View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 22nd Jan 2007

01-23-2007, 04:27 AM
RAW Results - 22nd jan 2007
Location - Lafayette, Louisiana
Announcers - J.R. & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

Tonight’s show starts with a graphic remembering Bam Bam Bigelow, who passed away last week.

We see footage from Edge and Randy Orton’s comments last week and their reign of terror over Jim Duggan and Ric Flair to send a message to Shawn Michaels. We see Shawn take care of Edge and Randy Orton thanks to help from the GameHammer.

We are live from Lafayette, Louisiana and your announcers are Jim ‘How about some Cajun BBQ sauce’ Ross and Jerry ‘Ditka’ Lawler.

Shawn Michaels comes out and he has something to say to the crowd. Shawn assumes the position and he asks Lafayette if they can feel it. Last week, he felt something that he thought did not exist before. It was a feeling that he could overcome even the most overwhelming odds. The feeling that he could beat up any bully that could push his way through life. Now, as many know, over the last few years, he has tried his utmost to suppress his feelings and not show them again. That stops today. No matter what the odds and obstacles, the Heartbreak Kid . . . The Showstopper is back. He believes that he can once again be the WWE Champion. The Road to Wrestlemania begins on Sunday with the 30 man Royal Rumble to determine who goes to the main event at Wrestlemania. Shawn is going to take his new, reborn passion and he hopes that God takes mercy on the souls of the twenty-nine people who get in his way. No mere mortal man is ever going to keep him from fulfilling his destiny.

Michaels is interrupted by Edge who comes out onto the Rawest Stage in Sports Entertainment. Edge says that Shawn Michaels has a feeling he is going to win the Royal Rumble, but he has a feeling too. The feeling is the one that Shawn is going to have after the Royal Rumble. It will be a feeling of failure because he is not going to win the Royal Rumble and main event Wrestlemania because Edge says that he will be winning the Rumble. He will then win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Shawn tells Edge to shut up and Shawn says that Edge needs to come to the ring so he can tear him apart. Shawn calls Edge a gutless coward. Edge walks to the ring and Michaels goes out after Edge. Michaels takes Edge down and they battle on the ramp. Edge and Michaels fight into the crowd while the referee tries to get more security to the ring to break things up. Security is finally able to separate both men, but Michaels fights free and he goes after Edge. We go to commercial.

We are back and Shawn Michaels and Edge have moved into the back, but they continue to battle while security is trying to stop them. Coach gets in the middle and he tells them to hold both men down. Coach tells them to lock Shawn Michaels in his locker room.

We see footage from last Friday’s Smackdown when Johnny Nitro attacked Matt Hardy after Matt defeated Joey Mercury. We see Nitro and Mercury give Matt a Snapshot on the concrete floor.

Raw versus Smackdown Challenge Match
Joey Mercury (with Johnny Nitro and Melina versus Jeff Hardy

Jeff with a plancha onto Nitro and Mercury before the bell rings. Hardy rolls Mercury into the ring and he hits a flying clothesline. Hardy takes off Mercury’s jacket and Mercury hits a jawbreaker before sending Jeff out of the ring. Nitro exposes the concrete floor, but the referee sends Nitro to the back as well as Melina. Hardy crawls back into the ring and Mercury with short arm clotheslines. Mercury goes to the face as he punches Jeff in the face. Mercury works on Hardy’s nose on a rear chin lock. Hardy with elbows and Mercury misses a clothesline, but Hardy hits a flying forearm. Hardy with a Whisper in the Wind followed by a Twist of Fate for the three count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match
Nitro gets into the ring and Hardy leaves the ring before Nitro can get to him. Melina and Nitro check on Mercury.

Vince McMahon is in the McOffice and he is reading a letter when Coach enters the office. Coach says that he has the situation under control with Edge and Shawn Michaels. Coach says that he is thinking of throwing Edge and Michaels out of the arena. Coach asks Vince what he would do. Vince says that tonight, he will have Edge versus Shawn Michaels in a Street Fight. Vince says that he is going to make another announcement in the ring in a few moments. We go to commercial.

We are back and there is NO CHANCE as Vince McMahon ‘stunt’ walks to the ring with Jonathan Coachman following a few feet behind Vince. Vince has a mic and he talks about how he read Donald Trump’s letter last week. Vince says that it is his turn to read his letter to Donald Trump. Vince looks for his reading glasses and gets them from Coach. It reads: Dear Donald. Now that your issue with Rosie is simmering down, there is no surprise that her television ratings are in the toilet. That is where the minds of everyone in Lafayette appears to be. While the Apprentice is doing well, it can do better. It could do better with a big star, like me. By having a very special star on the Apprentice, ratings would sour. That is because I have been on television for over thirty-five years. People tune in to see me. I single handedly carried the ratings for Monday Night Raw. My presence alone makes USA the number one network on cable. I don’t know whether it is my good looks, my charisma, my business acumen, or my Herculean physique. People all over the world love me. As a matter of fact, the people here love him so much that he loves them back. As a token of his appreciation . . . the crowd calls Vince an a**hole, and Vince says that he will wait until next week to show his appreciation.

John Cena’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Cena has a mic and he has something to say. Cena tells Vince to ease up and he wonders what happened to him. He wants to know when Vince McMahon became Brother Love. Cena tells Vince to stop being a puss bag because he does not love the fans, and he even said it last week. Cena points out how the fans don’t want to hear him, but Vince continues to talk. Cena wonders what Vince’s obsession with Donald Trump is because Vince’s obsessions do not work. Vince was obsessed with DX, but it ended up with Vince’s head up Big Show’s ass. Vince was also obsessed with his own football league. Now it is Donald Trump. Cena says that it is probably because they are egomaniacs. Coach says that Trump is a much bigger egomaniac than Vince. Cena suggests that it is because they are both shameless self-promoters. Coach says that Trump is a bigger self-promoter than Vince. Cena says that it is because of the fancy suits and fancy hair. Coach says that simply because Trump has more money than Vince McMahon . . . Vince cuts off Coach and he says that there is not a damn thing that Donald Trump has more of than him. Vince says that he does not like insults. Vince brings up the Last Man Standing match on Sunday, and then he suggests that Cena should be in action tonight. Vince suggests that Cena have a tune up match. John Cena will face Jonathan Coachman. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Chris Masters applying the Master Lock to Ron Simmons and Super Crazy breaks up the hold and gets the advantage on Masters.

Super Crazy tells everyone why he attacked Chris Masters last week. He says it is because he is super. It is because he is crazy. He is Super Crazy.

Chris Masters versus Super Crazy

Masters with forearms and knees to Crazy as the match begins. Masters sends Crazy over the top rope to the floor. Masters punches Crazy when he comes back into the ring. Masters with an Irish whip, but Crazy hits a cross body for a near fall. Crazy tries for a wheelbarrow move, but Masters applies the Master Lock but Crazy rolls out before Masters can lock it in. Masters hits a wheelbarrow suplex and then he does the Garvin Stomp on Crazy. Masters with a back breaker as he continues to work on Crazy’s back. Masters with a knee and rear chin lock. Crazy gets to his feet and he gets out of the hold with punches and elbows. Masters throws Crazy to the mat and gets a two count. Masters with a boot to Crazy’s head. Masters with punches and forearms, but Crazy with forearms to Masters. Crazy with a back elbow and clothesline, but Masters stays on his feet. Crazy with a spinning heel kick and drop kicks to take Masters down. Masters sends Crazy to the apron, but Crazy with a forearm and he goes up for a missile drop kick followed by a moonsault for a two count. Crazy charges into the corner, but Masters moves out of the way. Masters with the Master Lock, but Crazy uses the turnbuckles to take Masters down and he gets the three count.

Winner: Super Crazy

Coach and Vince are walking in the back and Coach tries to apologize to Vince. Coach says that it is ridiculous how much money Vince has. Vince says that the only thing on his mind is how he is going to show the fans how wonderful he is next week. Vince says that he knows that Coach does not want to have that match with John Cena because Coach will probably get his ass kicked. Vince says that Coach and Donald should have lunch next week because the match is still on. Vince leaves the building as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Wrestlemania video package and a reminder that it is 69 days away.

Shawn Michaels is in the locker room and he is getting ready for his street fight with Edge.

Maria is in the interview area with Kenny Dykstra. Kenny says that he is going to make history at the Royal Rumble because he will be the youngest man to win the Royal Rumble and then become the youngest man to main event Wrestlemania. Maria looks like she does not think that Kenny can win the Royal Rumble match so Kenny says that he beat Ric Flair three times before Flair had to cheat to beat him. Kenny says that he will go through Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, the Undertaker, or Carlito. Kenny apologizes and says in a way that Maria will understand. He says that 2007 is the Year of Kenny Dykstra.

We see Edge getting ready and Randy Orton walks into the locker room. Edge says that he didn’t expect to see Orton here. Orton wonders if that is because he was speared off the ring apron. Maybe it was when he fell face first on the steel chair. Maybe it was when he was hit in the groin. What about the sledgehammer shot? Orton says that he was left for dead in the ring and given a conchairto. Edge wonders what he should have done since he was hit in the ribs. Orton says that it was no excuse because they are partners. Last week was not every man for themselves. That is this Sunday at the Royal Rumble. Edge wants to know why Orton is here and if he is going to help Edge get revenge on Shawn Michaels in the street fight. Orton tells Edge that we will see what happens. Orton leaves the locker room. We go to commercial.

We are back with the official theme song for Wrestlemania from Saliva.

Jonathan Coachman comes out before the match begins and he says that while he cannot change the match against Cena, so he will give Cena a match first. In the spirit of the Royal Rumble, a number of wrestlers will enter the ring with the specific target of John Cena. When Cena is eliminated, that is when their match begins.

John Cena versus Various Raw Superstars

Cena with clotheslines to Cade and Murdoch. Cade and Murdoch double team Cena in the corner with kicks and forearms. Murdoch with a punch to the gut followed by a swinging neck breaker by Cade. Murdoch punches Cena in the head. Coach sends out more people as Cade gets Murdoch up for a leg drop. Cena punches Cade and Murdoch and then Cena kicks Murdoch low before punching Cade again. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and clotheslines to Cade. Cena with a belly-to-back suplex into a side slam. Cena gets Murdoch up and FUs Murdoch to the floor. Cena with the five knuckle shuffle to Cade.

Out next are Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Viscera also comes out. Haas, Cade, and Benjamin work over Cena while Viscera comes to the ring. Haas and Benjamin hold Cena for Viscera to hit an elbow drop. Great Khali comes out next as Cade chokes Cena in the corner. Khali enters the ring and Benjamin tells Khali what to do, but Khali chops Benjamin and punches Haas. He punches Cade as well before throwing Benjamin over the top rope to the floor. Khali sends Benjamin over the top rope followed by Cade. Viscera punches Khali, but Khali knocks Viscera down. Khali with a big boot to Viscera and then Khali throws Viscera over the top rope to the floor. Cena goes up top for a flying shoulder tackle, but Khali stays up. Khali with a clothesline to Cena and then he throws Cena over the top rope to the floor.

Winner: Great Khali

Jonathan Coachman walks to the ring while Khali Irish whips Cena into the ring steps. Khali rolls Cena into the ring and chops Cena in the top of the head. Khali stands over John Cena before leaving the ring.

John Cena versus Jonathan Coachman

Coachman covers Cena, but he can only get a two count. Cena wants more from Coach, but from out of nowhere, Umaga attacks Cena from behind. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner: John Cena (by disqualification)

Umaga hits a uranage on Cena and then he hits a Samoan Spike while Estrada and Coach bring a table into the ring. Umaga puts Cena on the table while Coach and Estrada hold Cena on the table. Umaga goes up top and hits a frog splash through the table. Umaga stands over Cena while the officials try to check on Cena. Umaga leaves the ring while the medical staff checks on Cena and we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Umaga’s frog splash on Cena through the table, and we see it multiple times from multiple angles.

We go to live action where John Cena gets up to an ovation from the crowd. Cena falls back to the mat as he tries to get up. Cena is helped to the back by two referees.

Jim Ross wonders what the status of the match is for Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

We see footage from two months ago when Candice got her nose broken by a kick from Victoria.

Candice Michelle and Mickie James versus Victoria and Melina

Melina and Mickie start things off and Mickie with an arm bar take down and a drop kick to Melina. Mickie spanks Melina, but Melina kicks back. Melina with an Irish whip but Mickie with an elbow followed by a head scissors take down. Victoria pulls Mickie down on an Irish whip and Candice comes into the ring to yell at Victoria. Victoria tags in and Melina and Victoria both pull Mickie down by the hair. Victoria slams Mickie’s face into the mat and then Melina is tagged back in. Melina chokes Mickie in the ropes and applies a body scissors. Victoria with a kick to Melina when the referee was not looking and Candice breaks up the cover. Victoria comes in and kicks Mickie before backing her into the corner. Victoria misses a charge into the corner. Candice is tagged in and she clotheslines Victoria and then tosses her by the hair followed by a drop kick to Melina on the apron. Victoria with a kick to Candice as well as Mickie. Victoria sets up for the Widow’s Peak but Mickie breaks up the cover. Mickie with a Louise Thesz press to Melina on the floor. Back in the ring, Candice hits a back elbow from the turnbuckles for the three count. We go to commercial.

Winners: Candice Michelle and Mickie James

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Carlito telling off Vince McMahon last week about the ‘Rosie vs. Donald’ segment. Then we see the Great Khali take care of Carlito.

Carlito (with Torrie Wilson and Little Billy) vs Kenny Dykstra

Dykstra backs Carlito into the corner, but Carlito changes positions and the referee with a clean break. Carlito kicks and chops Dykstra before slamming his head into the turnbuckle. Carlito with a kick and clothesline followed by a drop kick that sends Dykstra into the corner. Carlito with an Irish whip, but Dykstra moves out of the way on the charge. Dykstra pulls Carlito down to the mat by the hair and he gets a near fall. Dykstra with two short arm clotheslines and he gets a near fall. Dykstra punches Carlito and then he hits a flying back elbow for a two count. Dykstra with elbows to Carlito’s head and he gets another two count. Dykstra with a rear chin lock but Carlito gets to his feet. Carlito tries for a moonsault, but Dykstra moves out of the way. Carlito lands on his feet and he takes Dykstra down. Carlito with a knee lift and rana for a two count. Carlito hits a springboard back elbow and then he tries for a sunset flip, but Kenny drops down for a two count. Carlito counters for a two count. Dykstra with a rollup and his hand full of Carlito’s tights for the three count.

Winner: Kenny Dykstra

We go to footage from last week when Shawn Michaels faced Randy Orton and Edge in the video package that opened tonight’s show. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cryme Tyme is with Eugene and Super Crazy and they say that they have the numbers for the Royal Rumble. Super Crazy asks for a number because he is super . . . he is crazy . . . he is Super Crazy. Shad wants money for the number. Crazy is happy to see his number. Eugene says that he wants to be in the Royal Rumble. Shad asks Eugene if he has any money. Eugene gives Shad the money and JTG says that he has a special number for Eugene because he is special. Eugene is happy to get number thirty. Shad and JTG say that Eugene should want to be number one. Shad asks Eugene for fifty dollars. Eugene reaches into his trunks to get the money to be number one. JTG asks Shad if Eugene is even in the Royal Rumble. JTG asks if the numbers were real, and Shad says they aren’t. JTG asks Shad if the painting they sold was real, and Shad says it was not. Ron Simmons walks in with the painting and it is DAMN time.

We see footage from earlier tonight when Umaga attacked Cena from behind and then hit a uranage, Samoan Spike, and frog splash through a table. Jim Ross says that Cena might have a ruptured spleen as a result of the attack.

It is time to run through the card for the Royal Rumble:

The Royal Rumble match with the winner getting a main event match at Wrestlemania

Batista versus Ken Kennedy for the World Title

Bobby Lashley versus Test for the ECW Title

John Cena versus Umaga for the WWE Title in a Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels is walking in the back as he gets ready for his match with Edge. We see footage of the brawl between Edge and Shawn Michaels at the start of the show. We go to commercial.

Street Fight
Edge versus Shawn Michaels

Michaels and Edge with punches at the start of the match and Michaels gets the advantage. Michaels whips Edge with a belt as he tries to work on Edge’s injured ribs. Michaels punches Edge with the belt buckle and then he goes outside the ring and he gets a couple of chairs and a trash can. Michaels hits Edge in the head with the trash can before throwing the trash can out of the ring. Michaels with a clothesline that sends Edge over the top rope to the floor. Michaels with a pescado, but Edge hits Michaels in the head with the trash can lid. Both men are down as we go to commercial.

We are back and the ring steps are in the ring as Shawn Michaels is bleeding in the ring. Edge goes outside. We see footage of Edge driving Michaels’s head into the ring steps. We return to live action and Michaels punches Edge in the ribs as Edge tries to bring a ladder into the ring. Edge rolls out of the ring and he grabs a steel chain. Edge hits Michaels in the midsection with the chain. Edge climbs the turnbuckles to bring in the ladder and he suplexes the ladder onto Michaels. Michaels holds his arm while Edge covers Michaels and gets a two count. Edge punches Michaels and Michaels goes down. Edge grabs the ladder and he puts it on top of the ring steps. Edge gets Michaels up for a powerbomb, but Michaels punches Edge to get out of the hold. Edge punches Michaels but Michaels responds with a chop. Edge and Michaels exchange punches and chops with Michaels getting the advantage. Edge with a kick and then he Irish whips Michaels but Michaels with a flying forearm and then he kips up. Michaels with a reverse atomic drop followed by a punch. Michaels grabs the chain and he wraps it around Edge’s face and slams Edge’s head into the turnbuckles. Michaels punches Edge with the steel chain. Michaels looks around the ring as he tries to figure out his next move. Michaels punches Edge in the forehead and then he slams Edge onto the ladder. Michaels rolls outside to the apron and then he goes up top for an elbow drop onto Edge on the ladder. Edge gets up and he punches Michaels before Michaels can hit the elbow drop. Edge climbs up top and he sets for a superplex onto the ladder. Michaels punches Edge in the ribs and Michaels hits a gourdbuster onto the ladder. Michaels goes to another corner and he goes up top for the elbow drop and he hits it. Michaels pops up and he sets for Sweet Chin Music, but Edge blocks it and he hits a modified Electric Chair drop. Both men are down but Edge is the first to get to his feet. Edge waits for Michaels to get up for the spear, but Michaels with a Lou Thesz press and he punches Edge. Michaels hits Edge in the top of the head with a steel chair. Michaels sets up the chairs for a one man conchairto. Randy Orton comes out and he hits the RKO before Michaels can hit the conchairto and Orton waits in the corner as Edge gets the three count.

Winner: Edge

Orton helps Edge up and then Orton throws Edge over the top rope to the floor. Orton grabs a steel chair and he puts it under Michaels’s head. Orton gets another chair, but Ric Flair comes out and he hits a low blow on Orton. Flair punches Orton, but Kenny Dykstra comes out. Dykstra throws Orton over the top rope. Carlito comes into the ring and he kicks and punches Dykstra. Michaels with Sweet Chin Music to Dykstra, Carlito, and Orton. Michaels slams the chair into the mat as we go to credits.

Thanx to PWInsider.com and LionDen