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View Full Version : Complete TNA Impact Spoilers

Straight Edge
03-29-2006, 11:52 AM
Impact for April 1

*Eric Young, Scott D'Amore and Bobby Roode come out to sing Team Canada and ripped on the United States. Team 3D came out through the crowd. They brawled and gave Roode the belly to back necnbreaker and Young the Wazzup headbutt. petey Williams and A-1 hit the ring to take the advantage. Young hit a moonsault on Brother Ray. Roode hit The Northern Lariat on Devon. Young hit a top rope elbow on Devon through a table.

*Jeremy Borash interviewed Scott Steiner, America's Most Wanted, and Jeff Jarrett backstage. Jarrett said that Sting was dictating the rules to TNA but it's his turn and declared Wargames would be an eight man match, listing his team as the men standing with him. Steiner said that the longer he has to wait to hear about a contract from TNA, the more people will get hurt.

*NWA Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted defeated The James Gang. Gail Kim and Jackie Gayda were at ringside. Gayda tripped Chris Harris at one point, leading Kim to slap Gayda. James Storm tried to use a bottle but the referee stopped him. Konnan hit Kip with a slapjack and Kip was pinned. Bob Armstrong came out to check on the James Gang after the match.

*Jeremy Borash interviewed Abyss and Jim Mitchell inside the ring. When asked about last week's Documentary, Mitchell said "Mission Accomplished" and said Christian Cage was trying to hide from defending against Abyss. He said that Cage left his wife vulnerable and wondered what it's going to take to get Cage to give Abyss a title match. They then showed the "second half" of the documentary, with Shelley and Mitchell going towards Cage's house. Christian confronted them and was jumped by Abyss. They brawled through Cage's house into his pool. Mitchell told Abyss to stop trying to drown Cage because they can't win the title from a dead man. Mitchell told Cage that things would get worse if Abyss doesn't get his title match.

*Christopher Daniels come to the announcing table for the next bout.

*Samoa Joe defeated Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley, and Chris Sabin in a Four Way Match, hitting the Musclebuster on Dutt. Before the bout, Joe got in Daniels' face. After the match, Joe and Daniels fought around ringside.

*Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Team Jarrett, who said they were going to the ring to call out Sting. They go to the ring. The lights go out. Rhino and The James Gang are in the bleachers. Rhino says on the mic that the mind games aren't over. Jarrett continued to talk but Ron Killings, Shark Boy, Norman Smiley, and Chase Stevens come out in another set of bleachers. Jarrett continues, but AJ Styles, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Chris Sabin come out on one of the entranceways. The lights go out and when they return, Sting is in the ring behind the Army. Sting hits all of them with the baseball bat. Team Canada and Alex Shelley hit the ring and the heels take over, but all the babyfaces rush the ring for the save. The segment was really good live.

Impact for April 8

*Abyss vs. AJ Styles appeared to go to a no contest. Abyss went to get his bag of thumbtacks. Christian Cage hits the ring with a tire iron and attempts to go after Abyss. Security holds Cage while Abyss and Mitchell exit. Cage gets the mic and says that Abyss will get his title match at Lockdown. Cage says he has a question for Abyss, asking if he's ready to die after what he did to Cage's family, because Christian is.

*In an Arm Wrestling Match, Bob Armstrong vs. Konnan. Homicide and The James Gang were sent to the back. Konnan refused to lock up several times. Hotstuff Hernandez hit the ring and hit Armstrong with a slapjack. The James Gang hit the ring.

*Backstage, Jeremy Borash was in Larry Zbyszko's office, discussing the Samoa Joe vs. Sabu match at Lockdown as well as the World X Cup. Zbyszko announced he's been talking to wrestling companies all over the world and announced Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger at Lockdown. Zbyszko announced that on the first Thursday night Impact, Samoa Joe will challenge Christopher Daniels for the X-Division championship.

*The next match was scheduled to be Diamonds in the Rough vs. Norman Smiley and Shark Boy, but it never took place because Jeff Jarrett's Army came out. Jarrett went to the announce table while Scott Steiner and AMW attacked Smiley and Shark Boy. Steiner locked the Steiner Recliner on Smiley.

*Alex Shelley defeated Roderick Strong and Chase Stevens after Sliced Bread #2 on Strong in a World X Cup Team USA Qualifying match, so Team USA is Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Chris Sabin.

*Sting came to the ring and came back because he loves wrestling, the fans, and TNA. Sting said that Final Resolution was bittersweet because Jarrett put everything that was important to him on TV. He said that he'll return at Destination X and how his return was one-upped by Scott Steiner attacking him at the PPV. He said that the sweet part will be when he gets his hands on Jeff Jarrett at Lockdown and he will announce his Wargames team members on 4/13 on the first Thursday Impact. He dared Jarrett to come meet him face to face on 4/13. Jarrett's Army came out and everyone who was involved in the brawl "last week" came out to assist Sting.

Both sets of tapings look rather good to me. Should be interesting to see how they turn out, once they're aired in the next 2 week's. Plus, seeing Jushin 'Thunder' Liger returning to TNA at Lockdown to face 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels is going to be awesome.

03-29-2006, 02:42 PM
Agreed I cant wait for the April 1st show Seems very much like the WCW vs NWO war again though but it worked then too lol.

03-30-2006, 09:14 AM
As usal TNA seems to have some great matches lined up for the next two weeks on Impact.The AMW Vs James Gang looks to be good as does the Alex Shelly Vs Chris Sabin matches and not forgeting seeing AJ styles facing the Monster Abyss on 8th April...