View Full Version : WWE Smackdown/Ecw Super Show from Vancouver B.C Canada

02-11-2007, 09:03 AM
Well I just back from this House show and thought to post what happened.

So the night started out with Helms wanting to vs a heavy weight so out comes one of the heavest Kane. Basically a squash match of helms which saw kane hit the choke slam for the win.

Next was Ecw originals Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahony vs Elija Burke and Monty Brown(yes i know hes not Monty Brown anymore but I dont care). First I want to say If this was either Montys or Elijas theme music which was played( nelly #1 and disturbed sickness mixed together ) it was awsome sounding. I have to give it up to Elija for working the crowd. Tommy Dreamer and Balls won the match. A fan really got in the face of Dreamer and Dreamer didn't take it so he decided to dish it right back.

Next was Jimmy Wang Yang vs Mercury. In my opinion this was one of the best matches of the night. Jimmy Wang Yang is good in ring and so was Mercury. There where some Hardy chants and some Nitro chants. Jimmy Wang Yag may have injured his knee in the match when he landed wrong from a moonsault. Mercury got the win.

No it was time for the Diva Body Contest.Out comes Smackdowns Numba 1 announcer Funaki who was the host for this. So Michel McCool came out, then Rebeeca, Kelly Kelly (who was basically naked, i like) and Jillian Hall who wanted to sing instead of showing her body. The fans cheered for Kelly Kelly the most and Jillian got pissed and wanted Funakis Surprise well the Surprise was a squriting from Big Dick Johnson.

Now here comes Kevin Thorn and Ariel to the ring. We had a geat view of Ariels ass the whole time. Thorn would vs CM Punk who got a huge Pop from the crowd. Thorn basically was in control the whole match until the end when Punk fought back with a Knee in the corner. I thought Punk would win but to mine and everyone elses surprise Thorn won with using his Cane to Punk throat.

Ok now we have alittle intermission ........

Ok next match was William Regal who was way over with the crowd and Dave Taylor vs London and Kendrick for the tag titles. Pretty good match missed the end of it becuase the person infront of me decided to leave right at the finish of the match. All I know is London And Kendrick won. Regal was way over in this match for some reason I have no clue.

Next up Benoit vs Chavo. Chavo came out to a whole lot of boos and major Eddie chants. Benoit Came out and the cheers where load. Alot of false finishes but it ended with Chavo tapping out to the cross face. Whenever Benoit went for the SharpShooter there were load cheers and Bret chants.

Next comes our replacement ECW maintevent because Lashley either got stuck at the border or just no showed. So the new ECW mainevent as Hardcore Holly vs RVD. RVD was over huge. Before the show he came out to the parking lot for photos. This was an extreme rules match to bad there wasnt anything extreme in the match unless you call a chair extreme. RVD hit the frogsplash for the win. Holly was left in the ring and got a big cheer from everyone and shoke hands as he left.

Now to the most boring match I have seen in a long time(thanks Batista for sucking so much you roided up ass). Well anyways it was MVP and Kennedy vs Batista and The undertaker. Kennedy comes out to a fairly large pop, so it was time to do his microphone drop from the ceiling but opps no mic so Tony Chimmel helped Kennedy out by dropping the Mic from his hand. Kennedy Cut a promo on Vancouver and how its a shit hole compared to Green Bay. He is pretty impressive on the mic. Out comes MVP to alittle pop. Here comes overrate Batista to a huge pop almost as loud as Regals(I klnow its pretty screwed) and Undertaker come out to the Loudest pop of the night. The match was slowy and took forever to start well 10 mins to start. It ended with a Tombstone and a Batista Bomb.

After that Match Taker picks up the title and stares down Batista and eventually drops it and walks off. Batista was getting raged on by my whole section ppl were calling him roid freak, homo, fag and rub on tattoo bitch. It got annoying after the 11 year old started to do it.

All in all it was alright and weird with Regal being really over with the crowd.