View Full Version : Thoughts of the Hall Of Fame

03-28-2006, 04:59 AM
I kinda agree with this guy on this topic but not fully. (Credit Obsessedwithwrestling and Mike K.)

Hey everyone, I hope that you all enjoy the new entry to the Hall of Fame such as Bret Hart. I think it's well deserved and long overdue.

Speaking of long overdue, this brings me to the reason I'm writing this article - Curt Henning, better known as Mr. Perfect. I grew up with this guy on T.V. long before I turned into an Undertaker fan and Bret Hart fan and why I have not heard anything about Curt being put into the hall of fame bothers me.

Now, I my self am looking forward to training to wrestle locally. My reasons being I'm trying to open my own business and something like this would let me pay my loan off but keep regular income for a regular job for house needs. (My girlfriend lives with me so she was having a cow about me dumping regular job earnings into the business and not having anything for home). Anyway, this isn't so much babble here as I have a point to all of this. Going into training, I have the attitude: it's a show. I'm not going out there to kick someone's ass, be an Ultimate Warrior, and make a show look like trash. I believe in taking care of my co-worker, and that's what the guy in the ring with you is. Curt Henning was probably one of the safest guys I had ever watched in the wrestling ring, and at the same time he made who was wrestling him look good. The guy was stunning! It's as if he didn't even have to try to put on a good show. All these years have gone by from when I was a kid watching him, and I sill remember him perfect plexing the other wrestler and have this expression that screamed out: "What now punk"?

Curt Henning also seemed to be one of the greats that got pushed around and jobbed by the WWE. I don't remember him having a title run, does anyone? It's been a long time but I don't recall that every happening.

This guy made people go nuts. Even if the crowd didn't like him, they loved to show their hate. It was great. This guy knew how to work people, both in the ring and outside of it. I was a little shocked to learn that he passed away due to being on drugs or at least trying them.

Dying in a hotel room. Eddie Guerrero had that same fatal mistake. Yes, Eddie deserves to be in that Hall of Fame, and I'm sure with a lot of other guys who I might not even know about who didn't make the best choices but would have been amazing superstars. The WWE also doesn’t make the best choices, and if anyone should be pushed to be placed in that hall of fame, we should all push for Curt Henning. In a way this article will possibly only appeal to people who watched him, but if you watched him, I don't think there's any trouble in establishing the fact that he was one of the best. In the ring, on the job, I could tell he loved it and he really was perfect.

by Mike K...

Flair Country
03-28-2006, 05:31 AM
I agree completely with this guy. Perfect was the man and I think if he died while he was in the spotlight of the WWE he would already have his spot in the HOF. I wouldn't think they would wait too much longer to induct Curt, maybe a year or two.

03-29-2006, 01:04 AM
ya one more year remeber they aren't inducting Dusty Rhodes because they don't want to many stars all at once to overshadow everyone else

Straight Edge
03-30-2006, 01:49 AM
I think Hennig will most likely be inducted next year, it's too late now....

But i completely agree with that guy, Hennig does deserve to be in the HOF

King TE
03-30-2006, 03:44 AM
I agree with Straight. It's way to late now. 'But even if it wasn't, there would be way too many 'top' HOF Inductees. Which would leave, let's say next year's HOF with one less great.