View Full Version : WWE News: Test, Molly Holly, The Undertaker, The Miz

03-31-2006, 09:58 PM
Andrew "Test" Martin comments on his WWE return on his official website,

The Article
March 28th

Guys...I'm so so sorry for not getting back to any of you! I have been in Canada spending time with my parents and friends and my folks computer is well...let's just say ancient and doesn't have the software needed to get on here, not to mention it's not like I'm a computer wiz{i know it's hard to believe} I want to THANKYOU all for your very positive and very negative comments{which I love just as much and make me laugh} I saw one post where it said I had forgotten about you guys which is just the opposite. I apologize but I can't comment on too much right now but #1..I HAVE NOT forgotten you guys it is just the opposite! As all you know I did go do some dark matches for WWE and to be honest before I went through that curtain I was a little nervous...I didn't know what to expect from the fans ...but when I did in Beaumont Texas, which was sold out and 16000 of the greatest fans ever went nuts and chanted welcome back..welcome back..it was and is a irreplaceable feeling, that I have missed soooo much...not to sound like a puss or nothing but it was hard to hold a tear back ..if you saw the tape, you can actually see me smile,even though I was the heel everyone in Beaumont cheered me like a babyface...to be honest I could have died a happy man that night! After my release it played with my head as I'm sure some of you, who have lost a job can understand..I wondered was I not good enough? But I got my answer that night from you fans..thankyou thankyou thankyou! I know there are some negative comments about me here and that's fine, to be honest I get a kick out of them...I have ALWAYS said "never say never" you guys have to realize something being in the WWE was my dream..don't you guys have dreams? And to get another shot at your dream doesn't happen to often! I also want to thank the fans in Shrevport who cheered me like a babyface...being away from wrestling I had forgotten what great fans we have..you guys are the best even the ones that hate me and are tellin me to die..lol...at least I'm getting a reaction from you! Like I said before I can't comment too much but 2006 even aside from wrestling has been the best year of my life and I hope it has for all of you! Just to set the record straight I have not made those postings under Andrew Martin..this is my first one...I just saw a few about how i had forgotten about you guys and I wanted you to know THAT IS NOT TRUE! You guys are the best and I want to say thanyou for being the great fans you are and giving me the opportunity to live "my dream" I hope all of you get that chance too!
All the best

*Molly Holly was backstage at last Friday's Raw house show event in Rochester, Minnesota. She was simply visiting friends.

*Mike "The Miz" Mizanin talks about his favorite Wrestlemania moments in his
latest column on WWE.com.
The Article
The Miz presents his Top 10 'Mania Moments
By Mike "The Miz" Mizanin
March 30, 2006

Who else is excited for WrestleMania coming this Sunday? It's going to be "Big Time," baby! I figured with all the hype, we might as well have “The True Story of When The Miz Made His Countdown to His Favorite ’Mania Moments.”

10. Jeff Hardy hitting a Swanton off a 20-foot ladder onto Bubba Ray Dudley, WrestleMania X-Seven: I remember when he was climbing the ladder thinking, “There's no way he's going to jump from that high!” When he did it, I thought, “Oh yeah, he's dead!”

9. Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior — Champion vs. Champion Match, WrestleMania VI: As a kid, I was a huge fan of Ultimate Warrior and Hogan, so I didn't know for whom to cheer. I remember going back and forth on whom I wanted to win.

8. Mr. McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan, WrestleMania XIX: When Hogan was laid out and Vince slowly showed his face up from the apron and his face was all bloody and he had that smile. It was one of the best facials and camera shots I've ever seen.

7. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania XIX: I loved the build-up for this match — how Chris looked up to HBK and dressed like him in his early years of wrestling — doing some of the same moves HBK did. Then having HBK win, but that wasn't end. Jericho started crying, and it looked as if he was having a moment like a dream had come true. Then, he went to hug Shawn but gave him a crotch shot, instead. That totally caught me off-guard. I thought they were going to have a heart-to-heart moment, but bam! Right in the "ya know."

6. Brock Lesnar doing a Shooting Star Press and landing straight on his head, WrestleMania XIX: I thought Lesnar was dead or broke his neck. When he got up and gave Angle an F-5, I was still talking about how he landed on his head.

5. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels WWE Iron Man Match, WrestleMania XII: As a kid, I thought it was so cool when Shawn came down on a zip cord. Plus, I credit those guys going for more than an hour. It was just amazing to watch.

4. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit retaining and winning the world championships, WrestleMania XX: I loved the way Eddie's match ended with his shoe sliding off; however, the moment I remember the most was when Eddie came out with his WWE Championship to congratulate Benoit and his newly won World Heavyweight Championship. It was such a real, sincere moment; these two friends who built their careers together had finally made it to the top. They were just so proud of each other.

3. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, WrestleMania XV: I remember sitting in my house with about 15 of my high school friends watching this rivalry. I was always the only Rock fan; everyone else liked Austin, and we'd argue about who was better. Those were some of my most memorable times. Every pay-per-view, all my friends would come over and we'd watch. Some of the arguments were priceless.

2. Hulk Hogan body slamming Andre the Giant, Wrestlemania III: The audience was going absolutely nuts. It was insane. This moment is what wrestling is all about — “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan doing the impossible. It makes you believe that anything can happen.

1. The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan, Wrestlemania X8: It was Icon vs. Icon, and it was electric when they entered the ring and stared each other down. Some fans were chanting “Rocky!” Others were chanting “Hogan!” You knew it was a historic moment. I had goose bumps. I honestly couldn't tell you what happened in the match. All I remember was the anticipation for the match. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. And when it did happen, it didn’t disappoint. Just them standing in the middle of the ring was great enough for me.

You have just gotten your “Reality Check” into The Miz's Top 10 ’Mania Moments. I'm hoping by next WrestleMania, The Miz will have a ’Mania moment. Hopefully, I will be able to make your Top 10 list. Do you have a list? If not, think about your moments and enjoy WrestleMania. Until next week: Be Good. Be Bad. Be MIZ! Hooo-rah!
