View Full Version : F*ck All The Gays

02-03-2007, 05:16 AM
I dont see the point of gays why the FUCK do they makout in public its not right if you want to fucking makeout do it on there own time away from people that are strait.FUCK ALL THE GAYS and thats what i say.

02-03-2007, 05:32 AM
Nothing wrong with being Gay, far better than being homophobic, lets hope there arent to many people like you in this world

02-03-2007, 07:05 AM
i think someone is homophobic and maybe needs to come out of the closet. :agree: and if you see these people doing it walk away or look somewhere else.

02-03-2007, 03:07 PM
I don't think anybody should make out in public not even straight couples IMO. Plus its the year 2007 so get the fuck over it lol.

02-03-2007, 04:31 PM
i think someone is homophobic and maybe needs to come out of the closet. :agree: and if you see these people doing it walk away or look somewhere else.

im not gay u fucker

02-03-2007, 05:43 PM
im not gay u fucker

So why are you worried about gay people then?

02-03-2007, 05:45 PM
I have talked with gay people, they are very nice. There like normal people, they just like another sex. but other wise there like me and you.

02-03-2007, 05:51 PM
Dont tell me it was 2 girls makng out cuz if it was why would you walk away? :P

Man, everyones different, deal with it.

02-03-2007, 08:32 PM
Homophobes are only scared of their own homosexual tendencies.

Rated X
02-03-2007, 08:50 PM
I now only have one word for you.


King Sir Greatness
02-03-2007, 09:47 PM
Fact: The guy who posted this is homophobic.

Fact: Just because you don't like seeing something, doesn't make it wrong.

Fact: I have no more facts, because I am tired.

02-04-2007, 01:19 AM
dude y do u even care wht they do im sorta homophobic but they wont bother u if ur not gay if they do hit them lol but if its 2 girls just sit and watch

02-04-2007, 08:22 PM
dude y do u even care wht they do im sorta homophobic but they wont bother u if ur not gay if they do hit them lol but if its 2 girls just sit and watch

I know people that don't like the 2 girls also but I just can't figure out why. :D

02-04-2007, 11:02 PM
I now only have one word for you.


Was that to me or the topic starter?

If it was to me, then tell it to the top psychologists that carried out the experiment that basically proved that theory.

Ten homophobes, ten people who are comfortable with gay people and have gay friends but are not gay.

They showed every guy a normal porn clip, a lesbian porn clip, and a gay porn clip.

The homophobes had an average erection for normal porn, minimal for lesbian and a strong erection for gay porn.

Whereas the people who had no problem with gays got a strong erection for normal and for lesbian and no erection for gay.

So uh... you were saying?


02-05-2007, 02:21 PM
i have no problem with gay people at all. i have a little story. i was at a resturant (sp?) with austin(he is 7) and there was two men kissing and holding each other in the booth a few over from us. there was also a straight couple doing the same across the room. when austin saids mama that man and woman are kissing lol he never said a word about the two men doing the same. anyways i thought to myself good for you two men not caring what people thought. i could hear the people behind us talking about them and saying how disgusted they were with the gay couple. i was listening for maybe ten minutes when i had enough. i turned around and said you know it's 2007 not 1950 so get a life :redfaced: the lady said to me well i never lol and i replied well maybe you need a woman to help you with that. she looked at me and called the manager over lol i was thinking ok i deserve to be thrown out i got into their convo lol when he comes over she said he needs to go and tell those two men to quit kissing because there are children here. i spoke up again and said ummm sir there is also a straight couple doing the same over there so you need to tell them to. that lady said well they can do that they arr normal. now i got pissed. i said wait just a damn minute just because you dont like the gay men kissing doesn't mean it's not normal. how dare you demand they not show love for each other. i was so mad i said you know what miss i hope your child comes to you one day and tells you he or she is gay. i got up and started to walk out when people started to clap for me lol i took a bow :D austin never saw a prob with either couple and IMO i have taught him well.

02-05-2007, 02:39 PM
Was that to me or the topic starter?

If it was to me, then tell it to the top psychologists that carried out the experiment that basically proved that theory.

Ten homophobes, ten people who are comfortable with gay people and have gay friends but are not gay.

They showed every guy a normal porn clip, a lesbian porn clip, and a gay porn clip.

The homophobes had an average erection for normal porn, minimal for lesbian and a strong erection for gay porn.

Whereas the people who had no problem with gays got a strong erection for normal and for lesbian and no erection for gay.

So uh... you were saying?


Why would homophobes watch man on man porn?

And how do you determine between a strong and normal erection? Did they go and feel it?

02-05-2007, 05:43 PM
No, they put a kinda ring around it to see how far it would go.

You know, like anyone with common sense would if they had to figure out how to find if it was normal or strong?

And the homophobes were happy just to be on TV.

~Burning Hitman~
02-05-2007, 09:39 PM
Crap i have no probs with gays. they just like there on gender thats it but i dont like you u homophobic why dont u just ignore it theres nothing wrong with it. Look they other way

02-05-2007, 11:39 PM
i have no problem with gay people at all. i have a little story. i was at a resturant (sp?) with austin(he is 7) and there was two men kissing and holding each other in the booth a few over from us. there was also a straight couple doing the same across the room. when austin saids mama that man and woman are kissing lol he never said a word about the two men doing the same. anyways i thought to myself good for you two men not caring what people thought. i could hear the people behind us talking about them and saying how disgusted they were with the gay couple. i was listening for maybe ten minutes when i had enough. i turned around and said you know it's 2007 not 1950 so get a life :redfaced: the lady said to me well i never lol and i replied well maybe you need a woman to help you with that. she looked at me and called the manager over lol i was thinking ok i deserve to be thrown out i got into their convo lol when he comes over she said he needs to go and tell those two men to quit kissing because there are children here. i spoke up again and said ummm sir there is also a straight couple doing the same over there so you need to tell them to. that lady said well they can do that they arr normal. now i got pissed. i said wait just a damn minute just because you dont like the gay men kissing doesn't mean it's not normal. how dare you demand they not show love for each other. i was so mad i said you know what miss i hope your child comes to you one day and tells you he or she is gay. i got up and started to walk out when people started to clap for me lol i took a bow :D austin never saw a prob with either couple and IMO i have taught him well.

lmao reading the whole thing

Rated X
02-05-2007, 11:47 PM
Was that to me or the topic starter?

If it was to me, then tell it to the top psychologists that carried out the experiment that basically proved that theory.

Ten homophobes, ten people who are comfortable with gay people and have gay friends but are not gay.

They showed every guy a normal porn clip, a lesbian porn clip, and a gay porn clip.

The homophobes had an average erection for normal porn, minimal for lesbian and a strong erection for gay porn.

Whereas the people who had no problem with gays got a strong erection for normal and for lesbian and no erection for gay.

So uh... you were saying?


Were you the one who started this topic? No. So why would I be talking to you. And if I wanted to have a convo with 10 shrinks, I can guarantee you it wouldn't be about any experiments with gay porn and homophobes.

02-06-2007, 02:12 AM
I think the shrinks might need a a shrink after talking to me. lol

02-06-2007, 02:22 AM
I know people that don't like the 2 girls also but I just can't figure out why. :D

every1 i know thats a boy likes girl girl EVEN ME LOL

02-06-2007, 02:28 AM
^ Ya well my causon cant stand it at all hates same sex if it's man or woman. But he is also very religious.

02-06-2007, 02:32 AM
I think the shrinks might need a a shrink after talking to me. lol

lol i would have to agree :agree:

02-06-2007, 02:44 AM
I'm glad u agree Jody :lmao:

02-06-2007, 02:59 AM
my aunt and uncle are verry religious(sp)

02-06-2007, 03:27 AM
Nothing wrong with being Gay, far better than being homophobic, lets hope there arent to many people like you in this world


Sunshine Acid
02-14-2007, 07:04 AM
Anyone has the right to kiss in public, gays included. Loved the story Jodes. :) *kisses jodes* :O The irony.

Black Widow
02-20-2007, 12:12 PM
I dont see the point of gays why the FUCK do they makout in public its not right if you want to fucking makeout do it on there own time away from people that are strait.FUCK ALL THE GAYS and thats what i say.

such a knob you are, homophobic probably

IMO hes still in the closet and is afraid of coming out

02-20-2007, 09:12 PM

Do you have any idea how long that would take?

ok carry on lol .

02-20-2007, 10:58 PM
Do you have any idea how long that would take?

ok carry on lol .

LMFAO MAN!! And, meh, saw a gay rant in the near furture anyway, this is pointless bbuuttt, doesn't matter.

Sunshine Acid
02-21-2007, 06:10 AM
I'd fuck some of the gays but not all of them...

04-12-2007, 04:52 AM
hmmm hes right gay people are taking it way to far omg im straight if u dont like it deal with it, well gay people get annoying sometimes, AND when i was at the gym i seen them makeout in public, the can only benchpress 20 fucking pounds and then when it was other gay mans turn then they kiss good job and squeeze cheeks, omg they are fucked up... i never seen 1 straight cou[ple do that before!

Sunshine Acid
04-12-2007, 12:34 PM
I've seen plenty straight couples make out in public,, leave them alone they have just as much right as you do. Gays can kiss whenever the fuck they want.

Mr Mando
04-12-2007, 03:32 PM
shifting in public whether gay or straight is a foolish act ... there are houses to shift in ... kids shouldn't see this happening

Making Out in Gays is creepy
Making Out in Straights is dirty

Sunshine Acid
04-12-2007, 09:14 PM
It isn't necessary but if the mood strikes, sometimes it needs to be done.

04-12-2007, 11:08 PM
oh my god this is the most pointless rant ive ever read honestly gays r cool be it men on men or girl on girl cause i am friends with lesbos gay men and straight ppl unlike the homophobe hu started this idiotic thread there is nothin wrong with it and its usually gud 2 have a gay guy as a mate so the next person 2 diss a gay deserves a smack

Black Widow
04-12-2007, 11:30 PM
I dont see the point of gays why the FUCK do they makout in public its not right if you want to fucking makeout do it on there own time away from people that are strait.FUCK ALL THE GAYS and thats what i say.

you know what i say


i love all gay people

04-12-2007, 11:41 PM
Isnt this rant a bit old? But imo I think we should let them butt rape eachother, and do what they want this is America(for moast of us) Its a free country our country has lost so much of what it was ment to be.

04-30-2007, 05:10 PM
Im not homophobic, but i kinda agree with what this guy is saying, it really reaaaly repulses me when i see 2 guys kissing. To me its just... plain wrong, nature never intended ANYONE to be gay.

05-10-2007, 04:40 AM
Dude, where do you live? I've never seen single gay couple make out in my life, and I used to be an ally at my colleges gay and lesbian alliance. Are you going out of your way to look for them?

05-31-2007, 04:08 AM
u are the biggest idiot ever! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH GAYS! i bet u like lesbians, well guess what GAY yea thats right retard

05-31-2007, 04:20 PM
I dont even know where to begin...............

07-20-2007, 10:49 PM
I don't even know where to begin... I can't believe people in this day and age still have this hate in them. I could go on and on for paragraphs about whats wrong with the op, but I will not stoop to that level and feed the troll.

Someday, everyone will be equal... but thats only after people like this are gone. Yes PDAs can be unnerving for some people, trust me I'm not thrilled when i have to watch a straight couple make out in public, but if they hold hands, snuggle, and kiss (but not get carried away) that's ok to me, since they just want to be loving to each other.

Now, me and Steph get cozy in public but never more than what i described above...

To me what he's saying is just as bad as any form of hate speech... like racism, sexism, etc... please I come here for fun, and I sure hope that posts like this don't pop up too many times, or i will have to find a new home.

trust me when i say, i know first hand what it's like to be "hated" for something as silly as sexual orientation... and being female on top of that?! ya zero for two lol

sorry for the rant... just smile and love who you love... unconditionally.


07-21-2007, 07:21 AM
a few things:

1. Am I the only one who was mislead by the topic name?
( I thought it was about gay orgies)

2. There is nothing wrong with gays. Its not for me, but to each their own. I am a Christian church goer, but we are all sinners and as I recall there is a verse that says "Judge not, yet ye be judged. If homosexuals and lesbians want to show affection in public, no problem.Hell if I see two dude playing tongue hockey I will just look away, if two women do it I will stare. Its my problem not theirs.

3. We are all stereotypically gay to a point.(My personal point is that I like Carmel Mochiottos and watch Will & Grace)

4. The term "homophobe" or "homphobic" are greatly over used. (This case we are right on) I have 2 gay friends(no they are not a couple) Jake and Bob. They are both just friends in the group I hang out with. Hell Jake is one hell of a mechanic and helped me fix my tranny(No pun intended)Well any way my point is I have been called homophobic a couple times. Once for being annoyed with flaming gay people(they piss me off, as do wanna be gangsters and candy kids. Hey its just a personality conflict) and another time for saying Brokeback Mountain was a shitty flick. Hell I just didnt like the movie. If a gay person doesnt like Terminater are they "straight-phonic" ?

5. I also immediately take off IQ points when a person I am talkign to calls something gay or a person a fag. Granted sometimes it works(like when reffering to a fanny pack) but when referring to anything stupid it is a bit redundant.

Just KC
07-21-2007, 10:07 AM
lol, power to the person who made this thread! Right on brother!

1st of all to everyone saying the world is going to be equal. Dont make me laugh. EVERYONE is born with a sence of right and wrong based on their culture. What is right to some is wrong to others. So unless you want to go out an exterminate every other culture than your own you will never have eqaulity. even then are you going to have someone who may be in that culture but disagree with something in it. ITS HUMAN NATURE TO HAVE AN OPINON. So as kellie said she hopes people like him are gone because she dosent agree with him, isnt that exactly the same for him wanting gays gone for disagreeing with them? makes you think dosent it.

2nd of all gay people have produced some of earth's worst mistakes in history......2 words...Richard Simmons. Thats enough right there for me to hate gays all together.

3rd of all everyone knows about my vault where Thongman currently lies, you can all go there and have some gay fun :)

2nd of all i dont think gays should be

Ill Will
07-21-2007, 10:55 AM
1st of all to everyone saying the world is going to be equal. Dont make me laugh.It may seem impossible to you, but it will happen eventually. The human race has become more and more desensitized to bigotry over the centuries. If we stay on pace, equality (or something close to it) will eventually be reached. Probably not in out lifetime, but eventually.

EVERYONE is born with a sence of right and wrong based on their culture.That ignorant statement kind of cancels itself out. We do not represent any particular culture when we are born. We have to be taught the customs and beliefs of our culture. We are taught what is culturally and socially acceptable. We are NOT born with a sense of right and wrong. If that was true, there would probably be world peace.

What is right to some is wrong to others. This is true. Do you not see how this cancels out the notion that we are born with a sense of right and wrong? If we were born with this sense, then there would not be different interpretations of right and wrong.
So as kellie said she hopes people like him are gone because she dosent agree with him, isnt that exactly the same for him wanting gays gone for disagreeing with them? makes you think dosent it.Yeah, it makes me think you may have misunderstood Kellie. I can't speak for her, but I would say that I want people like the thread starter gone because I'm not fond of bigotry. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing about homosexuality.

2nd of all gay people have produced some of earth's worst mistakes in history......2 words...Richard Simmons. Thats enough right there for me to hate gays all together.I guess you're right; it's completely logical to hate an entire group of people because you don't like ONE of them.


Just KC
07-21-2007, 07:33 PM
Sorry I didnt make myself clear. I meant to say everybody is born with a sence of right and wrong but it CAN be influenced by your culture and probably will be. here let me give you an example. It's time for a presidental election and your a kid and you see the 2 people instinctivly your going to want to back someone, its human nature to choose, but say your parents want one president to win your most likely going to side with them regardless of what you 1st previously thought.

And you just proved my point. She disagrees with bigatory people and hopes they all die but how is that ANY different than somone not likeing gays and wanting them dead? Its contradictory. your still judging someone based on a quality, which based from reading everything here you people hate, yet you are blind to yourself doing the exact same thing. You want to know why your blind to it? BECAUSE YOU THINK YOUR RIGHT, hence the sence of right and wrong thing.

And no i hate them all was just giving you one person who puts it over the top

Ill Will
07-21-2007, 07:58 PM
Sorry I didnt make myself clear. I meant to say everybody is born with a sence of right and wrong but it CAN be influenced by your culture and probably will be.I guess I didn't make myself clear when I said:
We do not represent any particular culture when we are born. We have to be taught the customs and beliefs of our culture. We are taught what is culturally and socially acceptable. We are NOT born with a sense of right and wrong.You know what, nvm, I DID make myself clear.

here let me give you an example. It's time for a presidental election and your a kid and you see the 2 people instinctivly your going to want to back someone, its human nature to choose, but say your parents want one president to win your most likely going to side with them regardless of what you 1st previously thought.Guess what, not everyone thinks that way. Some people actually care about this country. Voting for a candidate simply because your parents voted for him is extremely ignorant. I prefer to use my own brain. It may be human nature to choose, but it's not human nature to vote in presidential elections. We have to be taught that voting is important and that it's something we need to do.

And you just proved my point. She disagrees with bigatory people and hopes they all die but how is that ANY different than somone not likeing gays and wanting them dead? It's the same thing just with 2 differnt kinds of people.
...and you just misunderstood my post because I didn't prove your point at all. It's just the opposite. I wasn't commenting on why Kellie said what she said (did you miss where I said "I can't speak for her", with "her" being Kellie?). You're basically asking how bigotry is different from disagreeing with someone. Try using a dictionary. One can agree that homosexuality is wrong, but you become a bigot when you are intolerant to the lifestyle and start hating people simply because they are gay.

And no i hate them all was just giving you one person who puts it over the topIMO, bigotry coming from people like you and the thread starter is a much bigger problem than homosexuality.

Gays > Bigots

Just KC
07-21-2007, 08:19 PM
Thank you for pointing out the obvious i guess im a bigot when it comes to gays. :)

And yet you misunderstand me once again. I was not talking about adults i was talking about lets say a 7 year old. who sees the news and sees 2 people running for president. He is going to side with his parents regardless of what he thinks about the people. Not saying his views wont fucking change.

but I would say that I want people like the thread starter gone because I'm not fond of bigotry.
I was basing my post off what you said using her as an example...thank you

07-22-2007, 12:00 AM
I think what the guy with the man crush on Floyd Jr. is trying to say is that you are born with a conscience, but you are raised to beliefs. Like the saying goes, you only don't care who your neighbors are twice. When you are born and when you are dead.

Ill Will
07-22-2007, 12:42 AM
Thank you for pointing out the obvious i guess im a bigot when it comes to gays. :)So you're proud of your ignorance? It is obvious, but I wasn't just pointing it out, I was commenting on it. Try reading the whole post.

And yet you misunderstand me once again. I was not talking about adults i was talking about lets say a 7 year old. who sees the news and sees 2 people running for president. He is going to side with his parents regardless of what he thinks about the people.
mmkay, then you just used a HORRIBLE example. Aside from the fact that 7 year olds can't vote, I don't know many 7 year olds who are into politics. But nevertheless, at any age, if you haven't been brainwashed and are able to form your own opinion on something, you're not going to just side with your parents because they're your parents.

Not saying his views wont fucking change.But that wouldn't really matter, would it? According to your bad example, the 7 year old, "regardless of what he thinks", would side with his parents. This would imply that he might think differently of them, but ends up agreeing with them. If his views were to change as he becomes an adult, he would still be voting the same way.

I was basing my post off what you said using her as an example...and I'm saying that you used another bad example because I was speaking for myself. Furthermore, your comment on Kellie's post was based on your assumption that she said what she said because she disagrees with the thread starter, as evidenced here:
kellie said she hopes people like him are gone because she dosent agree with him

My post (which you claim to be responding to) said this:

It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing about homosexuality.

...thank you...you're not welcome.

I think what the guy with the man crush on Floyd Jr. is trying to say is that you are born with a conscience, but you are raised to beliefs.IDK, he has used the exact phrase "born with a sence of right and wrong" twice now. I'm betting my money that he actually thinks that.

07-22-2007, 12:57 AM
KC I'm proud of u just so u Know lol

07-23-2007, 08:07 PM
I am gonna say one more thing then i'm done here....

I was raised in a strict catholic home... stiffling everything i enjoyed growing up..music, art, fantasy novels, etc. My parents loved me dearly, BUT when i turned 14 and finally realized what i was and came out to my parents and siblings, i was immediately put into therapy... when the therapist said there's nothing wrong with me, and that people are born that way, my parents through me out. (lived with my aunt)... when i was 17 i went to prom with my gf and we were thrown out. I have been stepped on and looked down upon for years, and to me that has made me stronger as a person. Now at 25 this fall my gf (Steph-as many of you know) and I are going to have a commitment ceremony! To show our love to the world.

I got a little ahead of myself... about 2 years ago my mother called me after so long to see how i was and it went really well... strained but good. They invited us to thier home for the weekend, and i reconnected with my entire family. My parents after years of soulsearching realized I was not "sick, or mentally disturbed" I was Gay, and I always was and always will be.

I sure hope the people who are "with" the original poster are not black, jewish, native american, or women... since those are just a few of the cultures/people who have been oppressed by "the man" (and i hate that term) for way too long. I understand everyone has thier beliefs and such, and you are certainly entitled to them, but why if something makes you uncomfortable do you want a whole people gone/dead/whatever you are trying to say?

Anyway, I am done with this thread it's way to frustrating, and I don't need that kind of negativity when i come here.

I love you all
(see i have no hate)


Black Widow
07-23-2007, 08:18 PM
I am gonna say one more thing then i'm done here....

I was raised in a strict catholic home... stiffling everything i enjoyed growing up..music, art, fantasy novels, etc. My parents loved me dearly, BUT when i turned 14 and finally realized what i was and came out to my parents and siblings, i was immediately put into therapy... when the therapist said there's nothing wrong with me, and that people are born that way, my parents through me out. (lived with my aunt)... when i was 17 i went to prom with my gf and we were thrown out. I have been stepped on and looked down upon for years, and to me that has made me stronger as a person. Now at 25 this fall my gf (Steph-as many of you know) and I are going to have a commitment ceremony! To show our love to the world.

I got a little ahead of myself... about 2 years ago my mother called me after so long to see how i was and it went really well... strained but good. They invited us to thier home for the weekend, and i reconnected with my entire family. My parents after years of soulsearching realized I was not "sick, or mentally disturbed" I was Gay, and I always was and always will be.

I sure hope the people who are "with" the original poster are not black, jewish, native american, or women... since those are just a few of the cultures/people who have been oppressed by "the man" (and i hate that term) for way too long. I understand everyone has thier beliefs and such, and you are certainly entitled to them, but why if something makes you uncomfortable do you want a whole people gone/dead/whatever you are trying to say?

Anyway, I am done with this thread it's way to frustrating, and I don't need that kind of negativity when i come here.

I love you all
(see i have no hate)


have a great commitment ceremony melly :)

07-23-2007, 09:30 PM
have a great commitment ceremony melly :)

thanks Kurt :D


Black Widow
07-23-2007, 11:25 PM
thanks Kurt :D


*hugs back*

if anyone gives you a hard time ill shove there head up big shows ass :)

07-23-2007, 11:37 PM
I personally think no-one should be doing things like making-out etc. in public...