View Full Version : Huge News: RVD Unhappy, Leaving WWE For TNA?

01-19-2007, 02:32 AM
According to Dave Scherer of PWInsider, Rob Van Dam is definitely unhappy in WWE right now. Much of it has to do with the direction that the ECW brand has taken recently, in addition to his personal situation on the brand.

RVD was originally excited about the return of ECW, especially with Heyman at the helm, since he believed he finally would have a place within the WWE where he would fit in. That obviously doesn't seem to be happening right now.

Scherer adds that many people inside the company would not be surprised at all to see RVD jump to TNA after his WWE contract expires. It is believed that RVD still has about a year left on his current deal.

01-19-2007, 03:27 PM
RVD would work better in TNA, imo.

RVD has always been held down until just recently by WWE, only because Heyman was pushing RVD. Since Heyman is gone, I predict TNA signing Heyman and RVD.

01-19-2007, 03:32 PM
Poor ol RVD, he never really got a huge push in WWE and now with all the troubles of 2006 on his shoulders, it can not be easy for him. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to go to TNA. If he does leave ECW, that is just another nail in the coffin for the brand.

01-20-2007, 03:41 AM
I can't imagine that RVD wants to renew his contract at this point. I actually just watched his promo from One Night Stand '05 and I'd forgotten just how great it was. THAT is the character he should've been allowed to portray in WWECW, but he was ultimately not allowed to be anything more than the watered down one-note "dude" he'd played in WWE since '01. Of course, the arrest didn't help matters, but WWE shot itself in its proverbial foot by preventing Van Dam, Sabu, Sandman, Credible, Balls, and the like from being the "extremists" they could and should have been.

01-20-2007, 06:30 AM
No surprise there. He just doesn't fit in. I'm a huge fan of the guy and thought that when ECW came back around, he'd finally found his niche. Sadly, though, he just kept on getting knocked down and in the WWE, if someone doesn't like you, then you're being held down, despite your overwhelming talent. He would be happier elsewhere and it would give me yet another reason to watch TNA.

01-21-2007, 01:22 PM
Things don't look good for RVD at the moment. You never know though a year is a long time till his contract expires. He may get another crack at leading ECW