View Full Version : Band's drug stand

03-28-2006, 09:40 PM
Drug stance ... Living Things
US rock band Living Things has taken a public stand against the medication of children for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Drawing from his childhood experiences of growing up with ADHD, lead singer Lillian Berlin is telling audiences all over the US that medicating children for behavioural problems does not work.

"My story is the story of what a lot of kids went through in the 1990s: The big whole ADD and ADHD phenomena kicked in," Berlin said.

"Kids were getting diagnosed with ADD, which is just a glorified term for daydreaming. You'd get put on Ritalin or Prozac or Paxil, all these mood-controlling prescriptions, but since you were under the age of 18 you didn't have a choice.

"You'd have your teacher or your parents telling you to do it. In my school, if you were diagnosed with ADD you'd be put in a special district for handicapped kids.

"I think that's obnoxious because every kid daydreams and every kid is wild. It's just that some kids are more wild and some kids daydream more than others."
Berlin was diagnosed at the age of 12, when he says he was put into a class for slow learners and prescribed Ritalin.

In a recent interview, he told The Independent the drug made him stressed and aggressive.

"I would get into fights. If you didn't take the pill, you could get expelled," he said.

The school also made him keep a record of his feelings in a journal, which he now plans to publish under the title Post-Mortem Bliss.


It is good to a group standing up for something that they feel stronly about,especially in todays society where the childrens freedoms are being taken away as a lot more children that years ago were looked upon as just being a little High spirited are now put on medication so they do not cause the teachers any problems.
What ever happend to people being an individual and not having to cobform if the did not want to..

03-29-2006, 12:26 AM
that is a strong thing to stand up for. its not easy dealing with a child that has add or adhd. drs are quick to medicate a child to get money and not really deal with the trouble.