View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 19th Jan 2007

01-20-2007, 11:58 AM
Smackdown 1/19
Little Rock, Arkansas

The show starts with Mr. Kennedy coming to the ring to gloat about his World Heavyweight title shot at Royal Rumble. Kennedy blabbed on about how he did not suck because he did something that no one could do, not even the almighty Undertaker, and that is beat the clock. He went on to say that he didn't cost Taker his match last week, he was just protecting his spot in line for the title. He also says that it is the time of Mrrr........

*here comes the Mac Millatint (sp.)*

It's Teddy Long. He comes out to tell Kennedy that he is going against the Undetaker. He reassured Kennedy that he would go for the title at the Rumble, but if Taker won, then he too would be in the Title match, making it a triple Threat.

[Commercial Break]

*Maryse welcomes everyone back to Smackdown*

Matt Hardy vs. Joey Mercury

This match was very intense, as Mercury wanted to serve up some revenge for Hardy for "ruining" his movie star good looks. It went back and forth for some time. Mercury had the upper hand for a while. Hardy got in pretty rough shape, but managed to get a cheap shot and the win.

Winner: Matt Hardy

Nitro and Melina showed up after the match. They take the mat off the concrete. MNM bashed Hardy's face into the concrete floor.

[Commercial Break]

The Miz, Layla and Ashley are shown backstage. Miz is gloating on how he pushed Taker to the limit. And in the middle of gloating, the girls walk away as Kane shows up and stares down the Miz.

Kristal is shown with Vickie Guerrero. Vickie doesn't want to talk about the No DQ match, but she did want to talk to Kristal in private.

*a video package of the Benoit/Guerrero Fued is shown*

[Commercial Break]

*Promo for the Best of 2006 mag is played*

Regal, Taylor and MVP vs. Vito, Paul London & Brian Kendrick

The tag team champs and Vito seemed to own the match and took it in stride. That was of course, until the still-burnt MVP gained control of Vito. Regal and Taylor both had their shots at Vito before MVP comes back in. MVP was very aggressive in this match. Vito had caight Regal in a small package, but didn't get the win. Taylor and Regal continued to torture Vito before a tag was finally made to Brian Kendrick. Kendrick cleaned house, and believed that Regal was the legal man, but MVP caught the high flyer and got the 1,2,3.

Winners: MVP, Regal, and Taylor.

[Commercial Break]

*promo for wrestlemania 23 is played*

Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero
No DQ for the United States Championship

Early on in this match, Chavo exposes the top turnbuckle. but that didn't seem to help Chavo as he is put in the Crippler Cross face. Chavo favoured Benoit's left arm. Benoit countered with a snap suplex on a steel chair. Chavo then swung the chair at Benoit's arm and got a 2 count. After a few chops, Benoit launched Chavo outside the ring. Benoit began to bleed from behind his ear. Chavo hit the Three Amgios and went for the Frog splash, but Benoit rolled out of the way. Benoit had hit a few suplexes, but missed the flying Headbutt. Benoit applies the Sharpshooter and although Chavo grabs hold to the chair, he taps out. hmmmmm.

Winner and STILL United States Champion Chris Benoit

Kritsal is shown backstage with Batista. Batista mentions that he will be at ringside during the main event between Mr. Kennedy and the Undertaker.

[Commercial Break]

Jillian Hall and Mr. Kennedy are seen backstage. Hall talks Kennedy into giving Teddy Long a piece of his mind.

OVW Alumni Deuce & Domino(w/Cherry) vs. ?????

This match ended rather quickly, Deuce and Domino seemed to make a statement as a qualifying tag team on Smackdown.

Winners: Deuce and Domino

Long and Kennedy are shown backstage in Long's office. Kennedy wonders why Teddy put him in his match tonight and tried to make him change his mind about it. Teddy wouldn't have any of it, the was going to happen and it was going to happen tonight.

[Commercial Break]

*Maryse welcomes everyone back to Smackdown*

Kane vs. The Miz

This match was totally one sided. Kane had taken down Miz with a boot and a chokeslam to get the win.

Winner: Kane

[Commericial Break]

*the Raw Rebound is played*

Teddy and Kristal are seen in Teddy's office talking about Kristal's "idea". They make plans to meet next week as King Booker and Queen Sharmell walk in to Teddy's office. Booker said he never got his rematch at Batista, but he will get his chance after he wins the Royal Rumble. Teddy told Booker that he would have a chance to prove himself in a Rumble Preview 6 man over the top rope Challenge next week.

Cole and JBL go over the matches set to take place at the Royal Rumble as Batista makes his way to ringside.

[Commercial Break]

Mr. Kennedy vs. The Undertaker
If Taker wins, he is in the World Title at the Rumble

Within the first minute of the match, Taker had 2 two counts and continued to control Kennedy. Kennedy took a few risks at firing back at the Phenom, but Taker quickly grabbed the upper hand. After a brief commercial break, Taker still seemed to be in control of the cocky Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy seemed to be helpless, until he hit a cheapshot on the knee of the Deadman. Taker miraculously founda way to get up and deliver a vicious big boot. Taker had attempted the Last ride, but Kennedy weaseled his way out of it and landed another cheap shot to the knee. After deadly right hands, the Deadman delivers another big boot. Just as it seemed Taker had the match won, Batista comes in and attacks Kennedy, disqualifying the Undertaker.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy (by DQ)

Smackdown went off the air as Taker stood in the ring in disbelief and Mr. Kennedy gloated over his victory at the end of the walk way.

and that's game, folks!!

source: gerweck.net