View Full Version : RAW Results - 5th Feb 2007

02-06-2007, 07:29 AM
RAW Results - 5th Feb 2007
Location - Sioux City, Iowa

We start off with a look back at the final moments of the Royal Rumble match when Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels to get into the main event at Wrestlemania 23. Who will the Undertaker face? We see the Undertaker’s appearances on all three shows last week as he confronted the respective champions.

We are live from Sioux City, Iowa and your announcers are Jim ‘Did Triple H pull his Quads Cities’ Ross and Jerry ‘Field of Dreams’ Lawler.

The Undertaker’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Before Taker can address the crowd with his decision, John Cena comes out and he walks to the ring. Before anyone can speak, the “soft spoken, hard hitting” ECW Champion Bobby Lashley comes to the ring. Not to feel left out, the World Champion Batista comes to the ring. Taker walks the line as he stares into the souls of the three champions. Before we get a word from the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels comes to the ring. Shawn has a mic and he says that he has been a party crasher lately, but it looks like the Undertaker has made his decision. That leaves the WWE champion, John Cena without an opponent at Wrestlemania. Randy Orton comes out and he says that Shawn Michaels is not challenging anyone because he is going to face John Cena at Wrestlemania. He says that he is not asking it, he is demanding it. He will be the next WWE Champion. Edge interrupts his tag team partner and comes out. Edge wants to make sure that he is absolutely clear. He has never lost at Wrestlemania so he takes precedence over Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, and everyone else. He does not need to ask for a title match. It is his god given right to get the title match.

There is NO CHANCE that Vince McMahon would not miss out on the festivities and he comes out to address everyone in and around the ring. Vince wants to know what in God’s name they are doing in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa. Vince says that it looks like everyone is challenging John Cena, but nobody is challenging Bobby Lashley. Maybe it is because Bobby Lashley is the best champion standing in the ring right now. There must be someone in the Raw locker room to challenge Bobby Lashley. Tonight, he will defend the ECW Title on Raw. Vince says that Batista knows that he will be facing the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, so he wants to know who John Cena will defend the title against. Vince says that we will find out tonight as Randy Orton will face Edge and Shawn Michaels in a Triple Threat match. The winner of the match will face John Cena at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title. Vince says that he is not going to drop thousands of dollars on the fans because that is not his style. That Triple Threat match is giving the fans value.

Taker and Batista remain in the ring and before Batista leaves the ring, he turns around and sees the Undertaker staring at him. Batista moves into the center of the ring and he gets face to face with Taker and he holds up the title belt. Taker with a choke slam to Batista. Taker walks to the entrance and then he turns around and sees Batista on his feet and we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Undertaker’s decision to face Batista at Wrestlemania. Then we see Taker choke slamming Batista.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about the Raw and Smackdown title matches at Wrestlemania.

Carlito (with Torrie Wilson) and Cryme Tyme versus Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Masters

Carlito kicks Masters as he enters the ring while Cryme Tyme square off with Benjamin and Haas. Benjamin and JTG are in the ring and Benjamin with a kick. JTG with a Lou Thesz Press and punches. JTG backs Benjamin into the corner, but Benjamin with a knee lift. Haas tags in and he punches JTG and slams his head into the turnbuckles. Haas with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Haas with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Haas sends JTG into Masters’s boot and then Masters is tagged in. Masters with forearms to JTG followed by an elbow. Haas is tagged back in and Haas with a series of kicks. Haas knocks Shad off the apron and then he returns to JTG with a knee. Haas tries for a suplex, but JTG floats over and Carlito tags in and hits clotheslines to Haas and Benjamin. Carlito knocks Masters off the apron and then he hits a springboard back elbow to Haas and Benjamin. Carlito with a drop kick to Masters followed by a knee lift. Masters tries for the Master Lock, but Carlito drops down. Shad clotheslines Masters over the top rope to the floor. Carlito with a drop kick to Haas. JTG pulls Benjamin out of the ring. Carlito hits a rana on Haas followed by a rollup, but Masters distracts the ref. Benjamin hits a blockbuster on Carlito and that allows Haas to get the three count. We go to commercial.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, and Chris Masters

We are back with a look at Vince McMahon’s Fan Appreciation Show and Donald Trump’s appearance on the TitanTron and Trump dropping money for the fans.

Vince McMahon is in the McOffice with Jonathan Coachman. Vince says that the fans do not want cash; they want value, like the Triple Threat match. Kenny comes in and he says that he did not mean to interrupt. Kenny says that he wants to face Bobby Lashley tonight. Vince says that if Kenny wins tonight, he will be the youngest WWE champion. Vince gives Kenny the match. Coach says that he got a letter from Mr. Trump earlier today. Vince yells at Coach for giving it to him so late. Vince reads the letter and he does not look happy. Vince reads the letter and Trump says that he got so many compliments for what he did by dropping money. Next week, he will be on Raw in the ring with a business proposal that will change Vince’s life forever. Coach says that he is going to have security ban Trump next week. Vince says that he does not want Trump banned. It will be the first time that two billionaires will be in the ring. That night, Donald Trump will join an elite club.

Maria is in the interview area with Ric Flair. Flair talks about Wrestlemania and how Batista will face the Undertaker. That match gives him goose bumps. Then he talks about the Triple Threat match for the Raw Title match. The passion grows in him every day. Tonight, he will beat Jeff Hardy and will go to Wrestlemania as the Intercontinental Champion.

Candice and Melina are in the back and they talk about Candice’s Super Bowl ad. Candice says the spotlight will be on Melina when she wins the Women’s title. Johnny Nitro enters after Candice leaves. Nitro says that Melina will not have to worry about Super Crazy because of what he did to Melina. Melina wants to know if the paparazzi will be there for Melina when she wins the title. We go to commercial.

We are back and Balls Mahoney is in the ring. Jonathan Coachman comes out and he tells everyone that Balls Mahoney is in the ring and that he is an ECW original. Coach says that he has had some problems with ECW originals. Vince will take care of that tomorrow, but there is someone who has been hand picked to take care of him tonight.

Balls Mahoney versus Umaga (with Armando Alejandro Estrada)

Balls punches Umaga and he shakes them off like it was nothing. Umaga blocks a kick and then Umaga kicks Balls and chokes him in the ropes. Umaga kicks Balls in the chest and then he goes up to the second turnbuckle for a splash to Balls’s back while he is on the ropes. Umaga with a Samoan Drop to Mahoney and then he puts Balls in the corner. Umaga with a running butt splash to Mahoney’s head. Estrada command Umaga to use the Samoan Spike and Umaga gets the three count. We go to commercial.

Winner: Umaga

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Melina telling Mickie James that she is going to win the title and Super Crazy slapping Melina with Mickie’s hand.

Johnny Nitro (with Melina) versus Super Crazy (with Mickie James)

Nitro with a kick to Crazy followed by a European uppercut. Nitro punches Crazy followed by an elbow to Crazy. Crazy with a sunset flip on a charge into the corner for a two count. Nitro with a neck breaker followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Nitro with a neck vice by Crazy as he applies pressure to Crazy’s neck. Crazy punches Nitro in the midsection, but Nitro responds with a knee. Crazy with a drop kick to Nitro followed by forearms. Melina trips Crazy and Nitro gets a rollup for a two count. Melina gets on the apron. Mickie trips Nitro and Crazy with two drop kicks and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Crazy with a slam and then he goes up top, but Nitro punches Crazy in the back. Nitro with a belly-to-back suplex attempt from the second turnbuckle. Crazy knocks Nitro off and then he hits a moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Super Crazy

WWE Women’s Title
Melina vs Mickie James

Melina and Mickie roll around on the mat with Mickie punching Melina. Melina with a hammer lock but Mickie reverses. Melina with a kick to Mickie’s head and then she takes Mickie down. Mickie sends Melina into the ropes and Mickie gets ready to punch Melina. Melina with a kick to the abdomen. Mickie with a monkey flip and Melina goes into the ropes. Melina rolls outside to talk to Nitro. Mickie tries to pull Melina back into the ring, but Melina pulls Mickie across the top rope. Melina with a head scissors and rollup for a two count. Melina with a clothesline for a two count. Melina works on Mickie’s legs and then she slams Mickie’s face into the mat. Mickie with an elbow to Melina followed by a snap mare. Mickie tosses Mickie down by the hair. Melina with a forearm to Mickie, but Mickie responds in kind. Mickie with the advantage with forearms and then she throws Melina down to the mat. Mickie with clotheslines. Melina with an Irish whip but Mickie with a head scissors take down. Crazy takes Nitro down on the floor. Melina with a rake of the eyes, but Mickie with a back kick to Melina. Melina sends Mickie outside the ring to the floor. Mickie with a shoulder from the apron and then she goes for a sunset flip, but Melina holds on to the ropes. The referee tells Melina to let go and Mickie gets the three count with a sunset flip.

Winner: Mickie James

After the match:
The paparazzi enter the ring while Nitro tries to hold Melina back. Nitro goes after the photographers.

We go to the locker room where Shawn Michaels is getting ready. Cena enters and Michaels says that he knows that Cena is here to wish him luck because it would be a classic match at Wrestlemania. Cena says that he wants Edge to win since he knows that he can beat Edge. Cena tells Shawn that he wants Shawn to be safe since they are still the tag champions. We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that Donald Trump will be on Raw next Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern.

Jeff Hardy versus Ric Flair

Hardy with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Flair with a side head lock and hammer lock followed by a woooo from Flair. Flair pushes Hardy and Hardy slaps Flair. Flair chops Hardy in the corner. Hardy responds with a kick and punches in the corner. Hardy hurts his knee as he floats over on an Irish whip. Flair clips Hardy’s knee and then he kicks the knee. Flair puts Hardy’s leg in the ropes and he kicks the knee and chops Hardy. Flair takes Hardy down to the mat while he holds on to the leg. Hardy hits an enzuigiri and Flair does the Flair Flop. Hardy with a jawbreaker to Flair and then he punches Flair. Hardy with a back body drop followed by a flying double sledge and back elbow. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind and then he kicks Flair and hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes up top for the Swanton but Flair rolls out of the way. Hardy holds on to his leg and Flair gets back to his feet. Flair stomps on Hardy’s knee and leg. Flair wrenches the knee and then he struts before trying to put Hardy in the figure four. Hardy with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match
Flair gets in Hardy’s face and Flair shakes Hardy’s hand. Hardy bows to Flair. We go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment of Taker selecting Batista for the World Title at Wrestlemania. We also see Taker choke slam Batista.

Todd Grisham is in the interview area with Batista. Todd asks Batista for comments on what happened earlier with Taker. Batista says that he is not intimidated and that paybacks are a bitch. He says that he will successfully defend his title at Wrestlemania. As for No Way Out, he has no problem teaming with the Undertaker.

ECW Title Match
Kenny Dykstra versus Bobby Lashley

Lashley tries for a leg take down, but Dykstra gets to the ropes. They lock up and Lashley backs Dykstra into the corner, but Dykstra reverses the situation. Lashley sends Dykstra down to the mat. Dykstra punches Lashley, but Lashley punches Dykstra and Dykstra goes over the top rope to the floor. Lashley brings Dykstra back into the ring and he tosses Kenny into the corner. Lashley grabs Dykstra on a float over, but Dykstra holds on to the ropes. Lashley sends Dykstra to the floor. Dykstra with a drop kick to Lashley’s knees on the floor. Dykstra rolls Lashley back into the ring and then he gets a two count. Dykstra with a punch and kick to Lashley and he gets another two count. Dykstra with a kick to Lashley’s head followed by a boot to the head and an elbow to the back. Dykstra with a flying back elbow for a near fall. Dykstra with a rear chin lock on Lashley. Dykstra with a sleeper to Lashley and Lashley tries for a belly-to-back but Dykstra lands on his feet. Lashley with two clotheslines and a punch. Dykstra with a boot when Lashley charges into the corner. Lashley hits an Exploder and then he kicks Lashley in the midsection. Dykstra with a drop kick that sends Lashley outside the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Dykstra has Lashley in a front face lock on the mat. We see footage during the commercial when Lashley ran into the ring post with his shoulder. Lashley returns to his feet and Dykstra with an elbow to the back of the neck. Dykstra with a near fall into a front face lock one more time. Lashley tosses Dykstra and then hits a back body drop and biel. Lashley with a delayed vertical suplex. Lashley sets for the spear, but he runs into a boot from Dykstra. Lashley gets Dykstra up for a press slam and then turns it into a power slam for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Randy Orton is getting ready in the locker room and Edge enters. Randy says that there is no strategizing because it is a Triple Threat Match. All he cares about is winning the match to face John Cena for the title at Wrestlemania. Edge says that he knows that they will not be a team. Edge says that if they have any pride, it will not be Shawn Michaels.

Carlito and Torrie are walking in the back and they see Ric Flair and say good-bye. Flair wants to know where they went. Flair reminds Carlito that he lost and then he wants to know why they are not going to stay to watch the Triple Threat match. Flair says that there is a reason why guys like Carlito are not in the main event. He calls Carlito a lazy, underachieving son of a bitch who is lucky to be walking the halls of this building and on the Raw roster. Carlito wants to know what Flair’s problems are. Carlito says that guys like him have no passion and no guts. They want all of the money and the glory, but they do not deserve it. He tells Carlito that he is trying to figure out why guys like Carlito are taking his spot. Flair says that he is going to work his ass off to stay. Flair says that McMahon told him that he needs to prove he belongs. Flair says that Carlito needs to prove to himself that he belongs. Flair says that he is trying to figure out who he is while Carlito is leaving. Flair walks away.

We see a split screen of Edge, Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels walking to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: John Cena and Shawn Michaels winning the World Tag Titles last week from Randy Orton and Edge.

Determine John Cena’s opponent at Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels vs Edge vs Randy Orton

All three men exchange punches as the match begins. Edge punches Michaels while Orton holds Michaels. Edge and Orton kick Michaels. Edge with an Irish whip to Michaels and Orton punches Michaels. Orton with a hard Irish whip to Michaels. Edge and Orton try for a double clothesline, but Michaels with a double clothesline of his own. Michaels with a reverse atomic drop to Edge and then Orton. Michaels with a flying forearm to Edge and then he kips up before sending Orton over the top rope to the floor. Edge slams Edge and then he goes up top after favoring his back. Orton pushes Michaels off the top turnbuckle and Michaels lands hard on his back. Edge and Orton with a double clothesline that sends Michaels over the top rope to the floor. Orton stares at Edge as if he was going to hit an RKO and Edge wants to know what Orton is doing. We go to commercial.

We are back and Edge has Michaels in a sleeper and then Edge and Michaels back body drop a charging Orton over the top rope to the floor. Michaels with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Michaels with a baseball slide to Orton that sends Orton into the announce table. Michaels with a Lou Thesz Press, but Edge responds with a hard kick to Michaels’s head for a two count. Edge punches Michaels in the head. Edge with a back breaker for a two count. Edge slams Michaels and then he goes to the apron and goes up top, but Michaels crotches him. Michaels tries for a superplex, but Edge blocks it and he knocks Michaels down. Edge stays up top but Michaels is sent into the corner and Edge is crotched and he goes to the floor. Orton with a backbreaker for a two count. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Michaels followed by a knee drop for a two count. Orton with a punch and European uppercuts to Michaels followed by a forearm to the back. Orton with a drop kick for a two count. Orton with European uppercuts to Michaels, but Orton gets greedy and Michaels with a back slide for a two count. Orton hits an RKO, but Edge pulls Orton off Michaels. Edge covers Michaels but Orton pulls Edge off. Edge and Orton have words and then Orton and Edge exchange blows. Edge offers his hand to Orton and Orton shakes it. It was a trap as both men punch the other. Edge with a kick to Orton. Edge blocks an RKO attempt and Edge sets for a spear, but Orton with a leap frog and both men are down. Each man hits a cross body at the same time and Edge and Orton are down. Michaels returns to the ring and he goes up top and hits an elbow drop on Edge. All three men are down in the ring. Michaels gets to his feet first and he sets for Sweet Chin Music. Edge moves out of the way and Orton holds Michaels’s leg. Michaels sends Edge into Orton for a spear and then he hits a superkick on Edge for the three count.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

After the match
John Cena is in the ring with his title belt. Michaels and Cena are face-to-face but they are interrupted by Batista’s music. Batista takes off his title belt and the lights go out and things get blue as we see the Undertaker rise from the stage. Batista gets in Taker’s face. Taker and Batista turn their attention to Cena and Michaels. Jim Ross points out that the tag teams at No Way Out will include the two men to square off for the titles at Wrestlemania. We go to credits.

02-06-2007, 04:07 PM
i saw raw it was 1 of the best raws in a while