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View Full Version : Interview: Andy Douglas Speaks On WWE/TNA Competition, Chris Candido, more

03-29-2006, 10:14 PM
Andy Steven: Firstly I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview .

How did you break into the wrestling business?

Andy Douglas: Went to a local indy show while I was in college. Talked to the promoter after the show and started training 2 weeks later.

Andy Steven: How long you have been in the business and who helped train you into pro wrestling?

Andy Douglas: 7 years. Killer Kurt trained me but I had a lot of help from others as well.

Andy Steven: How did you get in contact with TNA or how did TNA approached you for you to still currently be with the promotion?

Andy Douglas: I was living in Nashville and would just go to the shows. Being seen at the shows and making a name for myself in that area helped them to discover me and give me my shot.

Andy Steven: You had tight relationship with Chris Candido and he always gave everything to a match whether he was facing someone or being your manager, what are your thoughts on him and do you have anything to say about him?

Andy Douglas: He was a true professional and a true friend. I could go on all day about Chris, but I'd rather just keep it short. He will always be remembered and missed.

Andy Steven: What was it like winning, holding and losing the TNA Tag Titles?

Andy Douglas: It was a huge accomplishment as well as a huge honor. The company believed in us and trusted that we could uphold the titles and we did. It sucks to loose them, but you can't be champion forever.

Andy Steven: What has been your most memorable or favorite storyline you have been involved in TNA?

Andy Douglas: Although it was short, our stint with Chris.

Andy Steven: What impact if any do you think the former WWE stars in TNA has given, if any?

Andy Douglas: Some have helped and some have not. It does help to have name recognition on the show and it's nice for the guys to come in level headed and be cool with everyone. Then again, you have some who have the chip on their shoulder, but thats cool because they don't last long.

Andy Steven: Are there any road trip stories which you can tell us, anything funny that’s happened backstage with the TNA crew or any pranks?

Andy Douglas: For some reason, some mean trickster keeps putting ice in senior official Rudy Charles' bag.

Andy Steven: Who would you wrestle in your dream match and what match type and stipulation would it be?

Andy Douglas: I would have loved for Chase and I to have been able to wrestle Bret and Owen. There are a lot of similarities and I think it would be a match the fans would love to see.

Andy Steven: If you could work with anyone in the WWE who would it be?

Andy Douglas: MNM

Andy Steven: What is your biggest goal you plan to accomplish in 2006?

Andy Douglas: Tag Team Gold

Andy Steven: What are your thoughts on the possibility of TNA going head-to-head with the WWE?

Andy Douglas: Bring it on. Competition will only help out the wrestling industry as a whole.

Andy Steven: What do you think about TNA moving to Thursday night’s on Spike TV? Possible competition for WWE?

Andy Douglas: Hopefully it will allow our ratings to keep improving.

Andy Steven: How did you create your finishing move, and what may have inspired it?

Andy Douglas: It was back in the Nashville days. Chase and I were trying to come up with something. We showed up to the show and were told who we were wrestling and to pretty much destroy them. The move started out as a joke, thinking it would scare the living sh*t out of the guy, but he took it and crowd loved it, so we kept it.

Andy Steven: What stars do you think will help the company more, any big heavyweight names or light division?

Andy Douglas: Anyone who is willing to work hard for the product, and not themselves.

Andy Steven: What is the atmosphere backstage in the TNA locker room?

Andy Douglas: Honestly, like a family. Most everyone here is hungry, and we all want TNA to improve and we all enjoy working with each other.

Andy Steven: When will we see the Naturals winning Tag Team Gold again? How is your relationship with your tag partner Chase Stevens?

Andy Douglas: I wish I knew. Hopefully very soon. Chase and I get along very well. In 3 years, we haven't had one argument.

Andy Steven: Are you currently accepting Indy bookings? If you are how can we contact you?

Andy Douglas: Chase and I both are taking indy bookings. We can both be contacted on myspace or on our websites. www.andydouglas.com www.chasestevens.com.

Andy Steven: I would like to thank you very much once again for taking this time to take part in this interview for www.TNAHeadlines.com, I wish you the best of luck in the future and do you have any messages to say to your fans?

Andy Douglas: As always, thanks for watching and we'll see you at ringside. Take care.