View Full Version : Couric May Have Reached Deal With CBS

04-04-2006, 05:50 PM
UNDATED (AP) - Katie Couric, long-time co-host and star of NBC's "Today" show, is reportedly about to switch networks and trade in morning talk for the anchor's chair.

The Washington Post and USA Today both report on their Web sites that negotiators for Couric and CBS have reached a tentative deal. The reports say Couric will succeed Bob Schieffer as anchor of the "CBS Evening News" and become a regular on "60 Minutes." The CBS news broadcast is currently in third place. The deal would make Couric the first solo female network news anchor.

Speculation about the move has been rampant for nearly a year.

The two networks haven't commented on the latest reports.
credit BellSouth

04-04-2006, 07:02 PM
It would be sad to see her leave the Today show but she's going on to do bigger things in her career.

04-04-2006, 09:44 PM
Iam not sure but if she does make the move to CBS will she become the first woman to anchor the main eevening news on Network TV?

04-05-2006, 12:50 PM
I wish her luck if she chooses to move to CBS, but it will be sad to see her go, because she has great chemistry with Matt, Anne and Al especially, and it would not be the same without her :(