View Full Version : Host denies fling

03-30-2006, 09:04 AM
Denial.....Naomi Robson
TV HOST Naomi Robson last night denied having a romantic relationship with the fugitive drug dealer and conman known as "Supergrass".
The clearly embarrassed current affairs presenter spoke on Seven's Today Tonight about her relationship with the fugitive, who fled Australia after failing to give evidence against Melbourne drug baron Tony Mokbel.

"There was no close relationship. I hardly knew the bloke," she said.

On Monday a Victorian Supreme Court jury convicted Mokbel, 40, of importing cocaine.

Supergrass - given the moniker amid court orders banning the publication of his real name - was supposed to be the star witness. However, he fled while on parole, leaving Robson to explain their relationship on national television.

"Well around five years ago I met this person who was known to a number of my friends as a businessman who ran a small company," she said.

"I met up with him usually in the company of others on a handful of occasions over a couple of months and I decided I did not want to take it any further.

"That is it." Robson said she did not know the true identity of the man she had been meeting.

"He was a casual acquaintance. I have no idea who or what he really was because as it turns out, he had given me and my friends a false name," she said.

Robson lashed out at sections of the media over the reporting of her relationship with Supergrass, clearly not enjoying being on the other side of the camera.

"The reporting has been grossly inaccurate and bordering on the ridiculous and in the case of another television network, outright lies," she said.
