View Full Version : Wake up America We are Fat, Fat, and Fat

Mr. 2.0
03-29-2006, 12:22 AM
I was shopping for some shorts this evening and most I can find were a few large while the rest were XL, XXL and for heaven sake....XXXL. I found 2 mediums out the whole bunch. Then I was looking for a polo shirt and all I saw were a couple of large and a lot of XLs and XXLs. Damn....has this country come to this that the garment industries are making more XLs, XXLs and XXXLs because they know majority of the adult population are getting wider by the minute? I see kids these days buying XL shirts...and I don't mean the hip hop look but XL size because they are fat. Just the other day, I was in a restaurant eating a nice healthy salad and I decided to take a count of how many people are overweight. Now this restaurant is divided into 3 sections so I just counted 1/3rd part of the section where I was eating. Believe or not but there were 30 people in my section counting myself and 27 of them were overweight and out of that 27 people....13 of them were obese. That translated to 10% were not overweight, 90% overweight and 43% were obese. It's scary.

I remember a month ago, I met a man who visited this country coming from France. I asked him how he likes America...he said its great and he's having a great time visiting but one thing he noticed right away was people who live here are fat. He has visited many countries and he said by far America has the most fat people in the world...at least compared to the other countries he has visited. Now what strikes me was a friend of mine who visited France 4 years ago told me the first thing he noticed in France are the lack of fat people. And when he came back to this country he noticed how fat we all are compared to France. I think majority of the population know this country is getting fatter ever minute and continue to do nothing about it. We have an epidemic of people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes...which has a straight connection with obesity. Now we have children who are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which was relatively unheard years ago. We are raising fat and unhealthy children...we are quickly making this country known by other countries as not only the land of the free and the brave but also the fattest. Wake up america....we are getting fatter by the minute. Lets do something about it and let's get healthy and fit


From Cabo a good friend of mine who was severly obease and did something about it

Now we need to change something and I mean quick. I am overweight myself because of bad decisons I made but now I'm trying to change myself but if you have someone to tell you about what happenes when your little and a younger then maybe we could bring down the Obeasty in this country heck even in this world. People need help Obeasty is a diease and it very commom but it can be prevented and it can be cured. The only thing we need to do is get off our lazy asses and do something for once

For one point I know I'm not talking to everyone biut still for those who bully big kids are not cool. This is not right you should be ashamed of yourself. For another point you should help them out give them suggestions. nOW I know some big people say they like the way they are but really down deep inside they wish the could be skinny. I know how it feels, I am still going though this. Atleast I am trying to help myself, and I belive it time for a change and this is it.... We need to be helpers with people who want help, like I said to my friends if you would help me and they said they would and now 15 pound lighter everything is going good. So sometimes be a friend and help people out so will can deal with this nation wide situation.

Thank you

Flair Country
03-29-2006, 12:28 AM
We're not fat!! We're just big boned. I would write more but my Big Mac and fries are getting cold.

03-29-2006, 01:04 AM
pfft I'm 6'2 150 pounds..thats not fat lol and I eat a crapload of food, not much I can do to help you "fat" people out sorry

03-29-2006, 01:36 AM
who gives a rats ass? im 12 dammit and im over 200 lbs. I dont eat meat, unless its a slim jim or white. I eat little candy, just alot of restruant fries and nuggets. I drink like, 5 or 10 dr, peppers a day. AND GET THIS, I DONT CARE!

betcha didnt know hulk hogan was just like me(12 and 200 lbs) when he was a kid, didnt ya?

03-29-2006, 04:35 AM
Hogans on steriods lol

Sunshine Acid
03-29-2006, 06:09 AM
I'm not fat but sometimes with the crap I eat and how much i do eat sometimes maybe I should be fat. Eating isn't a crime. Alls I can say is I am thankful for my will to exercise and my fast metabolism. :)

03-29-2006, 02:37 PM
dudes i'm like 10 and half stone and i eat fuck loads of food yet i dont get fat because i exerise all the time.

03-29-2006, 03:01 PM
who gives a rats ass? im 12 dammit and im over 200 lbs. I dont eat meat, unless its a slim jim or white. I eat little candy, just alot of restruant fries and nuggets. I drink like, 5 or 10 dr, peppers a day. AND GET THIS, I DONT CARE!

betcha didnt know hulk hogan was just like me(12 and 200 lbs) when he was a kid, didnt ya?

You probably will when you realise girls ain't intrested in you... I'm 6ft 1 and I eat loads of food, I mean when I got to MacDonalds I can eat a cheeseburger meal followed by a big mac meal easily, I only exercise for about an hour or two a week and I weigh... 10 Stone (140 pounds I think) ... I don't know why I don't put on weight as I've been the same weight for a year... oh well, if your overweight you should really do something about it when your younger rather than older its alot easier, I was overweight at 12-13 and I lost my weight then and now at 16 I am slim... technically underweight but who cares...

03-29-2006, 04:01 PM
I'm the skinniest mo fo that you'll ever meet and I eat like a pig.

03-29-2006, 08:29 PM
People need help Obeasty is a diease and it very commom but it can be prevented and it can be cured.
:laugh: Even when it's spelled right, that word always makes me laugh.

For one point I know I'm not talking to everyone biut still for those who bully big kids are not cool. This is not right you should be ashamed of yourself. For another point you should help them out give them suggestions. nOW I know some big people say they like the way they are but really down deep inside they wish the could be skinny. I know how it feels, I am still going though this. Atleast I am trying to help myself, and I belive it time for a change and this is it.... We need to be helpers with people who want help, like I said to my friends if you would help me and they said they would and now 15 pound lighter everything is going good. So sometimes be a friend and help people out so will can deal with this nation wide situation.

Suggestions? Help? How about just stop eating so much food and move your ass more than 2 inches every day. We don't need any of these rip-off workout gadgets, starvation diets, or therapists. People need to just learn some self control and stop eating so impulsivley.

Kevin Idol
03-29-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm not fat. But fat people are funny, they shouldn't be ashamed of their fatness. It makes them jolly.

The Rock
03-29-2006, 09:53 PM
Like old Saint Nick....:agree:


03-30-2006, 11:02 AM
fat people are funny, they shouldn't be ashamed of their fatness. It makes them jolly.

that has to be the most funnyest thing i have ever seen a person say about fat people.

03-30-2006, 04:51 PM
I think that maybe if they stopped building a chicken shack on every corner then we wouldn't have this obesity problem.

03-30-2006, 05:52 PM
I think if people started taking responsibility for their own diets and exercise patterns, stopped blaming the fast food industry, and stopped acting so helpless we wouldn't have this obesity problem.

Kevin Idol
03-31-2006, 05:48 AM
More people should start doing coke. You'll see less fat people and more people will be getting their dicks sucked so the crackwhore can score. The world will be more peaceful.

03-31-2006, 02:44 PM

03-31-2006, 03:31 PM
I think if people started taking responsibility for their own diets and exercise patterns, stopped blaming the fast food industry, and stopped acting so helpless we wouldn't have this obesity problem.

i agree with assain on this one he has a point you know if they did diet and excersice in there own way and stop blamming every damn food place there is then obistey would not be a problem:agree:

04-01-2006, 02:32 AM
i'm 6 foot 3, and i weigh 350 lbs.. i'm not fat, am i?

Flair Country
04-01-2006, 04:55 AM
I'm 6'2" and 180lbs. So yes, you're fat :)

04-01-2006, 06:56 AM
no, you're just bolemic :P

Kevin Idol
04-01-2006, 08:44 AM
And you're a fat fuck.

King Placebo
04-02-2006, 07:33 AM

04-02-2006, 07:41 PM
i'm 6 foot 3, and i weigh 350 lbs.. i'm not fat, am i?
You're not fat, if you are a baby elephant. You need to lose more than a couple of pounds. I know your cholesterol and blood pressure can't be normal, so it's more than just a matter of how much you are grossing people out when you walk down the street; you have a serious health problem too.

04-03-2006, 08:25 AM
You're not fat, if you are a baby elephant. You need to lose more than a couple of pounds. I know your cholesterol and blood pressure can't be normal, so it's more than just a matter of how much you are grossing people out when you walk down the street; you have a serious health problem too.

lol assassin i'm starting to like this guy now he makes me laugh.

The Major
04-03-2006, 09:27 AM
^^ hahaha i agree mate