View Full Version : My Blog

Sunshine Acid
02-21-2007, 06:47 AM
Yes how exciting, I am creating a blog here...In fact I hate that word blog. Its more of a random thoughts entry type deal.....

Don't know if I am going to update it hourly, daily, every other day, weekly, monthly, yearly, decadely, whenever I feel like it, or even at all. Your guess is just as good as mine. But here is the first entry...for today.

Entry for Febuary (Well I dont know the date exactly, but im sure thats pointless annyhow cause doesnt it say it on the top of each post?)

Well today has been a sorta of interesting day in my mind, not out of the ordinary or much different but my thoughts were kinda all over the place. Its on the eve after a night of a hellishly bad trip turned great trip. Right now I am in one of those dark beatnik kinda careless moods, intruiged by pain and bleakness. I've been kinda obsessed with the idea of death being inevitable but yet feared none the less. Dying doesn't bother me too much, of course I'd choose not to right this moment for the reason there are still things I want to do and know. But if I absolutley must die right now I wouldn't have a problem with it. I would like someone to explain to me the popular fear of no longer existing. I mean all of us didn't exist for the majortiy of time anyway but we didn't fear it then cause we weren't born yet. So why should we fear the great majority of time where we dont exist after death?

Onto a brighter thought, wouldn't life be alot more interesting if the hue of various things, including the sky, changed every once in a while? Things would seem happy and fresh for a little while. Unless of course it was an ominous emotionless color, that would just make people depressed and they'd probably start killing eachother, including themselves. I suppose that wouldn't go over to well. But the world would certainly be a better place with a pink sky, blue is good and all but too played out we see it too much, we need a change. Well that was more of a random idea I've been thinking about the past 20 minutes, someone has to think of these things.

Another element of thought that bothers me is the idea of time in general, no beginning no end paradox type shit that really gets on my nerves and thoughts. Its literally impossible to sit down and think about time in a serious manner without going absolutely ape shit into a insane, crazed, frusterated fit of seething anger and temporary psychosis. Dont believe me? Try it..or better yet give me a reasonably good explanation of the possibilities of the idea of time. Is a circular cycle possible in which the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning? I could also go into the whole time/relativity talk but thats another idea for another time, when I am feeling more coherent to actually discuss it and not die or foam from the mouth. So before you go to bed tonight, while laying there in the dark, just think about time.....for now I'm out and I'll leave you with random things...(not sure if this is a signature thing to do, or just my mood)

Facts you all need to know:

God and Big Foot play poker on Friday nights in Middle Earth

I dont know how to play poker.

The Beatles are quote "..Bigger than Jesus.."

I'm not religous..

I'll probably have too much to drink this weekend..

JFK, Martin Luther King jr, Bobby Kennedy, and John Lennon were all assassinated

Britney Spears is bald

and....prostitution should be legal, technically, if you really want to know why just ask.

Black Widow
02-21-2007, 09:44 AM
:) i like this blog

Sunshine Acid
02-22-2007, 09:21 AM
LOL, I was soo high when I did this.

02-22-2007, 03:58 PM
I'm thinking the sky could be a different color but not pink maybe like bright orange or something. :D

:shifty: I think Brit is still sexy :)

Also just because u said it I have to ask. Why should prostitution be legal? lol
I really don't want to think about time it would make my brain have to work harder and it already works hard enough.

Sunshine Acid
02-22-2007, 06:37 PM
Because selling is legal, and fucking is legal....so selling fucking should be legal...

02-22-2007, 10:31 PM
Ok u make a good point I will go with ya on that one. I had to ask I couldn't help it.

Rated X
02-23-2007, 04:05 AM
That was a terrible rip off of George Carlin. :hmm:

Sunshine Acid
02-23-2007, 06:23 AM
That was a terrible rip off of George Carlin. :hmm:

Not a rip off a requoting, sorry but the guy makes alot of sense.

02-23-2007, 07:53 AM
LOL, I was soo high when I did this.

lol ... when are you not high?

02-23-2007, 11:20 PM
lol ... when are you not high?


The Major
02-28-2007, 10:22 PM
hh i just read all this.. classic :)
this is why i love Shannon

Black Widow
02-28-2007, 11:06 PM
LOL, I was soo high when I did this.

i should come to you on MSN one day when your high :)

should be fun

Sunshine Acid
03-01-2007, 03:40 AM
i should come to you on MSN one day when your high :)

should be fun

I think I usually am in different varied levels, but I haven't been on msn or here often lately...been busy.

Sunshine Acid
03-04-2007, 06:37 AM
whoraaay a new entry!! A double post? Perhaps, but thats such an "eh" type of forum rule, under no circumstances can you double post. Well it was necessary...so sorry!! I dont think anyone will lose any sleep over it.

And then one day hooraaay the gnomes have found a new way to say ooomraaay.

Anyways, so I went to church the other night after two joints and a yagar bomb, more or less. I went to just survey the scene and analyze...not to cause a disturbance, that woulda depending on what I was on. But at the time i was calm, controlled, and coherent. The setting came across to me as disgusting. Lifeless, quiet sheep, being read stories and preached to. With the occasional "praise be to god" or "amen"...of course recited as it is in the same monotone unicence. All of the drones at the same time with the same responses to the same comments. So sytamatic, there is no life or joy to it. The only hint of life is the sound of a baby crying, or a little kid laughing...innocent infants not poisoned by the crap every in the mass was being fed. I dont know if I was even under the illusion of belief to some sort of religion or gospel I would at least make sure celebrating it and worshipping it was a bit more lively and ecstatic. Like the black churches, full of song, dancing, and life. I guess the image of white, suburban, working class , droneds getting fucked in the ass everyday by religion and government, doing their blind boring and lifeless worship is pretty pathetic to me.

Another thing more pathetic is the church's strong anti-gay view point. But at least all the credibility to that went down the drain when the priests couldnt keep their hands off of the alter boys. Its such a narrow, old fashioned, ignorant point of view. The christian religion is such an example of conditional love.

5 Places in the world I would love to go, and trip/smoke in.

1. Amsterdam
2. Egypt at pyramids (just feels like the area is so rich with the beginning of time on earth, and so ancient...just would be an incredible connection to earth and the universe.)
3. Pompeii or on the shores of the Mediterannian Sea
4. Some place in like Peru or something near some of the ancient ruins.
5. A remote, uninhabited carribean island.

Or how fucking cool would it be to trip in outerspace? Crazy. That would obviously be the ultimate connection to the universe, just tapped right in. I dont know if I could ever handle it. Just tripping face, looking at the earth from the moon...something far out like that.

Thats all for now, peace and love..


and sugar and flowers to all.