2007, 06:37 AM
Test better get the title. He's the only good thing going in ECW.