View Full Version : Backstage WrestleMania 22 News & Future Spoilers

04-03-2006, 05:52 PM
Backstage WrestleMania 22 News & Future Spoilers
By Ryan Clark

04/03/2006 - As reported here, Rob Van Dam was scheduled to win the Money In The Bank Ladder Match (which he did) and then go on to the ECW PPV and challenge for the title.

It appears that JBL will now claim to be the greatest technical wrestler of all-time because he won titles from both Guerrero and Benoit.

It was obvious that the end of the Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James match ended the wrong way. The match was scheduled to end with the Tratusfaction by Mickie James on Trish Stratus. They went to the quick finish with a chick kick.

credit Edge

04-03-2006, 06:00 PM
uhhh yeah the Mickie/ Trish thing was obvious, it didn't bother me though, what did was the crowds reaction, is there no respect for the performers?

04-03-2006, 06:26 PM
meh .. reported there lol i said it here months ago .. lol

JBL will really push the heel role now.

Thanx for the news W-OLF.

04-03-2006, 11:31 PM
The crowd was great last night. I felt bad for JR trying to safe face for Trish. But that ending did look bad, maybe Trish was ligit injured when she kicked the post.