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03-26-2006, 03:16 AM
The House

by chrissmith@llv.com

Ever since I was a little girl I have had and made connections with the unexplained. I wonder if our DNA carries this to our children, for my son and daughter also have their own stories to tell. Like our our heritage, a continuing connection with our relatives and their past, spirits, and events that have a connection with them, that we many know nothing about other than the fact that something strange happens to us, something that we cannot explain or understand? I am second generation American, my grandparents on my mother's side were Russian immigrants from the Carpathian mountain range in Europe, home of Dracula. My father's side came from Budapest, and it was told to me that his family was of Hungarian gypsi descent. Many strange stories were told to me by my father during the course of his life, but I am going to tell you about my own experiences, and my children's. I have lived in many different cities, and things just seem to follow me, I think, or does our spirit possibly hold connections that lead us to certain places without conscious choice, I have yet to figure it out. My most recent eventful story is in Las Vegas where I now live. I bought a house that is about 35 years old (that's old by las vegas standards). When I went house hunting I found this house and without even going in it I told the realtor that this is the house I wanted. It was out of my price range, not expensive but I had a modest income and was a single parent with two children. I wanted the house so bad, I didnt even have the money in the bank to cover the earnest money deposit and during escrow I hoped that it wouldnt be found out. I prayed every night that I could have this house, I dont know why but something drove me to it. One night I was lying in my bed, on my stomach, and I heard a very soft whisper in my ear, directly behind my head. A man's voice said to me in a comforting way "you shall have your house". The very next morning, I got the call from the realtor, the loan was approved. We moved into the house, then things started to happen. The first day the air conditioning went out, the second day the refrigator went out. I had the repairs made, but one thing that I could never fix was the master bedroom's constant coldness, sometimes too cold to even sleep in. Every heating and air conditioning company that I called in to check it out said there was no mechanical problems with the unit or the vents, and strangely whenever someone came out to check it, the room's temperature was normal. So I learned to live with it, then one day I was yelling at my kids while I was walking towards my bedroom, and just before I entered my room, and as I stood in the threshold my voice resonated as if I were in a great hall. I took a few steps back and it sounded normal, I walked in my room and it sounded normal. Only in that one small spot did my voice resonate like that. Strange events started to happen in the next few days, every night around midnight. Just after I had fallen asleep, my dogs began barking as if to alert me of a stranger. My dogs slept with me in my bedroom on my bed. I started to get upset after the first few times of checking it out and found nothing. My kids were fast asleep, so what could it be? One night I decided to stay awake and catch whatever caused this disruption, I just lied in my bed with the lights off as usual, pretending to be going to sleep, looked at the clock and it was just before midnight, and just like clockwork Roxy, one of my dogs who was lying at the foot of my bed, jumped up and started barking which staring towards the doorway. I threw off the covers, sat up, and looked towards the doorway of my bedroom, and to my astonishment I saw only two large almond shaped yellow-green glowing eyes staring right at me! It happend all so fast, I must have startled whatever it was, because it lasted only seconds and the eyes seemed to have backed up so rapidly as to whoosh away like a shooting star or comet falling from the sky with a trail of light. I turned on the light and got out of bed and quickly checked the kids to see if they were ok. They were fast asleep and heard nothing and knew nothing when I talked to them the next morning. But my daughter did say that a few nights previous to this incident that she had walked past her brother's bedroom and saw him vertically suspended upside-down on his head, out of his bed, still in his sleeping position with his blanket and pillow in the air. She never told me about this because she thought I would never believe it. Well that next morining also brought about the change of the sound in the threshould of the doorway to my bedroom, I stood in the same spot as before, spoke alould, and the resonating sound my voice made was gone. Both my children have seen unexplained apparitions, at another house we lived in. This one was in Portland, Oregon. It was a new house build on unholy ground. Objects were moved and found in places where they didn't belong, lights were found on when they were on when we had turned them off, but the most disturbing was a faceless lady covered in a hooded dark cloak that appeared to my son that made him cry in the night. He saw her standing in his sliding closet doorway in his bedroom. The next night my daughter not knowing what her brother had seen, saw the very same thing in her bedroom closet doorway, both of their closets shared the same wall and were back to back. My stories are many and so are my experiences, maybe some other time I can tell you more. I swear that all I have said is the truth.

Credit Shadowlands

Mr Mando
03-28-2006, 06:33 PM