View Full Version : Melina In The Doghouse, Super Crazy's Push, New Talent

02-08-2007, 11:02 AM
Source: Bryan Alvarez Of F4WOnline.com

Melina is in the WWE doghouse. The losses for her and Nitro (since he is dating her) were "messages" sent to them to shape up.

Super Crazy is in line for a "comedy" push, which is why he has had so much TV time the last few weeks as well as wins over Nitro and Masters.

WWE is working very hard to get Mistico and Shocker to work four WWE dates in March

02-08-2007, 02:20 PM
I'm not sure but weren't Nitro and Melina in the dog house before they came to Raw?

02-08-2007, 07:35 PM
they were cos the wwe split up mnm because melina and nitro were getting big headed backstage so for them to back in the doghouse again is quite stupid on their part

The Major
02-08-2007, 07:57 PM
well, i dont like either of them to be honest.. but i dont want them to get themselves fired. i dont like TNA lol they could be great in ring competors..

02-08-2007, 10:21 PM
man i hope they get mystiko and shocker yo los veo en la AAA Y LA LLL Y UNOS VAN PARA LA CMLL MYSTIKO IS LIKE A SKINNY MYSTERIO

02-08-2007, 10:42 PM
i want melina to pose naked lol but i dont like the group