View Full Version : Mrs. TRIMSPA: "Chyna is a Stalker!"

02-09-2007, 05:13 AM
Actress Joanie Laurer (aka Chyna Doll) and Monique Goen, wife of TRIMSPA CEO Alex Goen, went head to head tonight on CNN's Larry King Live over the death of Anna Nicole.

In the live interview, a weepy Chyna Doll told King she "saw this coming" and that she felt sorry for her friend Anna because people often made fun of her. Chyna said that she was often invited by Anna "to come over and hang out at the pool." Goen objected, claiming Chyna was not a friend of Anna's, and was using her tragic death to put herself in the limelight, to which Laurer replied that she didn't need the publicity because, "I get my own."

Goen then claimed that at Anna's son's funeral, Goen asked Anna why her friend Chyna was not present. Goen says Anna called Chyna "a stalker" and said that she was not friends with her. Chyna retorted that Goen needed "to go run out and get some TRIMSPA."
